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Everything posted by EagleEye67

  1. I'm here ... and Jack is here to fortify my courage ....
  2. ... that are caught. By our players, I mean...
  3. I watched the Charlotte - FAU game last night and it was ironic and entertaining to listen to Andre Ware rip the 2-qb system multiple times...."it never works". He did NOT hold back his opinion...
  4. I'm holding out for the return of the mid 80s Bo tearaway mesh
  5. What's the one school currently with NB??
  6. An over-the-top negative and derogatory article from AL.com?? no way
  7. Based on Moo U's game against Arky, comparisons to the 3-2 contest will be inevitable.
  8. For a moment, I read that as Walter White. Now THAT would shake things up.....
  9. time to Trust The Processยฉ ๐Ÿ™ƒ๐Ÿคช
  10. Caddy put X1000 the product on the field with almost no help and no prep.
  11. ~checks to see if there's more than 13 teams in the conference
  12. that limits us to UMass and some service academies
  13. No O. Defense tires and crumbles late. I've seen this movie before
  14. He's reminiscing right now about those sweet days at Liberty
  15. did they really just say AU has SIX pass attempts for the entire game? ๐Ÿ˜
  16. you wanted HG on the field.....complain, complain ...never happy
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