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Everything posted by AURealist

  1. As Arkansas high school football is the benchmark of all things football, I stand corrected. 🤪
  2. It's time to acknowledge the awful truth that Gus doesn't understand football. He is not so much a coach, but a play choreographer. I think he's actually stumped when his playbook doesn't work as planned.
  3. What? The folks at AU make bad decisions about AU football and then don't correct them. Nothing cosmic about it.
  4. Looks like we're going with "Refs Stole the Game" as our excuse. Congrats to everyone who had "Refs Stole the Game" this week.
  5. Makes perfect sense. They aren't playing the same game. Bama is playing college football.
  6. We brought in Chad Morris so he could make some $$$. No other reason makes sense.
  7. Might as well give it to us. We're terrible and pose no threat.
  8. Going as expected so far. May be a good time for a 5 year contract extension.
  9. That durned pandemic. Figures it only affects us. Maybe we can petition the NCAA for a 9-point compensation per game?
  10. Good kick. Good win. Let's extend Gus' contract.
  11. There's the pandemic excuse again. It's getting popular around here. Let's use it all year, mkay?
  12. Arky burned by one of our favs. The One Trick Pony Play.
  13. Well.... That looked suspiciously like pass interference
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