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Everything posted by ToraGirl

  1. Auburn City Schools , 1972-1984. School lunch menu for Mondays...pizza (rectangular), corn, salad, maybe green beans, likely a roll, and a cookie, I think. That was pre-Michelle Obama. Pic is close. 🤣🤣🤣
  2. She cracked me up with that. "Kids say the darnedness things!" I also lost it over Brussels sprouts. I have tried and tried..many different ways. I just can't.
  3. Ask her...now I am super-curious! Mine said they wouldn't eat kidneys, haggis, blood sausage, or black pudding either! 🤣🤣🤣 And I love all things Irish ('cept that) and most things British!
  4. Just some of the many reasons I love February in the elementary classroom...so much TO love...dental/heart health, Black History, 100th Day of School (today!), Global Day of Play (tomorrow!), Valentine's Day (you pray NOW, please!), Presidents & Patriotism then and now, annnnnd Punxsutawney Phil's prognostications!
  5. I so admire that you were able to quit! My dad was a diabetic and never should have started...but I think he was rebelling against an overprotective older mom. 😁 Fortunately he laid it down, as well. Thank you so much for your service! Spain is a bucket list for me!
  6. Yes...but not worldwide. Many parts of Europe and Japan, for instance...I always forget until I'm surrounded...🤢🤮🤣
  7. So cool, Gr82! As we are birthing a church, I get it! John Z. is "Little Johnny Zenor"...close to my brother's age, lived up the street. Whoever knows what we all become! ❤
  8. I was SHOCKED to move to the "fair capital city" in 1994 (aka, the Gump) and find NO KROGER...then or now. We have since lost EarthFare, Pier1, and World Market. Pitiful. Thank goodness for Auburn!
  9. A&P! I remember...one of Mama's favorites...but I tell you, that Kroger is now the envy of the world. It was amazing even before the renovation...
  10. Ahhhh...do you mean "Stupid Foods"...I keed! Super Foods! That was bittersweet in that the pedestrian-dependent students lost a neighborhood grocery! But for AUMC, it was too good to pass up. They've acquired the old Saint Michael's Catholic Church and parking lot/s and apartments to the left of SF, too. Massive expansion in the George Mathison years. We were in Kentucky for seminary by then... Thanks so much on the pic! He was, still is. Happy to be in a new season of life. But we all loved it. Neat about Byron's!
  11. Yes! Yes it was! Though we often dreamed of escaping to an out of state university. Took it for granted, ashamed to say. Not that my peers were cool...LOL...real funky mix of university-related plus "town and gown" plus regular folks. I would say I am who I am today because of the blessing of huge multicultural exposure. These incredible internationals left us in awe...or me, anyway...by their accomplishments while growing up here and in what they've gone on to do. I'm the richer for being included in their cultural festivals and in simply hanging out and doing life. Would say...not much at the time for Auburn youth to do except, if you were "that crowd", try to sneak into frat parties way underage...
  12. That's the ❤ of Auburn I remember! Yep on Chinese...at least once...what was the one down from Toomers, before Cheeburger? The above was the AM rendezvous stop for the BY 506...systematic botany...April field trips to caravan to the Annual Wildflower Pilgrimage in the Smokies. Talk about kid-Heaven, hanging with and occasionally crushing on Daddy's students! (and cringing to grade some of their exams...bless 'em...he was tough...)
  13. They DO have a KILLER, economical breakfast...best biscuits anywhere. Not that @passthebiscuits cares.
  14. YES. That. I'm not bbq-picky. AMAZING chef salad. Good pies when I rarely indulged. Cue stew....YES! (I do like big rocking chairs too.) Country's in Prattville just closed after 37 years...
  15. Hey, Salty, his sweet grandson is one of my WorldChangers this year. JP used to give my dad extra large portions of BBQ when he would walk over from his Funchess Hall office for lunch...his last stages of cancer. Heart of gold. The sauce recipe has been requested...but not given to date. 🤣 Here's a shot of my mom and JP.
  16. I'd be with you there. Yuck. I...wonder...what they were "on" when they came up with THOSE!?!
  17. Kaz!!!!! I remember! I think you're right...Darnells/area was several things. Old Tiger Theater, too, not far. I liked WEGL after the fact, weirdo me. I love alternative, as in "REM/Smithereens/etc." before they were Top 40, and it was on that station that I first heard "Snow/Hey O" by the RH Chili Peppers...couple of decades AFTER undergrad! Still can't get enough of that baseline. 🤣🤣 Maybe it takes the flavor of whomever is majoring in broadcasting...
  18. Annnnnnd....excellent public schools without Mountain Brook traffic! Opelika has come on strong, too. Great opportunities, at least from my time there. Three primary schools, 1970-1990-ish. Over double that now...just primary. The new Auburn High is grades 10-12, with the former Samford Ave facility serving JUST 8 and 9, I believe. It's really wild...
  19. Thats right! Leno! There could surely have been a comedy club! Did you listen to WEGL? Do you remember a shoe store down from Toomers...the Bootery? That was my Greely's! Always had to work on game day, though...biggggg bizness...and our beloved Mr. Childs had forever season tix.
  20. While we are on 1984 to 1988...we had some GREAT acts come through...Coliseum! I saw Lionel Richie, the Pointer Sisters, Dana Carvey, Chicago, Alabama...and I missed on Tina Turner. Don Knotts then or after, when we lived close enough. Can anyone add to my list?
  21. This bald eagle swooped down for roadkill near Lake Martin, and I had a great DUH moment that Alabama actually has bald eagles...have only ever seen one in Washington State...
  22. And in the name of progress..."Foy Union" now looks more like this...food court and all. Chick FilA and Starbucks were hopping yesterday for MLK, b/c the library was closed. Would you believe we found out later that our son was on the other side of the building, same floor, studying, phone off, same time as our hangout? We couldn't reach him until a few hours later when we were driving home...#missedmyhug
  23. He beat me! Grew up there, AU 1984-88...remember all three names. Agree...didn't know they tore it down. Ryan's, Hungry Hunter,...Opelika Road was hopping! Miss Denaro's "Pay What U Think It's Worth" night! Remember Darnell's fondly. Our years were in sync.
  24. Our classroom LIVE tree, morphed into Winter Wonderland...first day back today. So sweet. Their snowflakes coming.
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