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Posts posted by eagle12

  1. 1 minute ago, Eagle Eye 7 said:

    Do you think that it wasn’t till the second half of the iron bowl before we started having problems? Never in AU history have we lost three straight games after having a double digit lead on the other team. Maybe y’all should step back from the keyboard and look at how bad we were in the last 3 games. Really bad. 

    That’s what I meant by the second half debacles .

  2. 1 minute ago, Eagle Eye 7 said:

    Yep I remember this same crowd when I said in 2019 when they kept Gus that 2020 would be his last. And a bunch of you same folks said no way would we pay 20 mil to buy Gus out in 2020. I know you guys won’t admit it was you. I can probably go back and find your comments for you if you would like. If Harsin I has another year like this year he is gone, period and I don’t think he will do any better. I think Bo transfers, I think others follow. We will see. 

    Yeah if he does this again he will be be gone ! But that’s next year 

  3. 2 minutes ago, Eagle Eye 7 said:

    😂🤣😂 you did see where we paid Gus 20 million to leave last year right ? Harsin’s buy out is less than 10 million. It sounds like a lot to you but try and remember AU football is hundreds of million dollar value every year . The school takes in about 150 million and the local economy takes in 5 times that. 10 million is no big deal. And also remember even Gus had to agree to hiring and firing  certain people . You guys need to wake up to the real world of college football. 

    Look if he has to be told to fire him after that brilliant 3rd down call and the other second half debacles then yea they need to fire him. But I think he is smart enough to do it on his own.

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  4. 4 minutes ago, Eagle Eye 7 said:

    Harsin was told to fire BoBo and to make changes elsewhere or he would be fired. Harsin fired Bobo as a move to save his own job. I’m ok with that but I don’t think it changes the game. I’m pretty sure at this point that Harsin is not capable of handling the SEC West nor Alabama on a long term deal. He will by a year but he will be gone by the end of 2022. Mark it down. 

    If they could just fire like normal jobs this would fly. But you really think they are going to say that knowing they would have to buy him out for millions to fire him .

  5. 14 minutes ago, MadtownTiger said:

    This is the story as I understand it.

    While at UF, Mullen and Meyer butted heads over Cam Newton.  Mullen thought it was insane to start Tebow over Cam.

    When Cam left UF, Mullen basically told a few staffers to direct certain boosters to get Cam. They tried their darnedest, and apparently talked money with Cecil, but frankly, AU was a far better opportunity.

    Mullen knew his guys were dirty, and made the assumption Auburn was as well.  Not much happened until it was obvious that Auburn with Cam was going to be very, very special.  As it happens, Mullen's Director of Player Personnel, Jody Wright, someone that knew exactly what they had done, had just taken a job at.....uat.


    Good read! 

    • Like 1
  6. 18 minutes ago, Dual-Threat Rigby said:

    Majestic X and Os guy, but dude is a horrendous recruiter. that's something I haven't acknowledged enough, even though I've wanted him since he got fired.


    Can't have a non-recruiter HC and OC 

    What are or where They ranked  in recruiting this year? 

  7. 14 minutes ago, selias said:

    I'm not happy with the loss either but, what would you have changed and truly why do you think that (spare us all the glorified scrimmage that is A-Day)? The previous staff neglected OL recruiting and the development of players beyond being something akin to gadget player. This game was a gutsy and gritty performance that can be a building block going forward. Whether or not that happens remains to be seen and is entirely dependent on the current staff...BUT I'm not ready to throw the baby out with the bath water.

    A bunch of creative i formation runs after Finley inure. And please on defense they had no time outs. Don’t let them get you deep like they did!

  8. 1 minute ago, selias said:

    2 points. Seriously, 2 points in multiple OT.

    By talent alone, we shouldn't have even been in the game. There are no moral victories in football and I'm not claiming anything of the sort but, I saw a team that fought, gave it everything, believed in their coaches, and took a game they had no business being even in to multiple OTs. Maybe not living in the south has given me a different perspective.

    There is a good possibility that it wouldn’t went to overtime with one or two plays!

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