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  1. Across the NCAA, this is a more a common problem than not. this is not an issue that is uniquely Auburn.
  2. I ask what I always ask. The players give 100%. < not hyperbole. Look competent in every game. win the one's we should, and compete competently against those we are not supposed to. Never give up, and represent Auburn with class and dignity. There is no shame in losing to a better team. the shame and failure (and Losses) is in missing one or more in the list above. That being said, we NEED to start getting more W's.
  3. Lets fix the situation by giving brand new sports cars to players included in their NIL. /s
  4. All this talk about JuJu or his Dad just playing the system for $ and the reason we seem to not be "in it" with JuJu. Do we know this as fact? If there is a chance it is not true, we are ruining any chance at landing him. If I was being recruited and saw some of these accusations about my dad, or if I was the dad, I would be furious at the spin. Mad enough where that school would be out of the running permanently. Even if it was partially true, it would be a major turn off. We really shouldn't make jabs at recruits. Jabs at family members should be OFF LIMITS.
  5. I'm not going to doom and gloom this young man. He can take this. whatever it is. Modern meds can do wonders for just about anything if you are young, and otherwise healthy. He is still a pup. Likely more healthy than any of us on this board. He has probably maintained a specific diet or "healthier diet" than most for years. Lives in a routine, Works cardio etc. YOU GOT THIS ALEX. BEAT IT DOWN!
  6. I hope this young man isn't trying to keep it quiet.
  7. I was talking about in society in general about integrity being lost. It is not just college football. Do, or at least try 100% to do, what you say you are going to do... or don't say it. I think what you are saying is kind of my point. It is all about the $. A man's word means nothing anymore. Heck, legal contract barely mean anything anymore. "I am very heavily leaning toward XXXX." Is as good as "I am 100% committed to XXXXX." You do not give your word as a man until you are really 100% committed. But like I said, I believe most of these kids are just too young. it is not an integrity issue for most that flip. ( I think more recruits get played by the system than recruits play the system. ) I am not against the recruit looking for more and better. Get as much as you can. There is no need to "lie" ( i know, strong word here) about a commitment when you know you are shopping. you can negotiate with integrity. this goes for coaches also. JMO of course.
  8. Integrity is dying. But, I still believe most of these kids are just really young. they get caught up in the excitement. The majority come from a rather boring life and are thrust into negotiating with some of the best high pressure salesmen in the world. Very experienced, silver tongued and charismatic salesman using every physical and phycological technique offering you your dreams. All designed to get a recruit to commit. I am not sure I would be able to stick with "I should wait and see. I have plenty of time" at my ripe old age, let alone when I was 17 years old. The odds are stacked against them sticking with their first or main commitment. Another smooth talking salesman has just shown them something else that they like or want more.
  9. yes. IMHO it still looks like ole mis. I feel there are enough combinations that use the schools actual colors + black, white, grey. mix and match tops/bottoms. etc. Still, IMO, changes could be made to the font, big or little stripes, more or fewer/bigger or smaller AU logos. or "Auburn"s , fit , style whatever, but I do not like it when teams wear a random color jersey during sporting events. It is the exact same color baby blue.
  10. I see being 1A from a different perspective. When I first started coaching baseball. I had just moved and was in a VERY small town where I knew nobody and no one knew me. This was the equivalent of a 1A league. My son was 5. We joined a 5 and under league. Kids were assigned teams. I said "I don't care, just give me a team." Turns out, the locals (as normal) knew the good players and families. But they stacked one team with the best players at the expense of mine. I got only scraps. I only had 9 players. other teams had 14 . The big team had 18... They were undefeated and had never been behind in a game even for one inning. 1 of my kids was only 4 years old. One was 3 and only sat in the field and cried. ( we are talking Bad News Bears 1 type team here) BUT!!!! One of the kids had crack addicted parents. (the reason he was put on my team). Only saw his parents one time. This kid lived with his grandparents. (granddad was obviously a baseball aficionado) This kid was the most talented baseball player I have ever seen. He had perfect fundamentals and form. Always hit the ball and got on base. Could hit, catch and throw amazingly well compared to kids 3-4 years older than he was. He understood the game of baseball at 4 years old. He was my star player, and better than anyone else in the league BY FAR! Just naturally a baseball player. HE had gift from God! Esp when he was being serious. I have heard that coaches can coach for decades and only have 1 player with the telnet that MAY go pro. I had mine on my first team! He was a prodigy. This kid would have ben a 5* where ever he played. Tiny town or big city. He was also hilarious and entertaining to watch! He was so good it was like watching the king and his court. He was actually bored with the game. He would literally MOCK the game of baseball when he knew he was doing well. i.e. When he would hit the ball hard enough and far enough he would run in slow motion, squat down and "duck walk" the bases. Often, Kids on third base , and even second base, would score before this kid would duck walk out of the batters box. (vid link below. BTW the kid refused to use a properly weighted bat in this game he wanted to use his cousins 31 oz -ish bat other videos show his form and fundamentals but this shows how entertaining he was to watch. ) Turns out in the championship game we were beating the stacked team for the first 3 innings. The stack team came back and won in the 4th, but we had their ball sacks shriveled up for over an hour! LOL THE SAD: the kids crack parents took back custody of the kid and he never played ball again. TLDR: Talent can come from anywhere. ^^ Ironically, the two nerdiest players in the league were both named Richard and they meet in the vid above. IF you made it this far, I have dozens of stories about this kid and that specific team.
  11. Seems like that kind of money could be make a dent in marketing Auburn toward recruiting future 5*s. Interest alone is more than some athlete's NIL's. but I have no idea how much these 5* large NIL's are really going for.
  12. Sincerely, does it really make any difference? Some are under rated, some are accurate, and some are over rated. The label "4 star" does not make a player any better than if he was labeled a "3 star". Coaches know star ratings are not that accurate. Stars do not effect talent level. At most, high recruiting rankings can help to recruit other players, but only to a small degree.
  13. This won't end well. How long before some 18 year old, 10 foot tall and bulletproof player kills someone or themselves hot rodding around. Lambos are not toys.
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