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ellitor last won the day on July 12

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About ellitor

  • Birthday July 1

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    Auburn, Al
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  1. @aucanucktiger recruits have too many things to do, especially in June. June is major camp season.
  2. @AUwent Not a decrease. The actual event has been 4-5 hours for a good long while.
  3. Meh. I think it will be moved back to the end of May which is when it was til a few years ago.
  4. @autan You should be. It's more impressive IMO.
  5. @HAPvsOA Use the on3 2025 and 2026 pages for a good reference. They are free
  6. @GoAU Had CC come he would have not been working against the AU staff. He genuinely likes AU a lot.
  7. @autan I think it's more his family's decision for him based on the bags Bama dropped for him to not come.
  8. @AUwent Pretty sure I told you in the past 2 weeks, we are taking a portal QB no matter who or what happens with HS QBs in this class.
  9. @GreenTiger SIAP but Deuce Knight was expected but something important came up and he can't make it. FWIW JLee & Bigbird think him not able to come doesn't hurt our chances with him. @TeamZero77
  10. @JerryAU AU recruiting reporters have him at 90% confidence to AU. That means he's likely a silent to us FWIW. He commits publicly on Monday.
  11. @ArgoEagle Barring people posting tweets from twitter, a list can't be posted till the day before BCW. That's the day AU hands their official list out to the media. Lists right now are behind pay walls and is their own work so they can't be posted here til next Friday. Woodby, Fegans, Jared Smith, 2026 LB – JaMichael Garrett, 2026 Edge – Hezekiah Harris, and maybe a few others. The 5 I mentioned above. I'd rather not say publicly til there is a lot more smoke to the work our staff is doing behind the scenes.
  12. Any worry from you when it hasn't been conveyed yet from AU sources is always worth a snark at this point as much as you worry about everything.
  13. @AUwent Still good here Mr. Gotta Panick Abour Everything.
  14. @yngwie1995 commit somewhere but we are trending like I said earlier.
  15. Y'all correct me if I'm wrong but isn't this the 1st time our true fight song is in the game? I remember for the longest time Glory Glory was used as the fight song because our real fight song's owner wouldn't let it be in video games.
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