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Eagle Eye 7

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Posts posted by Eagle Eye 7

  1. When someone owns their mistake and apologizes for it and spends the next 4 years doing things right then it’s time to move in because we have all sone things we shouldn’t have. Freeze paid for his mistakes and his wife has forgiven him. Nothing happened at LU that involved Freeze . The woman complaining is complaining that Freeze spoke up for the AD at liberty and said He was a good guy. Nothing wrong with that. I am not downing the young lady but You can’t blame Hugh for standing up for a friend . 

  2. 2 hours ago, CoffeeTiger said:

    These conversations aren't going to stop and you're going to keep seeing them both on this board and in the media and in other areas where college football is discussed for a good long time to come.  

    This is part of what a school and it's fans gets and has to accept whenever the hire Hugh Freeze. 


    Hugh Freeze  and controversy are a package deal. You better get used to it. 

    Yep sound like you are a loser and so you have to harp on your one point so you can seem to be relevant. Read a book or something. 

  3. 1 minute ago, AUinMS9528 said:

    CBK is turning things around in BR.   With AU, LSU, and bama, and even TamU with all the talent they have, the SEC West is going to be fun!!!!   We also have Kiffin at OM, MSU is going to continue to cause problems, and Arky is going to be tough and physical every week.  That’s one tough division!!!!

    Yep the SEC CG , might well be the real CFP 🤔😂

  4. 39 minutes ago, TitanTiger said:

    I think the initial PC was a much bigger deal than it was even for Harsin.  And I do think Freeze is going to fit in here a whole lot better.

    Exactly I think Harsin just always felt ( or seem to anyway) that AU was to country for his blood. He never wanted to fit in. 

  5. We Auburn fans do a lot of griping and wonder why coaches still think it’s a good job. The following post was on ESPN

    Auburn football has had a NCAA championship and played for another in the last 12 years. Only Bama, UGA,LSU,Clemson, and OSU have also during that time.

    We have the tools to get back to the big stage again. 

    • Like 6
  6. 3 hours ago, Tampa Tiger said:

    I've tried to have some honest discussions on a Facebook group full of sunshine pumpers, but everyone just thinks it's a great hire, etc. 

    I'm really trying to understand with honest discussion (without discussing his past off the field baggage, call him Coaching Candidate X), why I should be excited about a guy that went 19-21 in the SEC and just one 10th, and two 17th AP finishes?  

    Let me give you one important statistic . He beat Nick Saben in his prime at Alabama in back to back years. Almost unheard of. 🤔

    • Facepalm 1
  7. 10 minutes ago, ThurstontheWelshCorgi said:

    He is smart enough to know he needs a fall guy to fire before the target is placed directly on him if things don't go well. I gurantee even if he outsources the oc playcalling you will see his standard offense.

    And that’s okay. But he might learn some offshoots from his pay calling. 

    • Like 1
  8. 28 minutes ago, Tigerpro2a said:

    Freeze when asked if he will call plays (summarized) - "Ive called plays my whole career. Im currently contemplating bringing someone in that can help me based off some of the text I have received from people who may be better at it than I am". 


    I found this bit interesting....taking his ego out of it.

    I take as a good thing. Probably the biggest mistake Gus made. Two sets of eyes are always better. I have found the best way to improve my vision is to ask someone else what they see. I think Hugh has great potential. 

  9. I think Coach Freeze did a great job covering all the bases. He was humble, admitted previous mistakes . Asked the family to let him earn their respect. He understands and respect the Auburn tradition, knows how to get it done on and off the field. He knows where we are and the work required to be done and is not afraid of it. He also showed he is will to grow by looking for coaches that can teach him as well. Important  thing I took away is he knows Rich is there and he will be in a tight leash as far as conduct ( his and the team) he also understands what Bruce Pearl has brought to the table and how much it matters to not only get the coaches and teams to buy in but also the students and the fans and the whole AU family. Having had his daughter here already I think is a big positive for Coach Freeze to buy into the Auburn tradition. He also understands the importance of Caddy and I think he respects Caddy and his love for AU. I come away with a good feeling. We have a coach that’s capable of winning big and AU leaders that are willing to watch closely and insure the culture and reputation of Auburn is not  put in harms way. War Eagle 🦅🦅🦅👍😊

    • Like 5
  10. This is the best move for Caddy. He is 40 and never been head coach at any college so he needs sone time to grow. He has all the attributes to someday be a head coach hopefully at AU. Having this Assc. Head coach will allow him t grow and mature and I think he will be a great asset for the team and AU. War Eagle lets go win. 

    • Like 1
  11. 9 hours ago, gr82b4au said:

    If offered? There is a decent chance it is coming. 
    I can see both yes and no being the correct answer. Most NFL guys will sit out. Most coaches need to recruit (and what coaches would still be around to coach the game)? 

    Yes. This is a no brainer. The bowl game isn’t about us it’s about the players. They get to go to sone nice place , get sone nice stuff and enjoy a couple of days. They have worked for it and thus team definitely deserves it after the year they have endured and the coaches as well. 😊👍

  12. Here is one thing that’s good.Hugh knows this is likely his last shot. If he makes another mistake like at OM he will get a life time ban from D1 and he knows it. Also Hugh  has always been a good coach on the field  everywhere he has been. Nick Saban actually tried to hire Hugh ( twice I believe) and the SEC asked him not to, so if Saban thought he was good then he probably is. So let’s just give it a chance. I doubt seriously it will be any worse than Harsin. 

    • Like 2
  13. Again just so everyone knows the SEC bylaws required AU president to meet with the SEC  commissioner and promise to insure Hugh would not make another mistake like that and to present a plan to insure that. Just like we did with Bruce Pearl when we hired him. We had to agree that Bruce couldn’t personally recruit for a period of time. That is the rules . So yes Hugh will be in a short leash at least for a while. 

  14. I don’t agree with Finebuam on much but I do agree with his latest comment. Trying to look self righteous at AU is BS. We have our skeletons just like everyone else. If we are really good people we allow folks second chances, I know I’ve had quite a few, and most of the time they work out well. Hugh admitted he messed up 5 years ago, paid his price and deserves another chance. AU needs to be serious and tell Hugh it comes with conditions and Hugh knows it will. I’m sure Liberty also had conditions . We are hiring him to make AU football relevant again and he has that ability. We aren’t hiring him to be the Chaplin . Let’s welcome Hugh and get behind these players. I know the players are excited and you will see a spark in our recruiting in the next two months. Nuff said

    • Like 3
  15. 1 hour ago, NWALA Tiger said:

    Cool, u never want your arch rival to say u made a good hire

    Hugh is no more a pedo than any other coach. Did he attempt to cheat the system? Yes just like every other D1 coach. Now with the NIL in place I don’t think anyone has to anymore. But the question is can Hugh win and do it correctly at AU and the answer is yes. Has he made mistakes yes and he paid the price for it . So AU needs to keep a close eye on Hugh and insure he stays in line. I think Rich will do a great job of that. We will see. 

    • Like 2
  16. 19 hours ago, lovemytigerz said:

    We should not insist that the new coach keep Caddy.  The new coach must have full autonomy over his staff, the systems he implements, and the other decisions he makes.

    The AD might just politely mention Caddy as someone who might get an extra look in deciding who may be retained.  It would create A LOT of goodwill with the fans who love him.  There are some other coaches on the staff that should get a look, too .. Zac Etheridge for one.  But, in the end, the final decisions are up to the new HC.

    No we should insist. As I said the AU president had to meet with the SEC brass and give his word that if AU hired Freeze that it would come with conditions to insure that Freeze follows policy. So insisting that Freeze hire someone the President has trust in is not only good but required and Freeze knows that. 

  17. 1 minute ago, SeattleTiger86 said:

    The interesting thing about the 300+ yards is that they knew it was coming, and they couldn’t stop it.  We ran some really innovative plays yesterday. 

    Even Saben discussed that in his presser. He said they planned for AUs run and still couldn’t stop it even with #31 across the line from them. No

    one can deny what a great job that Caddy did coaching the run game. 

    • Like 2
  18. 42 minutes ago, lovemytigerz said:

    Agree with this completely.  Caddy isn't ready to be a HC, yet, and making him a HC now, especially an SEC HC, is just setting him up for disaster.

    Agreed but we can insist the new coach keep Caddy as RB Coach and asst HC. Not only dies Caddy deserve this but especially in the case of Freeze you need a reliable inside guy in case Freeze attempts his past crap. I think Caddy has shown his character building resume and that should be important for the top brass and also being one of the best RBs in college football his coaching can’t be denied. 🤔🦅

  19. Pretty sure at this point it will be Freeze. But according to SEC policy they can Hire Freeze but the President at AU must first talk to the Head at the SEC. If they hire him he will be under strict guidance especially in recruiting and player contact and the Pres. Has to give a verbal commitment to that. All in all I think Freeze is the safe bet. He has proven he can recruit and can coach at this level. It may all depend on whether Hugh is ok working under the restrictions that will be required of him. I love Caddy and he is a great coach, but running  a D1 SEC west team is a big deal. If we want a fast return to glory then Hugh is probably the guy. I’m willing to give anyone a chance as long as they come in with the right attitude. Hope it comes with a requirement that Caddy be retained as RB coach ( doubt you can find a better one anyway) and maybe an assistant HC title as well. I believe Hugh would agree to that and that would give sone insurance to the brass at AU and the SEC that rules will be followed. 🤔🦅🦅🦅

  20. 39 minutes ago, lovemytigerz said:

    Do you really believe that. Hugh wanted this job when Harsin took it. He just hasn’t found a good D1 school that would take him with his baggage. Auburn is at a point where they have to take what they can. 🙁🦅

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