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Posts posted by Quietmaninthecorner

  1. 22 minutes ago, nthemix said:

    IMO in the modern college game to be in contention (especially in the SEC) a team needs … at least three very good D lineman, at least four very good O lineman, a quality QB & probably the most important two exceptional CB’s … I’d look at my pay roll (NIL) & adjust accordingly … of course other positions are important BUT if you have these positions locked in I think you can be competitive at a high level 


    but what do you do if you budget can not afford 8-9  4*+players ... AND,  afford to give everyone else  on the team a fair deal?  You can only do so much every year.   We have so many needs it is difficult to prioritize them.   

    an extreme and simple example:  You have the budget ($1M) to get a 5* QB at ($1M)  or two 5*WR, ($500 grand each)?   So it may take 2 years to get all three.   Do you go for a QB in year one, even though you have crappy WRs,  or do you get 2 WRs and wait on the exceptional QB?

    what if you have to pay NIL 100+ players in 4-5 years?  you cant just lowball DBs and RBs and you are competing with other schools for their services also.

    Without a budget that will top other schools at every position (and sport) ,  you are kind of screwed.

    It's a mess.

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  2. 3 minutes ago, cole256 said:

    I guess I need to look at our recruiting a bit and see what we got. I know it better be good though. I really want to get back to dominant defensive lines.

    I'm a defense guy myself.

    Q:  If you have 4 spots  (3 DL  and QB) you need to fill with talent and $1 million,  what are you going to do?  Go for 3   5* DL and average QB ?  or just one 5* QB? (assuming you had a good chance at signing all of them)

    glad I am not making those decisions. 

    It would be interesting to see how much of the total football  NIL budget goes to each player, and compare that to other teams.  And, how each team allocates the NIL per position.  Some may invest heavily in QB  while other in the rest of the team.

    It is all so new,  there is not a lot of data yet.


  3. 6 minutes ago, cole256 said:

    If we are not doing the QB and instead getting some crazy good d ends or d tackles I'd feel a little better, but I'm confused as to why we can't do both. 

    I'm not going to lie though I'm going to laugh if the 5 star wr leave because we don't have a good QB. That would be hilarious to me.

    But besides a great QB I'd say the second most important thing would be Uber athletic d ends. Or actually a crazy good linebacker that can rush. Like a 6’5” guy who can really move. 

    I wonder if it is an NIL issue ATM.  We had/have sooooo many needs across the team that there is just not enough to go around.   Top notch QB$ suck NIL away from the rest of the team (and other sports).   We can afford to go out and get a top notch QB,  but there may not be enough to go around to bring in top notch players at other positions, and we need/needed a lot!   We have been playing from behind the 8 ball with our talent gap.

  4. 4 hours ago, wildlife alumni said:

    I hope he gets some work during bowl practice. At least to see where he is at.

    This video from  3+ months ago  on OTV podcast  with Jason Campbell,  Brown said he is up to 210.   Concentrating on good weight.  (@ 5:42 in vid)


  5. Side note: 

    Anyone have an updated weight on Hank Brown? and/or   how he has looked with the team in practice? I have yet to see him in any kind of realistic practice video.

    The kid intrigues me.   He set records in TN.   CHF "He can make all the throws".   The knock on him was  "TOO skinny"    at 6'4"  195 pounds.      He was about 15 pounds lighter than Thorn.  20 ish pounds lighter than Ashford.

    I remember reading something about Brown a few months ago that he had gained about 9 pounds.  

    Anyone with recent numbers on the guy?


  6. 13 hours ago, Viper said:

    Fielding that punt was the most crucial play in the last 5 mins of the game. Absolutely essential to have Scott field it or let it go.

    I recall Quindarius Carr muffing a punt that almost thwarted the Camback. Cost the team the only 3 points they gave up in the 2nd half. Could have been the game.

    I don’t blame either player for what happened. It’s the ST coach or HC that has to make that call on if it gets fielded or not. If Scott was around 98-99% at that moment, (which he only took 4 plays off, so it sounds like he was) he should have gone in to field it. Again, the ST or HC needs to then dictate what happens next.

    One can say, you have to trust the next man up. Sure, in most cases, next man up, but not fielding the most crucial punt of the game. It almost cost us 2010. It bit us this time. 

    I'm with ya on all but - the 4 plays off was likely not needed.   A stinger on the shoulder can numb your arm for 10 minutes.  Then you are fine.  Not knowing the extent of an  injury and suspecting a fracture or tendon / cartilage damage is a reason for a kid to get checked out before putting him on the field.  Shoulder vs neck injuries can be hard to pinpoint quickly.  Hind sight is 20/20.

  7. I saw flashes of what we could be by the end of the season.   A few stretches of well thought out and well executed plays,  athletic shots and ballhandling. I saw more passing,  all players in the position they need to be covering the correct guy on more plays than the first 2 games.  

    I am exited.    Lots of potential.  final four could be possible if we continue to improve, the ball bounces our way a few times... and we reduce penalties.


  8. 19 minutes ago, cbo said:

    Or look at my posts in this very thread where I say lots of positive things, about the record for the season, specific players, position groups. Or where I defend the D in multiple posts. 

    You have no idea what you’re talking about but I guess you are the kind of rah rah insecure fan that can’t handle if someone posts a single fact that doesn’t bolster your favorite team. 

    yeah,  you say some positive things, some are backhanded compliments,  but you always start off with painting Auburn in the most negative light you can.   

    We just played our most complete game in 2 years.   You should be happy not making excuses why we won.


    Defeatist attitude.

    • Like 1
  9. 3 hours ago, AU120289 said:

    Unless there was more to the original post, I am not sure how stating a fact is defeatist.

    The guy constantly finds anything negative about Auburn,  and is just giddy to post it.  Look through his posts for the last year or so.

  10. On 11/8/2023 at 8:20 AM, ArgoEagle said:

    Last night took the course of a bunch of our losses last year.  We had control of the game and looked sharp in most phases.  In the final 6 minutes their guards looked really good offensively and our guards went cold and laid an egg.  I don't believe and hope this trend does not continue this year.  Also got beat pretty badly in the free throw department & gave up too many offensive rebounds.  But overall I feel really good about the rest of this season.  War Eagle!

    Wait,  What?

    this team is not at all like last year.  Completely deferent personality, very different philosophy,  different player styles.  I guess the "laid an egg at the end" is similar, but almost invariably, every team has losses where they lay an egg at the end.  

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