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Posts posted by AU1947

  1. How come our 5th year seniors are not putting up the numbers in the previous years... Commentators mentioned that this weekend that their past production was a lot better than this season. I hope we can steal a few wins against the Cats but they honestly scare me. I also noticed Lowe had a patch or something on the inside of her left elbow... I hope she is not starting to have an issue her arm....

  2. 1 hour ago, Jad0003 said:

    They beat Northwestern State, not Northwestern. They haven’t played any really good teams outside Oklahoma State and Baylor. Their SEC schedule has not been the hardest either, but it is impressive they have swept all of their series so far. They have a chance to win the SEC. Like AU1947 said, they are solid.

    Looking back, the loss to SC in game 2 was rough, and I imagine Dean would like to go back and start Lowe over Yarbrough. 

    In reference to the earlier South Carolina game I believe that Yarbrough was in an ankle brace coming of an injury and there was a lot of blooper hits from what I remember watching the live feed. None the less this weekend will be very interesting to watch how it plays out.

  3. I believe our pitching will be fine. Hitting is the big question... The freshman have come in strong and KK looks good. Yarbrough appears to be getting back in rhythm and again didn't appear to be wearing the ankle brace which was a good sign. Handley needs reps. Looking forward to this weekend against that other school west of Birmingham. 

    Dowell is very impressive as a lead-off. And this team is super young!!! This weekend will be a good test of where we really are..

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  4. 5 hours ago, chizhead said:

    Thats what I was told, that the underhand motion does not wear on the arm muscles and joints like an unnatural overhand motion does,BUT, its a long year and Shelby's daddy has been our vet for a very long time. I remember when Shelby was born. I just don't want to see something go wrong and adversly affect her career

    I seem to remember an article in which Dr. James Andrew's was asked about the motion being more natural than baseball pitchers and his response I believe was it is still wear and tear on a joint whether it is a natural motion or not.

  5. I too think we will be really good. Hitting will be there and we have to give pitchers run support. Penta, Low, Dismukes, and Handley all have looked pretty good so far. And while Yarbrough had a Rocky start in her first appearance this year I noticed that the only 2 walks given up by her were full counts and besides the HR early the hits were not squared up on yet they were the no man's land bloopers.. so my point is folks once we get all the pitcher's hitting on all cylinders (Yarbrough back to throwing like last spring).. lookout as it could be a magic carpet ride for us with this Auburn team!!! War Eagle!!!

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