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Everything posted by aubiefifty

  1. i am betting jj thinks i am the anti christ............
  2. jj needs to learn how to google some............and as much hate as he spews towards gays and calling me a ped.........i feel the hate jj and you are doing it wrong. one day you will actually say something true on here.
  3. Hey G did i get it wrong? i thought i read where he was a selma boy and loved auburn but went straight to the pro's? the chemicals have addled my brain quite a bit lately. but i am still kicking so i am just warning i get stuff wrong a lot i bet and miss half of it. and you guys put up with it. thank you..............all of you.
  4. if you guys ever missed a wreck tech parade the year i saw them some of the football players were dressed up like women with stuffed bra's wigs and the whole nine yards. i do not remember lipstick on them but maybe mr golf can update us on that?
  5. take a second and ask why we have to explain this to most on the right? they have just thrown out common decency. they did not worry that trump and company give out addresses and such of family members and have never once expressed concern over innocents health.
  6. i am not arguing with anyone today david. we shall disagree.
  7. i loved this and i have been to a wreck tech parade before as a rugrat and a dang tube player snuck upon me and made me jump out of my shoes..........
  8. homie i think i have replaced you as the most hated man on the pol boards.......you are welcome.
  9. come help me change my depends salster. you maga's are full enough of it i bet you could give me some pointers on these dang things..........grins
  10. i am just hoping trump cannot swim...............
  11. sometimes your opinions make me breathless with your take. we are ALL gods children and some would not have that so where is the love. you are the man of mystery on here that never gives a bad take on things. long may you run. i get too worked up and realize that. i have so much on me right now but you lift me up with your posts.
  12. they both look like goobers to me. always trying to tend someone else's business.this country is splitting apart because some want it their way and their way only.
  13. have a good one folks.gonna chill today i believe.dang steroids are not letting me sleep very well.
  14. https://www.yahoo.com/news/nicolle-wallace-flags-slow-moving-100147367.html?
  15. i am just not sure i can see how he can promise big ol this and others who he will take care of for donations. he asked big oilfora billion but i cannot remember if the other offers were detailed. so how can you save when you are selling the government to the highest bidder? i will not pretend i know a lot about the economy and buying groceries for me and the mutts has really hurt me.
  16. and see who is still kicking tomorrow.
  17. i thought this comment was interesting........... Pegues is a really good defender on ball and off ball. Howard is a good rim protector even at the SF spot because of his incredible vertical leap. He was ranked the #1 dunker in high school. He's 6'6" 190 with extreme athletic ability. He'll put on more weight and muscle at Auburn for sure. Pettiford can defend well but he's not an overly great defender. BP will coach him up on that end though. I firmly believe this team will be so much better than last year's team due to better shooters and so many seniors that came back. Then add in the depth with our pressure defense with better guards and I think we have a real shot at winning the SEC. From there, who knows? March Madness is always a crap shoot.
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