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Posts posted by dyehardfanAU

  1. 58 minutes ago, smackydoodle said:

    If anyone in the future asks "why does Auburn keep hiring these unknown coaches" show them this thread. Never before in my life have I seen a fanbase not want a coach, who would be in a dynasty if it weren't for UA, because he was snarky after a win 10 years ago. Someone mentioned before he's been lucky because he's had great QBs... do you not think he had a hand in them being on the team? "He won't be in it with his heart" "The fans won't accept him" Good grief. Some of you are so paranoid he'd leave for UA when Saban retires... ya know that whole "little brother" stereotype... this is where it comes from.

    This has truly been a pathetic thread to follow, reeking of insecurity and LBS.

    • Like 1
  2. 6 hours ago, drɘxɘl said:

    I doubt anyone see's the play chart other than the OC, not even the HC.  The HC may have input such as I want 60% runs on first down, but the play chart is the OC's game notes, how he wants to flow the game.  No other coach would need this.  The position coaches would only need to know all of the plays in the package for the game, formation personnel, and assignments.   I wouldn't think knowing the OC's 20 play options for 2nd and 5 - 8 would add much positive value.

    Yeah, this seems like trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill.

    • Like 1
  3. 31 minutes ago, Hank2020 said:

    You think he would come here after AU made so much fun of him as a non-OC ( what alot of people were referring to him as)?

    Yes.  I'm not sure why your reasoning would even play into his decision.

  4. 1 hour ago, AUght2win said:

    What’s idiotic is pretending Lane Kiffin suddenly isn’t Lane Kiffin anymore.

    When I say “Ole Miss is Ole Miss” it obviously refers to expectations and job prestige. He can win 8 games a year in Oxford until the end of time and be fine. Not that way at an Auburn or USC. 

    But once again you’re being intentionally overly quantitative. That’s what happened the last time we went and found the “third winningest active coach” in Bryan Harsin.

    You completely ignore the human element. And in this case, the human element is Lane Kiffin is a man-child who has made a mess at literally every stop except FAU. Give him time in Oxford. He’ll do the same. 

    How on EARTH after the interpersonal disaster we just experienced under our last HC is Lane even being discussed? 

    But he's not winning 8 at OM, he's winning 10.  

    • Thanks 1
  5. 4 minutes ago, ThurstontheWelshCorgi said:

    I wouldnt think so either but this article says otherwise. Im not one to trust various media sources like this though and i highly doubt dillingham is an option whatsoever

    It doesn't pass the common sense test and not a single AU beat writer is discussing it from what I've seen.  Roberts/Cohen aren't staking their careers on Dilly Dilly.

    • Like 1
  6. 39 minutes ago, ThurstontheWelshCorgi said:

    Kenny Dillingham 👎 and I actually liked Dilly as a coordinator but a coaching candidate? Hard pass.

    Dillingham is not a candidate for HC at Auburn.  I could see him following Lanning to AU as OC though.

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, JBiGGiE said:

    Anders broke all of Daniel's highschool records. There was plenty enough reason to give the benefit of the doubt on Anders.

    Why do I care about his HS results when I can look at his career in college?

  8. 23 hours ago, Zinzan said:

    I know he left under awkward circumstances. But is he forever burnt at Auburn as a coordinator, or could he coach the defense for Kiffin, Freeze, or Deion? I think he probably knows now he’s not getting that big HC opportunity any time soon, after Auburn and Tennessee passed on him. 

    Alternative, has the shine worn off T Rob? And I’m sure many here would like to see T Will come home. 

    Why would you want T-Will to come back?  His LB recruiting was not good at all and he tried to sow dissension on the team based on race.

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  9. Lanning is intriguing but he has a $14M buyout according to an Oregon fan on another board.  I was completely against Freeze last season but he's continuing to prove he's a very good coach and I'm warming up to him.  Kiffin is a "safe" hire but I'm not sure what he'd cost to bring on board.  Deion is in Tier B for me but I wouldn't hate the hire.  I'm not big on Grimes or Rhule.

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