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Everything posted by MCPeePants

  1. So that's the Rivals Challenge, the one from last week? Any write-ups from The Opening yet?
  2. https://www.al.com/sports/index.ssf/2018/06/elite_11_qb_competition_featur.html#incart_river_index The actual report I was thinking of was someone there. Said Bo had a little struggle with the rollout portion, but was pretty great otherwise. Guess I was falling for their blinders. Tua Tua Tua. No real Bo comments from al.com.
  3. Funny. I read just a report or two and said he was "meh." Another reason to tell al.com to take a hike. Show out, Bo!
  4. I'm of the classic mindset of hate all things Bammer, I guess. Seeing Saban whiff makes me happy. (And I've lived in Georgia for 3 months now.)
  5. Some pan out; some don't... but, man, do I have a good feeling about this guy. Ball out, Joey G. We're waiting for you.
  6. "It's only fitting that an Alabama grad would be in charge of the team that ended the winning streak." After beating Auburn in 2011 as coach of CLEMSON. That's why I do not like the man.
  7. 3 crystal balls in the past hour or two to the good guys. I do believe he's next; we shall see.
  8. Thanks! That was a brain fart. I can dig all that. Great points. (still scared)
  9. Love the post; great breakdown. I'm primarily scared in regards to 2. The pessimist in me is comparing this to 2008 when we hired Tony Franklin and Loeffler in 2012. I understand those are worst-case scenarios, and I'm likely being overly half-empty, but it seems like when we go "against the grain," we crap out. That said, I am completely sold on Stidham with White as a back-up, and I think the OL will be a force to be reckoned with if they gel early in camp. Skills position is sewed up with Kyle Davis and NCM wide (among others) and Jason Smith and JF3 in slots (I have high hopes in getting that kid the ball). I'm stoked as all hell with a legit TE/big WR prospect in Sal Cannella (hoping he has hit the weights hard) and legit TE Brandon Fulse. RB is stacked with a great duo in KP and KJ and Chandler Cox in there for a H-Back and change-of-pace RB. Defense was a strength last year for once in a long while, so I really hope we continue momentum there, and I have faith it will be a strength. ST, same boat. New staff, and in need of a punter, but I have faith. Offensive philosophy just scares me. Time will tell! I've heard great things about CCL, but I had with TF and SL also.
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