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icanthearyou last won the day on April 20 2023

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About icanthearyou

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  1. Disappointed that we did not pick up another center in the portal so, we could move Broome to the 4.
  2. Corporate interests run this country regardless of which party is in power. To what degree is the only matter of conjecture.
  3. The failure belongs to an ignorant populace who traded critical thinking for ideology, who traded principles for personal interests and power. Freedumb.
  4. Never help the stranger or the least of those among you. Use them as political fodder for,,, they are sub human and, deserve no love, no pity, no mercy. Unless they bring substantial capital, send them away.
  5. Forgiving people of their debts? What an ignorant concept. What kind of moron would advocate or, support such a notion. Fake money is much more importa nt than real people.
  6. What brought Jesus the first time will likely bring Jesus again.
  7. So, the Palestinians should give up their land, move to Egypt in order to live? Your "justification" is nonsensical or,,, completely disingenuous.
  8. You certainly cannot if,,, you are not even attempting.
  9. True. Nothing changes without ending paid lobbying and, extreme campaign finance reform. The government cannot be for sale. It is even for sale to interests outside the country. Partisan politics is the perfect diversion. It amuses and confuses the masses. Classic divide and conquer. Ideological idiocy destroying reason, common sense, truth, justice, compassion,,, humanity. We listen to people who justify policy by virtue of ideology. We should be more concerned with principles.
  10. I cannot understand how some can believe in the "sanctity of human life" and then, believe that food and healthcare are not basic human rights.
  11. As a taxpayer, I would prefer more money going into education than, continually spending ridiculous amounts on military hardware.
  12. Relative equality would help. As inequality grows, society declines.
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