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Posts posted by provibe

  1. 40 minutes ago, AUght2win said:

    I like a lot about him. But what’s the deal with you guys? Are you mad that Auburn fans are aware of the disaster we are in? Should we just willfully pretend this stuff isn’t happening? Delusion isn’t required to be a good fan.

    I can understand that to a degree, but why keep harping on it over and over when there is nothing you can do about it for at least a year. Maybe just try to be positive about some of the players we have. 

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  2. 27 minutes ago, AUght2win said:

    Why am I still here? Because I love Auburn and Auburn is much bigger than you, me, Bryan Harsin, Jimmy Rane, Bo Jackson, etc. 

    I want CBH to succeed because that’s what best for Auburn. But you don’t have to be an idiot and say he should keep right on plugging with no changes. I take it you’re a stubborn guy IRL and appreciate stubbornness from a coach. But nobody in this business can afford to be stubborn. Saban proved this by completely overhauling his style of play. 

    But you do you. Let’s keep alienating people and scaring off recruits/transfers and see if there will be enough wins to “laugh in their faces”.

    Talk about stubborn! How about trying to find just one thing that you like about him and focus on that for a day or two. He’s going to be here for at least a year. Just try not to make yourself and everyone else miserable in the short term.

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  3. 1 hour ago, McLoofus said:

    It's really interesting to me. 

    Pure conjecture here, but I don't think he minds working really hard to recruit good players. I feel like he had to have worked his ass off to get guys from very far away to come to Boise. The average distance of home towns from Boise on his roster there was mind-boggling. And I can't imagine what kind of research went into identifying prospects in random little towns in Wyoming and northern California and the panhandle of Texas. 

    But it seems he wasn't ready for the human aspect of it, of connecting with people in the area and fostering those relationships. Suffice it to say, that part doesn't seem like his strong suit. And I get it. I wouldn't be able to do it, either.

    But I fear that's the kind of thing that either a person has or they don't. And if we're having to build these relationships from scratch with a guy in charge for whom that doesn't come naturally... yeah... I dunno. We'll see. 

    I can certainly agree with you on this. I just think we continue to hear what he can’t do. Seems to me that there is a fairly good group of players that chose to stay and they seem to really like him. I really hope that he can bring in some assistants that can really recruit. No doubt that we will know a lot more at the end of this year. I just believe that since he IS going to be our coach this year that we should get behind him as much as we can and not just continually see how negative we can be.

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, ScotsAU said:

    Because what he’s done so far has ran off players and coaches, and has him at odds with the people who hold all the cards. He can’t succeed by continuing to do what he’s been doing.

    Well at least you didn’t say he ran off all the players and coaches that left. He probably did run off some that most of us “might” have agreed needing to be run off. Then we know for sure that others left for their own reasons and not because he ran them off

  5. 20 hours ago, AUght2win said:

    Because people keep trying to act like there must be some other reason besides Mason having serious issues with Harsin.

    It's bad. But it's true. There's no need to be in denial about that. 

    The real facts are that you don’t know if it’s true. It’s your story, your opinion, and that’s all it is.

    • Thanks 2
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  6. 19 hours ago, TAYLORKEETON said:

    I read on this forum that DM did not call the IB. Our new DC called it. Is it true? Idk. But I did read that here & it would make sense considering how different we looked, scheme wise. Maybe I’m one of the few that’s happy DM is gone. Got tired of seeing that 20 yard cushion. Good riddance. 

    If you read it on here it had to be true because there are no rumors on here

    • Haha 1
  7. 1 minute ago, AUght2win said:

    Find me one other example even close to the Mason departure.

    It's clear CDM wanted to get away from coaching in Harsin's program. Took a paycut, to a worse job, in a crumbling conference. 

    I don’t know why he l


    1 minute ago, AUght2win said:

    Yup. Bo leaving was a rumor too. Lots of stuff folks get wrong. But I'd say the rumors on here are usually right, and almost always based on something in the vicinity that turns out to be true. 

    Yeah like Harsin was going to be fired in 24 hrs 

  8. 2 minutes ago, Dual-Threat Rigby said:

    And that's why I didn't come with the whole "deductive reasoning would dictate he clearly didn't enjoy being here by taking a paycut and living in Stillwater, Oklahoma" or the "he intended on leaving before he even had a job on the table; the job just happened to pop up", because at the end of the day, I wasn't there with Mason. 

    BUT...deductive reasoning would dictate

    Just like it did with all the other rumors on here 

  9. 10 minutes ago, MustardSeed said:

    Cool. So are the money guys gonna finally stand up and offer some quality NILs?  Hard to recruit this day and age when the money people go into hiding. It’s a simple fact that no one here ever wants to acknowledge for some reason. I guess it doesn’t help pile blame solely on one guy

    Yeah, I’ve been beating that drum too, but no one wants to listen.

  10. On 2/5/2022 at 5:27 AM, NWALA Tiger said:

    This will be my final response to u. I will say it again for the umpteenth time. If Harsin is fired, I will say u were right and I was wrong. It has to be exhausting for u to have to continually be re enforced or validated that you could be correct in some prediction u made. Now u go ahead and respond to this post and get the last word so we can end this back and forth.

    Looks like the odds have changed! 

  11. On 2/4/2022 at 8:38 PM, PowerOfDixieland said:

    Why in the hell would Harsin be fired?  Pretty sure this was the statement from Gogue just over a year ago...

    "Coach Harsin and I agree on many things and one thing is that much of what you see and read on social media are opinions or statements that are simply not based on fact."

    Well, that has certainly proved to be true!

    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, McLoofus said:

    So here's the thing. He already ran off a bunch of players. He already ran off a bunch of coaches, including- by far- his most valuable assistant and recruiter. So is it really wrong to be disappointed that the reports of the behavior that led to those valuable members of the program leaving didn't result in a better outcome for the football program?

    So you believe that every player that left was “run off” by Harsin. Not one left for any other reason! Just same old crap. Same old made up crap.

    • Like 4
  13. 3 hours ago, AUnMS said:

    I know I'm in the minority here, but I'm glad that we have a coach that has the stones to stand up to the PTB.  Our coach won this pissing contest!  If he can beat our "good ole boys" maybe he can get our team into shape and beat the real opponents.

    I don’t know that you are. Maybe with the more vocal!

    • Like 1
  14. 1 hour ago, AU-24 said:

    At the end of a tumultuous season, Harsin had blown off a press conference after he had ditched a postgame radio appearance and Mohajir had to go get him at his house.

    It was not a pleasant conversation, according to some folks who were there.

    ASU avoided the whole firing issue when Boise State picked Harsin, who had been Chris Petersen's offensive coordinator before going to Jonesboro.

    All of this makes you wonder exactly who did the vetting for Auburn when they were looking for somebody to take over for Malzahn. They picked Harsin.

    Who did the vetting: Allen Greene who’s contract will not be renewed.

    Have you not read any of the previous posts?

    • Like 1
  15. 30 minutes ago, NWALA Tiger said:

    Vibe,what have u seen from Harsin, especially his recruiting that convices u he is the man for the job?

    I’m not convinced, I just believe that he was hired and deserves a chance. I really believe he can do better ( as he did in early period) if he gets the support he deserves. Heck, I don’t know what to believe. Why would he be brought in and not fully supported. If he has been undermined then those should be outed. If it was just a bad hire then that’s on the University and they should admit it, pay him what they owe him and move on. I just hate the way he and his family have been dumped on when most don’t know what they are talking about 

  16. 33 minutes ago, aucom96 said:

    Harsin's approach will have us at the bottom of the conference until he's finally fired in three to five years or whenever the buyout's acceptable. It may save us money, but it will be worse for us football-wise. 

    That’s your opinion and you are Entitled to it but it is certainly not a fact nor is it my opinion  

  17. 34 minutes ago, McLoofus said:

    Really? You haven't had that answered for you? Besides, you've got 18 million reason$ to choose from.

    Yeah, I know that! Just seems like so many were saying Harsin did this and didn’t do that and what a horrible person he is and were saying a week ago that he would be fired in 24 hrs and here we are and coach Harsin is still our coach!

  18. 8 minutes ago, Auburn06 said:

    It was in this very thread

    Doesn’t make it so! Have you not seen how much crap is just made up on here!

    1 minute ago, provibe said:

    Everyone keeps saying that he wants to win with less talent. I don’t think that’s true at all. Another one of those things that everyone keeps repeating until people start believing it!


  19. 15 minutes ago, e808 said:

    Um he is getting millions to do those type of thing. I don’t get the coaching up lesser talent thing. In all sports u need talent to win. I can’t recall a team winning without any talent.

    For example Alabama beat a well coached Cincinnati team by playing pretty vanilla and this wasn’t close to years past.

    Everyone keeps saying that he wants to win with less talent. I don’t think that’s true at all. Another one of those things that everyone keeps repeating until people start believing it!

  20. 19 minutes ago, Auburn06 said:

    As far as the "can he do his job" aspect of the drama... I saw someone said that there were recruit events or something in Georgia which had many top recruits...Kirby and Saban went, but Harsin didn't...chose to go on vacation instead..


    That is incompetency right there.

    And who said that?

  21. 42 minutes ago, aublue88 said:

     I hope we can all agree that whether you are pro-Harsin or against, that the man has to the right to make decisions that are going to benefit him.  Of course he  didn't talk to the media today, what the hell would he say?  I am sure he got multiple texts from his people(lawyers, agents) telling him to just be quiet, so no I don't think that was cowardly, it was a man doing exactly what he needs to do for himself and his family.   Just saying.... 

    I think there is more support for Harsin than shows on this forum. Same ones say the same thing so many times till it’s taken for fact

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