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Everything posted by Quietmaninthecorner

  1. https://www.kait8.com/2021/07/22/arkansas-health-dept-confirms-2-child-deaths-covid/ COVID mutates. More and more children are showing up at hospitals. Kids are more at risk now than ever.
  2. There are long term effects already being documented in people that had covid. Lung transplants to sterilizations, brain fog to death. What you are saying sounds logical, but the more people that catch covid, the more this thing is likely to mutate. It is already hitting younger people. The age of hospitalization has dropped in the last couple months. we had 2 children die from it in my state recently. The more unvaccinated people there are the more this is going to start mutating into this... https://www.wate.com/news/1000-breakthrough-cases-of-covid-19-reported-in-tennessee/ https://www.wate.com/news/1000-breakthrough-cases-of-covid-19-reported-in-tennessee/
  3. Further emphasizing your point..... BILLIONS have been administered. Over 2 BILLION and counting world wide.
  4. yep, and it IS mutating quickly. actual headline today. Illinois reporting six times more gamma variant cases than delta The first case of Lambda showed up in texas a few days ago.
  5. It is not about any age group. Anyone that gets covid is increasing the chance of a mutation.
  6. The vaccine is not 100% safe. but it is safer than the virus by a long shot.
  7. I do not think so either. I guess it is possible. We just need to keep it from mutating further.
  8. Why such harsh words? I love Harsin. Harsin hands are tied. He cant demand the team get a vaccine. The team should want to get it. The post wasn't about Alabama being low. The post shows how much safer the vaccine is compared to the virus.
  9. not laughing at all. People should want to get the vaccine. It should not have to come to a mandate. But this will never end without vaccinations. The young wont be spring chickens forever. It has almost been a year and a half already. This thing is mutating and hitting younger people harder. In ten years all these 23 year old seniors will be 33 do they really want this thing to still be around?
  10. All the negative rumors started on social media by the Chinese and Russians to keep Americans from getting the vaccine. This is not just about personal health. It is a world wide pandemic.
  11. Because in your reply, the first thing out of your mouth was a personal attack at me. Tigerpro2a said: "Funny, shows your ignorance... "
  12. https://cov19.cc/ Click the USA button, click alabama, Look at the graph, READ the numbers. You need to learn the difference in opinion and facts, freind
  13. whoa. , agree that our team is not so much at risk, But if they get the virus, even if they show NO symptoms, it s giving the virus ANOHER small chance at mutation. There are too many people with the virus now. If each just has 1 million virus cells in them breading there is a small chance of mutation. If you include everyone's covid cells , there are trillions constantly breading. With everyone there are trillions increasing the chance of mutation.
  14. Don't get mad at me because the science and logic challenged your conspiracy theory. Follow the science. Look at the facts. Do you know anyone that has had any complications other than a headache and being tired the day after getting the vaccine? Out of the 100 or so I know have been vaccinated, NONE have had any problems other than a headache and being tired the day after then shot when their immune system kicks in. Do you know anyone that has had Covid? Any of them have complications or die? Last year I knew about 6 people total that had Covid. I know 12 people that have or had it in In the last 6 weeks. Since feb 2019: 2 died, 4 have been hospitalized and 1 on a vent for 2 weeks. The virus will keep mutating as long as the unwashed refuse the proven vaccine. Most mutations will die out, but is already a delta + and Lambda variant that are as bad or worse than delta.
  15. The more unvaccinated there are, the more this thing is going to mutate. Delta is pretty bad, but Delta+ is worse. Gemma was weak, Jury is still out on Lambda, It is the new kid on the block. Hospitals are filling up again. Gov and insurance companies are talking about trying to stop paying for covid costs for those that are not vaccinated without a legitimate excuse. It is an avoidable cost. Get the free vaccine people.
  16. And yet, I am correct. Controversy sells. The number replies to my post shows how hypocritical some of you really are. One controversial view and some of you lose your s***. Some on this board live to argue, thrive on controversy and are too shallow or naïve to admit it. The controversial posts get so much attention they dominate the other posts. i.e. topics on the board: "what's going on with AD and Lt Gen Burges" 443 replies where no one really knows anything. vs "Nix, Bigsby named to Maxwell Award watch list" 0 replies There are a few "good news" posts that get attention, but in general most good news posts barely make it to double digits in replies. A large percentage of good news posts have ZERO replies. This board is quickly becoming more about attacking others views than discussing football.
  17. AS minor of an offense and controversy as that was...... it is ironic that you did remember that.
  18. It was just the biggest controversial no-no that I could think of. It is just an example. sheeeesh. But tell me honestly. Were you not curious and entertained by the winston scandal?
  19. what is sad is that there are people who will not even admit to themselves that chaos and controversy are entertaining. Again, I am not saying it is the right thing. It is just the way it is. Everyone agreeing is boring. People need to have more respect for others views. Everyone wants everyone else to be tolerant, but no one is willing to change their own tolerance and acceptance levels. This is not a good thing, but it is not boring.
  20. you were not entertained by the forum during that, or the cam newton thing, or our strange coaching search, or the controversy over Gus. Albert Means? Mike Price and hoooker gate? example: <7 years ago who was the Super bowl player that did the super feel good story advertisement for Gillette? >1/4 century ago: Dirty laundry story; What school is know as Fee Shoe University and why? The feel good stories are short lived. the controversy can go on forever.
  21. Feel good stories are not as much fun. I would be so excited for worm, but (admit it or not) it is controversy that entertains. Just look at this board. The more controversial the longer more entertaining the thread. With the good guy and success stories EVERYONE agrees and those topics get glossed over. Not saying it is right, it is just the way it is. It is human nature. People are more interested in dirty laundry, conspiracy theories or someone getting screwed. The more controversial the better. There will be a player that may or may not have committed a no no, a company that "should have vetted better", the controversy over players getting payed. The other conference teams jumping on and attacking. The players team mates opinions, fans trying to defend him. A school that will have to make tough decisions. It will be a perfect storm of entertainment for the masses.
  22. Fun wasn't the best word and used semi-sarcastically. I should have used entertaining. why fun/ entertaining?, because everyone on here likes controversy so much. Some posters love to bitch and moan about anything. When someone gets yanked out of their contract for a morality clause this board will go nuts. If it is a bammer player, even more so. It is going to be interesting. It does push fun as long it is not one of our guys. You know it will happen... prolly at uga THIS year. It wont effect the extreme majority of players who obey rules and laws... and the ones who get caught will deserve it. I think it will be very interesting when the spotlight is turned on those who have been hiding things like rape and other very serious offenses. The Jameis Winston thing was fun and interesting for me. Would have been much more fun if a $500,000 contract with Gatorade was publicly put in play.
  23. It is going to be really fun when some company picks a vibrant young attention seeking hot shot, like Jameis Winston, only to find out their big mouthpiece has rape issues etc. It's just a matter of time.
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