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Posts posted by JBiGGiE

  1. 6 minutes ago, ArgoEagle said:

    Well done sir! Reading posts from all these holier than thou critics not willing to let the man's past sins be put in the rear view mirror is making my butt hurt.. Let it go people! If he messes up while at AU then we can dismiss him... What he did in his past is between himself and God..He owes us nothing, except to do the job we are paying him to do and stay out of trouble from here forward.

    What he's done in the past is between himself and his employers as well. When the man has demonstrated a pattern of mistake after mistake after mistake literally everywhere he goes it is not unfair to ask how long (when, not if) until he puts Auburn in a untenable situation.

    You're right, he doesn't owe us anything. At the same, we don't owe him anything. No benefit of doubt, no support, nothing. Just our administration made an unwise, nepotistic hire (against the wishes and warnings of the fanbase no less) does not mean that he is suddenly deserving of those things. Just because he can be let go when he inevitably gets us into trouble is no reason to invite him to do so 

    Speaking of... I'm not so sure that his leash is that short. For one he has been anointed by Jimothy Rane himself. Enough said. Secondly, he certainly seems to have refuted the reports that the relinquishing his social media accounts were a condition of his employment. The latter, if true, is a criminally negligent oversight on the part of our administration.

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  2. 1 hour ago, GreenTiger said:

    So did the booster or boosters win this round of hiring??? I’m seriously asking 

    Yes. Been trying since February. After #stopthesteele and the post-coup rally around Harsin the Jimmy and the admin learned to combat that with a professor gaslighting campaign.

    • Like 1
  3. 1 minute ago, woodford said:

    Jason Kirk is the epitome of soy. Who gives a sh*t what that neckbeard says lmao

    His facts are facts and his opinions are well... His opinions. What's fact is that Hugh Freeze is not worth the headache it takes to spin the narrative around him.

  4. A scorpion and a frog meet each other on the banks of a stream. The scorpion is on its way to the other side of the bank and but the waters are too treacherous for it to cross.

    So the scorpion politely asks the frog to help carry it across the water. The scorpion tells the frog he is an excellent swimmer with wide back that can easily carry him across.

    Suspicious, the frog asks the scorpion, “How do I know you won’t sting me?” The scorpion replies, “Why would I do that? Then we would both drown.” The frog is still unsure and asks the scorpion more questions. The scorpion always seems to have a logical answer.

    Satisfied with the scorpion’s reasoning, the frog allows the scorpion to climb on his back and they begin their journey across the water. The waves are high and so the scorpion holds on tight to the frogs body.

    However, before they can make it halfway across the stream, the frog feels a sting right in the middle of his back and feels the spread of venom slowly taking over his limbs.

    The frog begins to slowly sink under the water and, realizing what has happened, has time to gasp out, “Why did you do that? Now we will both drown and die!”

    As the scorpion sinks under with the frog, it replies, “It’s in my nature.”

    • Haha 1
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  5. Sorry, but I find it hard to support a coach who needs his internet usage monitored like a child and a PR firm hired to mitigate the public backlash from the school's own fanbase.

    The shorter his tenure is here, the happier I will be. I am disappointed and frankly embarrassed how deceptive this farce of a coaching "search" that has turned out. We hired the coach our boosters have wanted since February. No other school would touch Freeze despite being a program builder. Why is that? Perhaps it's because our vetting process didn't go any further than the phone call to YellaFella.

    And then rather than address fan concerns, John Cohen answers zero questions and trots Freeze out like...


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  6. Most of the guys on our rosters were still children when Freeze was fired from Ole Miss. They don't share the same disdain for Hugh Freeze as someone like me who was a grown adult when it happened. And I can't fault them for staying considering the volatile nature of the portal and D1 rosters. I will 120% pull for any player that does transfer from Auburn though. I'm not going to use player retention as the litmus test for why I should trust and support Hugh Freeze and I can't in good conscience support Hugh Freeze. I can't in good conscience pull against Auburn either despite how much I relish in watching Hugh Freeze lose.

    I'm just tired of my alma mater and its student-athletes being used as emotional hostages in Jimmy Rane and Raymond Harbart's multi-million dollar pissing contest.

  7. Alignment = JABA

    Despite being despised by the vast majority of fans, so much so that they were willing to flood the president's email servers in protest rather than be able to enjoy the Iron Bowl and last game of the season... All signs seemly point to Hugh Freeze. Let the melting resume.


  8. A&M and Gus Malzahn's Auburn teams are proof that recruiting alone will not win games... But you stand a much better chance than relying on coaching and scheming as we've witnessed under Harsin.

    But unlike the previous two teams, Deion is much more of a CEO type. If Auburn is willing to throw money at coordinators (as reported) then I don't see how getting Deion is that much of an experiment as some fear.

    • Like 4
  9. 51 minutes ago, Brad_ATX said:

    Have y'all actually looked at the box score from this Ole Miss game?  The Rebs have 650 yards of offense.  410 on the ground.

    Jackson Dart and the defense played like trash.  But the run game was spectacular.


    2 minutes ago, AUght2win said:

    Ya know what they say. “Total yards win championships”.

    That 2014 Auburn team churned out a lot of offense (that Iron Bowl in particular) and yet we were no where close to sniffing a championship berth.

    The problems I have with Kiffin is that, sure he plugged the holes in last year's roster with the portal, but he's never been anywhere long enough to show that he can build or sustain a team. That and the fact that he has a tendency to leave his defense and coordinators out to dry. If you know your defense is a liability, as a head coach you have to plan accordingly. Don't recall who said it but Kiffin is a great play caller, but great head coach is debatable.

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  10. The biggest push against this hypothetical is that at this current moment, Auburn is the best available P5 job (Nebraska a close second). You really can't afford to "punt" on this coaching carousel cycle because the market for Top-tier coaches might be much more saturated next year.

    Plus we all know how hard it was for coaches to recruit this season knowing the potato gang was working on borrowed time. Asking caddy to fix our roster and win enough to extend his contract is a bit unfair.

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