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Posts posted by CoffeeTiger

  1. 1 minute ago, I_M4_AU said:

    Of course I would.  If you don’t respect authority you should be arrested.  It happened on J6th and at Emory the difference is law enforcement acted quicker at Emory.  That was one of the biggest mistakes make in the summer of 2020.

    The vibes: 

    r/PoliticalHumor - Cheering on Suppression of First Amendment Rights (OC)

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  2. 15 minutes ago, auburnatl1 said:

    I’m happy for both of you. No doubt an attractive couple.

    Salty thinks I hate Christians, but I really, honestly don’t. A large majority of my family and acquaintances are evangelical Christians and I get along with them all perfectly fine. I also occasionally go to Church with them and have no issues participating in the services, putting in the collection play, fellowshipping, ect. 


    I just may sometimes sound very anti-religion on here because this forum is honestly the only place in my life that I’m fully honest about my current disbelief in religion, and is also one of the few places that I feel like I can have more or less free discourse and discussion about religion. I like the back and forth. 

    To everyone else in my life I am either still a devout Evangelical, or I just don’t talk about religion much. 


    • Like 3
  3. 12 minutes ago, SaltyTiger said:

    We can all agree that violence is wrong. Problematic when laws and requirements conflict with spiritual beliefs. “Impose” is a two way street. 

    True. violence and laws/government enforcement shouldn't be used to stop or prevent people from freely practicing the religion they choose. 

    certain Religious beliefs do sometimes have to be imposed on for the overall betterment of society and adherence to the US Constitution and Bill of Rights. Sometimes peoples Religious beliefs violate the rights of other people around them and that can't be accepted in a legal sense. 

    For example, gay marriage. A lot of people believed it was a violation of their religion or beliefs for the nation they live in to allow legal gay marriages. 

    Back in early America, many slaveholders (like most of the population in general) were Christians, and many especially in the South believed that owning human slaves was condoned by their religion and was actually beneficial to society as it resulted in millions of Africans being exposed to Christianity and possible 'salvation' through the American/European slave trade. 


    Some religious people believe that any kind of vaccine is against their religion, but in most cases they must be vaccinated against some of the most horrific diseases as too many unvaccinated would result in a 'rebirth' of these suppressed diseases that could then start spreading again and negatively impact society. 



    Since religion can be anything and religious people can believe in literally ANYTHING...nobody can guarantee that laws will never violate anyone's religious beliefs or convictions. 



  4. 1 minute ago, SaltyTiger said:

    Guess that leaves us with relying on you and Brother Homers BS. ITCHY used to be pretty reliably if you could wade through the mess.

    Everyone on this forum is similar in that we all believe that 99.9% of all the Gods and Religions that have existed throughout human history have been man made creations.   

    Some of us just take that belief 0.1% further than others.  


    but seriously, if you want to believe in God or the Bible then obviously you wouldn't want to listen to me or Homer. Believe whatever you want to believe as long as you don't try to impose it on others through force, violence, or politics/laws. 


  5. 11 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:

    Wow, what a diatribe.

    What it is saying to me is a person should not let anyone define your beliefs for you.  Religion is a very personal thing.  For some, religion is a struggle on a daily basis and being beat over the head by other people like you, the author of this thread and the anti-Christian press should not affect you belief in God.

    It really is that simple.


    Right. That's essentially what my 'diatribe' was saying. God is and can be whatever any individual person thinks he is or wants him to be. 

  6. 31 minutes ago, JMWATS said:

    Looks like the Godless Philistines need to kick-out and help those homeless. 

    New study: religious faith and reading the Bible increases generosityPhilanthropy Daily

    I strongly respect Churches who use the money they collect in real charity efforts. Churches do a lot of good work out there. 


    It's also true that a lot of these charitable donations given by Christians are used to construct large, grand Church building complexes, pay their staff, and sometimes languish in church saves/investment accounts. 

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, I_M4_AU said:

    Something to remember from an Auburn coach:


    Only God should have authority over what we believe about ourselves. Our true identity rests in Him alone. Have a great day !!!


    I mean, this is just saying that a person is justified in believing literally ANYTHING about themselves and their identity as long as they outwardly say that they are ascribing their beliefs to their version of God. 


    Since God is a silent, dormant entity whose whims and beliefs only exist within the minds of each individual person who believes in him. Each person can decide, independently, for themselves what God believes, wants them do do, or approves/disapproves of, and there's no one that can tell them differently because God is the 'ultimate' judge and he's not going to say or do anything supposedly until some future day of judgement.....sometimes people have likeminded ideas of their version of God and form into different groups.....this is why we have thousands of different denominations that all define God a little (or a lot) differently and interpret the words of the Bible differently. 

    And like I said, no, the Bible is not a good source for ascertaining Gods wants, beliefs, and commands since humanity has never been able to agree on what the correct interpretations or meanings of a vast majority of the book really is. Everyone interprets the Bible differently and nobody can ever prove any interpretation or version to be right or wrong because the books writers, and the only people on the face of the earth who have supposedly ever been able to truly 'know' Gods intentions, died thousands of years ago. (assuming you don't believe in any of the denominations that believe God has had more recent modern day prophets that have spoken for him outside of the Bible.) (and also assuming you aren't in a denomination that believes the modern Christian Bible isn't the full or correct version of Gods word)



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  8. Democrats :  Pass aid for Ukraine and Israel! 

    Republicans: NO! Not unless the border is addressed! 

    Democrats: Ok.....it's taken some time for, but here is a bi-partisan Border security bill written by both Dems and Republicans that will help strengthen the border....now can we get Ukraine aid

    Trump: Nah....don't pass that Bill..it'll make Joe look good. 

    Republicans: Ok...so Trump and MAGA said we can't pass the Bill, so no...no aid for Ukraine and we wont agree to your border bill either. 



    Republicans eventually pass Ukraine and Israel aid anyway without ANY action on the border. 



    Republicans and MAGA showing their excellent negotiating abilities as usual. They must have taken lessons from reading "The Art of the Deal" 

    • Like 4
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  9. 31 minutes ago, autigeremt said:

    Most of the country isn't interested in all three of these morons running for office. The leader in the clubhouse is the Mr. Clothes Pen. 

    People talk about the need for a strong 3rd party presence in American politics, but I agree with, but man....these 3rd parties...the Independents like RFKjr, Cornel West, the Green party, Libertarians.....

    The 3rd party options always seem to be even more crazy and 'out there' than the bad options that the Republicans and Dems give us. 



    • Like 1
  10. Dems may need to spend some advertising highlighting RFKjr's weird conspiracies and how the Kennedy family at large supports Biden's campaign, but I don't think it'll hurt Biden too bad. 


    RFKJrs campaign certainly seems to be specifically targeting voters of the more...right wing persuasion lately. 

    • Like 1
  11. In 2017 there were protests happening in St Louis after a Black man there was shot to death by police and was acquitted by the courts. This group of white police officers shared messages with each other stating that they were looking forward to beating up and getting in fights with the protestors at the upcoming demonstration, and that they could do anything cause they'd be in riot gear and unrecognizable. 

    So the cops picked out a Black man from the crowd and started the beat in up with their batons and such claiming he was resisting and a was threat to them. Ended up being that Black man was himself an undercover police officer that had been planted in the protesting crowd. The dude had broken bones, and other internal and external injuries that needed hospitalization.

    The white officers then tried to cover it up, tried to get the black officer not to cooperate with the investigation, tried to alter documentation and lied to the investigators and even under oath to a grand jury. The officers even had the nerve to admit to one another that they would have gotten away with it if it hadn't of been a cop they abused. 


    That cop has now been awarded $23.5 million in damages and the cops have served some jail time and probation for violating his rights. 





    • Thanks 1
  12. 6 minutes ago, SaltyTiger said:

    Well I am not “bitching” now. Just asked a simple question and made a statement. Truth is I don’t like football articles this time year. Of the mindset that no news is good news. Also in a state of frustration and border line depression about our baseball team.


    The trick is to embrace the depression. let it devour you from the inside out so that the stings of disappointment barely register as a tap of a feather upon the skin. 



    • Haha 2
  13. Many of the states who have banned and criminalized abortion were already among the ones who had the highest prenatal deaths and worst overall healthcare outcomes in the nation. BEFORE roevwade was ever overturned. 


    It's not surprising that States and politicians that didn't care about the healthcare of their citizens back then didn't suddenly reverse course now. 


    • Like 1
  14. The Democrats are never going to become an attractive party for highly Conservative independents, and that's ok. 

    People like Titan recognize the GOP has gone crazy, but they also know they are still socially and economically Conservative and wish they had a party to vote for that aligns with their wishes. 

    Nothing wrong with that. 

    .....but I don't want the Democrats to become the type of party that a voter like Titan would be glad to vote for.....because that would mean the Democrats would just be indistinguishable from  the early-mid 2000's Republican party, which isn't what a vast majority of the Democrat base in on board for.


  15. 5 minutes ago, homersapien said:

    I don't know and I don't mind saying it. ;D

    I certainly don't feel a compelling need to simply make something up or to accept something someone else made up as an article of faith. ;)


    This is a big thing! It's perfectly fine to say "I don't know" or "science hasn't figured that out conclusively yet".  

    There is still vastly more physical and observable evidence of evolution/big bang theories than there are of any Religious creation story out there. 


    9 minutes ago, homersapien said:

    Interesting. I always figured creationists would naturally accept the literal descriptions of "end times/return of Jesus" prophesies that - as I understand them - require Israel to play an important role.


    My denomination doesn't believe in the "rapture", and believes the end time Revelations have already happened and were referring to events around Jesus and particularly the destruction of the Roman Empire. 

    My Church has some eye rolling beliefs on Creationism, but I think our interpretation of the "end times" are pretty level headed and studied a bit more seriously. 


    6 minutes ago, homersapien said:

    Now that's an understatement.  :laugh:

    Last sentence is right on.


    Will I admire your statesmanship and respect your apparent desire for conciliation, I don't think the "truth" of the natural universe bends itself toward such a blending of science and religious belief.

    Perhaps we - or at least I - have not evolved enough to imagine that. ;D


    HA, well, while I don't believe in the Bible and don't worship any worldly god, I do still consider myself an agnostic, in that I'm certainly open to the idea that some form of higher being or creator could exist out there somewhere. 


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  16. 3 minutes ago, Mikey said:

    I don't remember the level of suspicion and distrust in earlier elections that we've had since the move to massive "no  ID" voting.


    It's because in past election we've never before had a President and his administration literally telling everyone they were cheated out of the election because of it. 

    The level of distrust of elections wouldn't be as bad as it is now if Trump never declared it to be the reason he lost. 

    • Thanks 2
  17. 2 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:

    If the guy was told an Uber was sent to pick up a package and it seems he thought she knew more than she did.  They will never catch the scammer so this guy will pay the price. 

    Even if they do catch the scammer, it's not going to help this man. He literally chased her to her car, tried to hold her hostage and then gunned her down as she tried to get away. 


    I'm sure he'll try to claim Ohio's stand your ground/castle doctrine as a defense saying he legitimately believed she was there to rob him or do him harm, but even in the most conservative interpretations of these self defense laws, you aren't allowed to chase them and kill them. 


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  18. 2 hours ago, Mikey said:

    Who knows? A system that requites adequate voter ID would remove all doubt and end future controversy.

    Nah, even with that you'll still have all the people who claim the Voting machines are hacked, or the ballot counts are being manipulated behind the scenes to change the results. 


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  19. 2 minutes ago, homersapien said:

    Well, you've got to be pretty gone to accept the creation story as literally true.

    Most people have believed it their entire lives, and had the literal story of creation taught to them before they even started Kindergarten. 

     I know plenty of great, overall smart people who are creationist. It's very, very hard to change such early, foundational beliefs, and frankly some people just aren't very curious or questioning, and just kind of go with the flow with what their Church, family, believe or tell them to believe without much interest in other viewpoints. 

    2 minutes ago, homersapien said:

    But I'd like to see the percentage of people who consider Israel to be "God's chosen people."  There are members of my family who believe that and it affects their politics re: foreign policy.

    Depends heavily on the Denomination .

    My church is full on creationism, but at the same time doesn't necessarily believe that Jews/Israel are special or different in the eyes of God. Our belief was that Jews being the 'chosen' people was primarily an old law type thing and that Jews turned away from God and more or less lost their special 'privalidge'  and so now everyone, Jews and Gentiles, are equals within Christianity. 

    Most people in my Church still heavily support Israel, mainly due to politics and wanting there to be a strong counterbalance to the Islamic theocracies. 

  20. 2 hours ago, I_M4_AU said:

    I find it odd that the guy was being scammed, he knew it and coincidently an Uber driver shows up in his driveway.

    I wonder who called the Uber driver?


    That seems to be one of the biggest unknowns they are investigating. Someone somewhere was calling a scam on this guy, and also someone hired this Uber driver to do a pickup from his address. 

    Also I'm not 100% sure from the reports if the old man knew he was being scammed at the time of the shooting. I don't know why the old guy thought this apparently middle aged woman with a limp was there to rob him. 


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