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Everything posted by fjenkins

  1. I dunno...a large % of my friends (and nearly all my closest friends) disagree with me on most political issues. My nearest & dearest friend (volsung here at AE) and I were polar opposites politically when we met. Over the years, I've moved to the left some and he's moved to the right some. While I'm sure those shifts can be linked to life experience, I like to think we've forced each other to rethink our opinions over the years. IMO, the problem with most people in political discussions is their overwelming need to be "right". Often, there's no single right answer in politics. We live in a world of grey that people keep trying to seperate into black/white.
  2. I don't mind having political discussions with people who disagree with me. I'm sure tt and I could have quite the spirited political discussion without it getting uncivil. Having my beliefs challenged and forcing me to defend them requires me to think. The problem I have with both my dad & FIL is what they consider "sources" in a political discussion.
  3. Well, my MIL has remarried and I do like her husband...we just don't see him as much. My MIL is a live & let live type of person and would probably join me on the deck for a bourbon (well, she'd have a daquari or something). My FIL...well, he tried to start a political discussion with me last night. I don't talk politics with my own father because we can't be civil. There's no way I'm discussing politics with a man I once called a racist.
  4. To be fair, my mother-in-law is a lovely woman. I get along with her great. It's my father-in-law and his wife that drive me up a wall.
  5. Father-in-law and his wife... Though I guess it's going better than I should expect, considering I called him a racist the first Thanksgiving I had with him.
  6. I hate "Hail to the Victors" but I hope it plays early & often against the Northeast Mississippi Mullets
  7. We tried the cheese & meat tricks. The pups ate the cheese/meat and spit the pill back out. PB makes it too sticky for them to spit out so they just eat it all.
  8. We keep "puppy peanut butter" in the house for just such occasions. It's the natural PB with no added sugar and minimal salt.
  9. For pills, my pups are suckers for peanut butter. They won't eat their heartworm pills unless we coat them in PB. It seems to work for all pills. For liquids, we actually managed to teach the pups to "open" and they'll open their mouth for the liquid medicine. We always give a nice treat afterwards so they get rewarded for taking the meds.
  10. I didn't put my life on hold when my side of the family was staying with us. I won't do it for her father. I don't bring alcohol or tobacco to his house out of respect for his home. This is my house with my rules though. Sometimes I have to remind the Mrs. that she's a grown woman and doesn't have to answer to her father for how we live. Marilyn Manson reference, tt? I'm impressed.
  11. I do not disagree with that sentiment at all. One of my proudest days was when my wife-to-be (at the time) poured herself a glass of wine at our rehersal dinner. I’m sure that took some backbone. Considering when we started dating, you could tell when her dad was coming to visit because all the booze bottles were hidden away? Yeah, that took some backbone on her part.
  12. I do not disagree with that sentiment at all. One of my proudest days was when my wife-to-be (at the time) poured herself a glass of wine at our rehersal dinner.
  13. Between work this week and my father-in-law and his wife (strict Southern Baptists) staying at our house for the week...yes, it's that bad. Dear old Dad-in-law might just soil himself when I pour myself a glass of bourbon and enjoy it with a cigar on the deck this week.
  14. This about sums up my opinion for today (yes, it's tt approved )
  15. Glad it was nothing serious.
  16. Got my sympathy, man. Fingers & toes crossed
  17. You don't know? I just stuck a random letter in front of Jenkins.
  18. He made it to the semis but didn't advance beyond that.
  19. Anyone watch Pistorious from South Africa this weekend? That guy is a first class human being. I was really hoping he'd medal.
  20. Mornin' folks. Fun little song on the drive in to work this morning. Of Monster & Men - "Mountain Sound"
  21. What kind of tooth problem do you have? My wife has been in dental for over 25 years. One of my crowns shifted and altered my bite so I was putting alot of extra pressure on a single tooth. Very localized and quite painful. I may have missed it but when was the last time you've been to a dentist? Tooth could be fractured Before yesterday? Maybe 2 months ago
  22. Greedy. If either one of you thinks I'm parting with these Lortabs willingly, think again. Better living through chemistry!
  23. What kind of tooth problem do you have? My wife has been in dental for over 25 years. One of my crowns shifted and altered my bite so I was putting alot of extra pressure on a single tooth. Very localized and quite painful.
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