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Eagle Eye 7

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Everything posted by Eagle Eye 7

  1. I disagree. Keeping Bruce and continuing to win and send folks to the NBA will keep us moving forward . Shoes don’t make that big a deal anymore . They can’t pay players under the table like they were. In fact with kids now able to make money on their likeness that’s what we need to be looking at . I saw today thy figure Bo can turn 6 figures so Cooper should be able to ad well. We need to find some folks that can manage this likeness business .
  2. On the top of that Nike is backing up. They are losing ground to several folks In The business . I think after the stuff that went down a couple of years ago the shoe business may make some sudden changes especially in basketball. I think right now AUs best bet is stay with who we came to the dance with and see how things shake out a couple of years from now. JMHO 🦅🦅🦅
  3. Thanks for the post. Great read . Agree with everything . Shauns TD run as soon as it happened I thought I haven’t seen that kind of explosion since Bo trucked Heath . The DB and Heath both had the same expression on their face like “ WTH just happened”. 😂
  4. Again my worry comes from Gus. Up until Florida I saw Gus making good in game changes . Something he hasn’t done in sometime. But against Florida he couldn’t seem to make an in game change. He reverted to he has been the last several years. I don’t know why. I don’t know if he will change back this week . It’s like a drug user. He goes straight for a year and you start to have some faith in him then he comes in stoned again and you have to start the deal with relearning to trust him again. I’m reaching the point where where he is like a race dog tonight he might run good but the next race he will just sit at the gate and watch the others run . That’s Gus never know what flavor of choclate you’ll get from the box. 😂
  5. I’m pretty sure there was several wr in space against Florida. We just couldn’t get the ball to them due to overthrows and under throws.
  6. Successful coaches overtime have to be willing to grow. Folks like Mac Brown got fired because he didn’t . Look at Saban. Who in the world would have thought he would run a better HUNH offense better than Gus. Remember when he fussed about it. Said it took away from the game. Eventually he had two choice improve his offense or start loosing. He chose to improve his offense. Another thing Gus feels like when he hires a coach he has to be friends with him. Saban runs coaches off then hires them back. His only motive is to win. I’m sure he has had coaches he didn’t like but if they can win then he’ll put up with them. That’s why he has been successful at what he does. Gus needs to hire the best qualified coach and recruiter whether he is his friend or not .
  7. I’ve heard it’s lower than that after the “no changes contract” that Gus swears he didn’t make. He would get 8 when fired and 8 paid out over the next 3 years after that.
  8. He trying to trick everybody because he thinks he is a genius. He doesn’t understand this isn’t highschool. You might burn a coach once at this level but with his job on the line next year he will have fixed that problem. Give Mullet and Grantland some credit. They had their guys ready to ignore the tricks and make the plays. They knew exactly what Gus would do in each instance.
  9. So why did Tega score as one of the Top lineman in the country last year according to pros that rate them ? Driscoll rated high to. Most folks outside AU rated this years offense before the season started as maybe one of the best. So is it a bad line or bad setup and play calling.
  10. Hey Bama went thru a few not great either but the didn’t get to a point to say well let’s just take one that can win once in a while. No they just kept going till they found the one they wanted .
  11. Don’t take me wrong cause I respect your work greatly on here. Yes I agree that uat and uga cheat, I have no doubt but I don’t think that the hold up for us. Gus is a good guy but good players coming ( right or wrong) plan on playing in the NFL . And to feel that way they want to play on teams playing for championships. We recruit close to top ten every year but we don’t produce results of a top ten. Saban and Kirby both preach it’s a process and the guys buy into it. They play with an attitude. We have players equal to theirs. Heck Bo came out last year hire rated higher than Tua, From or Hurts. Do you think we lack quality players? Is that the reason we can’t win? I just don’t think so. Most of the games we have lost over the past few years are on Gus. His failure to plan and be ready. You think if Tua has a bad day Saban will accept the loss lightly or do you think he would pull Tua and play Jones? I bet he pulls Tua and plays Jones and Tua knows it. Why? Because Saban plays to win every game. He doesn’t sit back like Gus and let the game fall thinking, ok we’ll get them next week. Or thinking well they are a good team so it’s ok. No loss is ok with coaches like Saban or Dabo. That’s why they are winners. We have a coach who is ok with a 9 win season and a decent bowl. That’s who Gus is.
  12. exactly so I have been thinking is it ok to be happy with 8-4 or 7-5 every year ? I think back at uat I thought at the time firing coaches like Shula that won 10 games was insane, but they go out and hire Saban and they are playing for championships ever year. Then uga fires Mark who was averaging 10 wins a year and they go out and hire a coach we turned down and now their playing for championships every year. Yet we fret firing a coach that’s averaging 8 wins a season because we don’t think we can do better. Really? Are we that much worse than uat and uga ? Are we just not smart enough to get a coach like theirs ? Or maybe you believe that Auburn just isn’t a place that’s good enough to be a contender every year. I just don’t understand . I believe in Auburn. I think we are capable of hiring a coach that compete with Saban, Kirby, Dabo and Riley. I think we just have to be willing to quit being satisfied with a flaky coach that will have an almost, nearly great year every third or forth year. Auburn needs to quit accepting the backseat to everybody else . We need to demand to stand tall with the big dogs in the CFP. If Gus can’t get us there then we need to move on. And no we should not allow the fact that someone made a dumb mistake and paid him to much. The buyout is less than 20 million. We bring in about $150 to $170 million in football revenue each year. We would recuperate that $20 million with one good year. Remember 1/2 would be paid out over 4 years. So money is not a factor, but Auburn’s reputation is. I think it’s time to put AU in the driver seat instead of the caboose. Now you can send the down votes 😁
  13. And for those that couldn’t see it Florida as always comes out acting like azzes. It happens with all the Florida teams for some reason. It especially happens with mullet’s teams even when he was at mrs state. Mullens is a complete piece of crap. Like calling out Browns hit on his QB while his tackle was holding Brown’s shoulder pads. He cheats and lies more than any coach I have ever seen. I don’t blame Worm one bit for anything he did. Probably well deserved by the hoods on Florida’s team
  14. Momma Worm please understand that most of us Auburn supporters are not represented by a few of these foul mouth fake Auburn fans. We are grateful your son is in this team and I know that his teammates and coaches are too. Florida folks and any mullens teamS are pieces of crap people who like to start problems. They get their foul mouth way from their coaches Mullen and others. Florida has always been like that they are like uat and uga. I am sorry your son had to put up with their foul mouths and I’m sorry you have to put up with some fake foul mouth folks in here. Try to ignore them and enjoy your sons time here. I promise there are far more that love your son than these few clowns that talk garbage on here.
  15. Thank you coach and I agree with every point you made. My biggest disappointment is we are not in the first game or two. We are not in our first tough road game. We were not in our first tough SEC game . So why did all of these rookie mistake happen yesterday. Where was the Gus that made changes against TAM and against Oregon ? The one who brought Joey and Joiner of the bench in scoring territory. The one that used flash and Stove when he couldn’t pound it up the middle. Where were the slant passes? The defense made mistakes but played a great game overall. This loss is on the offense and the offense only. And that offense is Gus’s offense win or lose and this week it lost big time.. But again you are correct on all your points. But to see Gus reverse the progress he had made does not bode well for the future.
  16. I read Britts interview after the game. I am amazed that we are practicing as physical as we play. I noticed the patch across Brit’s nose. He said it came from practice not the game 😊
  17. I hope so because it very apparent yesterday that uat’s defense did not function well at all against SC’s fast paced offense yesterday. Had usce not shot theirselves in the foot with overthrows dropped passes and costly penalties the could have score a lot yesterday. Our defense is much better than usce and I think if we can keep up the fast pace we can beat uat this year.
  18. Don’t know about before. Pretty sure Stidham made decisions and check down for sure. With Bo I also know he is making decisions because he commented on it. As has been mention his pass against Oregon to Stove was a run play called by Gus. so stove is open and checked out of the run and threw the pass. Same on the pass to Seth he had the option to hand off and field goal team was ready to come on and kick it or pass to Seth if he was open. Bo chose the play . In fact I think you’ll be amazed at how much slack Gus is giving Bo because Bo likes to adapt. Right now it’s a problem of experience between him and his receivers when he runs out of the pocket they have to know what each other will do and that will come with reputations and it’s hard to simulate in practice. I think this team offensively will grow fast over the next few weeks. I don’t like to compare but I think he can be like Tua or Clemsons QB once he gets to speed. Both of those guys are more dangerous when they are on the run than when they are in the pocket.
  19. To be honest I don’t think it was a let down. Tulane made a good decision to load the box against a freshman QB. Give them credit. Bo tried to throw out of the situation but him and his receivers ( not named Hastings and Stove) weren’t on the same page. They will get better but expect folks early on to load the box. And I don’t care who you are when a defense is willing to put 8 or 9 guys in the box. They are going to usually stop you. You have to have another weapon to make them pay for loading the box. Actually I think they made a good adjustment with pulling both guards and moving the action outside the box. But still we have to get better on the passing game especially early on. I hope Gus tells the punter to go higher and shorter and stop these run backs. Defense just needs to keep getting experienced
  20. First I would like to say I would rather see the team still improving at this point of the year rather than maxed out already. So not being a 100% is ok. Some of the passpro problem is on Bo and if you listened to his remarks he points it out. The QB calls the protection along with the center but the QB has a much better view. No will get better I have no doubt. But even though he leaves a little early he is making great effort not to have negative plays getting no sacks or interceptions this week. Biggest problem in offense was fumbles. They will cost you down the road. I like the fact they made changes with pulling two guards. Maybe small but at least it shows a willingness to make changes that I didn’t see before . Defense may be the best I’ve seen at AU across the board. Special teams definitely need work especially punt coverage. But need to remember Oregon is probably a top 10’team and Tulane a top 30 team . I think if no major injuries we will be ready to make a run come November. Just my thought. Thanks coach as usual good info.
  21. Also wanting it is good but you also have to be smart and take what’s given. Some time with inexperience you can try to hard. Boobie was a good example last year. I agree with Cadillac that he left a lot of yards on the field outrunning his blockers. This year he will be much better. Same with Nix and Joey. They can’t try to do it all. They got to trust their teammates. Some of Jarrett’s problem last year was not trusting his teammates and being a little more patient. I think they will all do fine.
  22. I agree that talent is important but I also believe an experience senior 3 star might actually be better than an inexperienced sophomore 4 star.
  23. I’m pulling for Bo and Joey both. There are going to be opposing teams that have a great front 7 and other teams that have a great group of DBs , between the both of them AU can be successful against any team. Why limit yourself. Joey will also be an ideal wildcat won’t even need to swap personnel. If we are down in final quarter then run your air game, ahead run your ground out game. If these guys are as team oriented as they seem they will be happy to work together. I remember a team from west Vance that used JH and Tua in a dual capacity and it worked out well. I just hope Gus can find a way to use both enough to keep both happy here at AU. War Eagle.
  24. After watching and rewatching Aday ( and I know this was just a show game) and from all the on hand practice viewers, I come away from the spring practice greatly impressed with the quality depth that I’ve seen on both sides of the ball. I really feel that our two deep throughout the team looks very good. The reason that’s important is in order to make a championship run you have to have that. Playing our schedule their is just no way we don’t have some folks miss some games. My only concern at this point is coaching and play calling. If the coaches can put these kids in a position to win, I truely believe AU has the talent to win it all. Just hope summer and fall practice continues to produce positive results.
  25. Exactly. Folks fail to understand the folks we have are good prospects. They need good teachers. I like JB but I am not impressed with results this year. But also AU did not do a good job to put these guys in a favorable position either. Play calling has become to obvious especially when we are installing substitute packages of players for certain offensive plays. It like running into a brick wall. You can give good effort and not make much progress. But I do agree with comments of knowledgeable posters here that we are still lacking in fundamentals. Whether lack of teaching or lack of learning.
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