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Everything posted by EagleFlight34

  1. I'm watching Little League Baseball and wasting time on the internet. I had a busy day, and am tired.
  2. I have yet to venture to that board. i doubt that I will.
  3. What's going on with your way tonight?
  4. Sounds like a dang good night! Tell him congrats!
  5. I think it is just a little slow to post sometimes. Not bad, though. Got any stats?
  6. Anyone else here had trouble with the site being slow to post your posts or not post them at all?
  7. Doing well, Norm. Gotta run for now, though. The jungle, er...I mean yard awaits. Anyone feeling generous enough to take care of it for me? ;D
  8. Have you ever seen how a chicken raised in the confined, controlled atmosphere of a chicken house reacts when placed in a "free range" setting? They may as well be statues. I don't eat much chicken anymore because of the way they are raised. Another note: As you are probably aware, several years ago farmers in AL (and other southern states) started trying to grow corn in cotton country. I am not so happy to report that the corn they are currently growing around here cannot even be killed by roundup. I know it was sprayed no less than 5 times, and volunteer corn plants from last year's crop still came up all over the fields. Now, some will tell you that the majority of corn raised in our area is not for human consumption. They will lead you to believe it is for ethanol use. However, a large portion of the corn grown here is used as feed corn. It is fed to that cattle that makes the beef that Norman was complaining about earlier. If, "You are what you eat." is true, the cows are the corn, and when we eat the beef, it is all passed along. The government doesn't want you to ask questions about your food. They don't want to be forced to provide answers to the questions you ask. Fortunately, thanks to the efforts of a growing number of people, progress is being made.
  9. In that mag, there is an article titled, "Why Homegrown Food is More Nutritious". They cite research from a 1991 (21 years ago) that found that in 1991 a person would have to eat 3 apples to gain the nutritional value they would have gotten from a single apple 40 years earlier. It also told the percentages of nutritional loss in several other foods. It is due to the methods that industrial farms use to grow foods, and the extreme-hybridized varieties they all grow. Not all tomatoes and peppers look the same in nature. No fruit or vegetable is meant to be picked green and allowed to ripen in the back of a truck on its way cross-country.
  10. Unrelated, but an interesting documentary nonetheless:
  11. Flip through the latest issue of Heirloom Gardener and read two or three articles. We are processing any nutritional value our food might have right out of it. Really, it is an interesting magazine. A lot of stuff on GMOs and Monsanto. The more I learn, the less I want to eat anything. It makes my choice to leave it on the shelf much easier.
  12. And to illustrate how counter "big-ag", I could post an extensive list of what we have put up from our small, but productive garden this summer. It would surprise you.
  13. People talk about drought and food prices going up because of it, but I heard an interesting perspective from Clark Howard on the radio the other day. Yes, some items of necessity will be inflated, and we will have to buy them. However, more often than not, we will substitute for those high-priced items which are not necessities. It is a false assumption to believe that people, everywhere, will choose to continue to buy the way they have before even though other viable options are available.
  14. Wait, A4E, don't you owe me a trip to the Pony or a similar establishment?
  15. Thank goodness you weren't here a couple of weeks ago. There was major work on the 65 bridge. Traffic was terrible, and I mean worse than your usual Ham traffic.
  16. He is in a hell of a tough spot right now. I would not want to be in his shoes.
  17. Will do next time I see her. Thanks!
  18. Clearly, all of your problems stem from an obvious lack of ceramics. Well.....nothing escapes you does it? lol I feel it my duty to point my friends in the right direction. My friend, you have gone astray. I am concerned. Call a timeout, or I am throwing a flag.
  19. Clearly, all of your problems stem from an obvious lack of ceramics.
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