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Posts posted by icanthearyou

  1. LOVE this thread!!!  Our best reoccurring feature.  Excellent, JMR.  Sincerely, excellent.

    I hope we all appreciate just how good Carlton Davis really is.  Every week he forces me to ask myself, is he the best player on our team?  Playing CB in this league is a tough job. Any mistake is often a disaster.  

    I was impressed with the blocking of NCM and Ryan Davis.

    • Like 1
  2. 7 hours ago, lionheartkc said:

    Of course you don't see any reason. You don't get to see practice. None of us have seen enough of John to have a clue what his full capabilities are or aren't. The only thing we know is the coaches know and they want to win, so when he's ready, he will play.

    Sure.  That explains the Clemson game perfectly.  In reality, that might be the one thing we know.  They didn't know and, they still don't know.

    • Like 1
  3. 6 minutes ago, lionheartkc said:

    Which brings us to the point of whether or not he can make the shorter passes, which have been noted as his weakness. Good SEC defenses aren't going to give him all the time in the world to throw 40 yarders every time it's 3rd and long. 

    I want Franklin out there as much as anyone, because he's electric in the open field and has great touch on the long ball, but I'm all for the coaches being smart about it and not just throwing him in the deep end and hoping he can swim.  As I said in another thread, with the weapons he has, he must have one heck of a deficiency for them to make him #2.

    Is he capable of creating the time to throw?  Is he capable of converting third and long with his feet.

    He may well have a deficiency but, so far, I don't see any reason not to give him a series or two in every game, particularly if we are struggling offensively.

  4. 17 minutes ago, lionheartkc said:

    Don't forget, the only reason that he made the great touchdown throw was that ULM stopped the run twice. If ULM can scheme to stop him on the ground after only one 2 play drive, you better believe that SEC defenses can. 

    Well, if that is "stopping the run", I can live with that.  If you bring up the necessary run support and, he throws it over your head for a touchdown, yeah, I guess you could say you stopped the run.

    • Like 1
  5. 5 hours ago, JwgreDeux said:

    Part of Franklin's success is due to the fact that he is rarely on the field. As such, the opponent does not dedicate is game-plan to stopping him. He works as a change of pace at times because the defense is game-planning on Sean White. I think JFIII has some great talents but the more we use him, the more others will game plan for him. 

    They had better game plan the ability to run faster.  MUCH faster.

  6. I think JFIII should get at least one series in each half at QB.  More if we are struggling offensively.  Why bang you head against the wall when, you have a weapon.

    The guy is just too talented to keep on the bench, particularly in a close game.  His ability to create big plays and, his ability to create confusion and wear down a defense needs to be utilized.


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  7. 12 minutes ago, DyeCampAlum said:

    In general, Stat is making lots of sense to me. But one other problem is that Clemson is loaded at receiver. It ain't just Watson. I like our DBs, but nobody matches up well with the balanced playmakers Clemson has.

    Yep.  I am afraid good defense isn't going to be enough.  We are going to need the offense to score in order to keep pressure on them.  

  8. It's all about control. God forbid two kids think they can dictate both going to the same school.....But we want both of them lol

    So, you're saying that what they are doing is just another way of messing with people for the fun of it and you're ok with that?

    Not a betting man but if I were I'd put some cash down on both KB & TD go to AU.

    Well I am a betting man and I will put down some cash on both to AU.

    Betting man? I thought you were a drinking man?

  9. Happy birthday Pops, glad I share the same month with you.  I need to ask a favor of you, Golf, and the others.

    Do you know of anyone who might have recordings, any recordings, of the original Auburn Football radio broadcasts from the 40's.  I asked David Housel a few years back if he knew who might have any but he said he did not think any had survived.  I really, really need anything I could get.  I would greatly appreciate any help.  Please email me if you can help.  Thank you all and War Eagle.

    Afraid not. I believe Housel is correct and would be surprised if any survived

    I really appreciate your efforts Pops.  You are a good man!

    Thanks Golf.  If you ever hear of anything at all, please let me know.  The original AU radio broadcasts were done by my grandfather and I was really hoping to get something for my mother.

    I'm going to make another effort, but I agree with Golf, if Housel couldn't find them, I don't know.  Wouldn't that be a great gift for your Mother though?

  10. Happy birthday Pops, glad I share the same month with you.  I need to ask a favor of you, Golf, and the others.

    Do you know of anyone who might have recordings, any recordings, of the original Auburn Football radio broadcasts from the 40's.  I asked David Housel a few years back if he knew who might have any but he said he did not think any had survived.  I really, really need anything I could get.  I would greatly appreciate any help.  Please email me if you can help.  Thank you all and War Eagle.

    Afraid not. I believe Housel is correct and would be surprised if any survived

    Thanks Golf.  If you ever hear of anything at all, please let me know.  The original AU radio broadcasts were done by my grandfather and I was really hoping to get something for my mother.

  11. Happy birthday Pops, glad I share the same month with you.  I need to ask a favor of you, Golf, and the others.

    Do you know of anyone who might have recordings, any recordings, of the original Auburn Football radio broadcasts from the 40's.  I asked David Housel a few years back if he knew who might have any but he said he did not think any had survived.  I really, really need anything I could get.  I would greatly appreciate any help.  Please email me if you can help.  Thank you all and War Eagle.

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