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Posts posted by zeroforwinger

  1. 28 minutes ago, TeamZero77 said:

    As long as he wins, the fans would look the other way and love him. We do with Bruce. 

    If Bruce Pearl were at Alabama and had the exact same background as he does, our fanbase would say he was the sleaziest coach in D1 not named Pitino or Calipari. Alot of our fanbase looked at him as a dirty coach when he was winning big at Tennessee and we all laughed and knew it was just a matter of time when he was fired at UT and got a show cause. Our fanbase swears up and down that Saban and Kirby are the dirtiest coaches in the nation even though they've never had anything on their record to prove it that I'm aware of. We always say Pat Dye didn't pay anybody and that was all a big setup by the mythical REC, blah blah blah. I just laugh at how alot of our fans truly believe rival coaches cheat when there's not been evidence of it but when our own coaches get caught we say they were framed and that we have never stepped outside of the rules. Takes a real Homer to believe that. 

    Just give me the coach that's gonna win the most games. That's all it really seems to be about anyway. If we gonna reach into the sleaze with Freeze, just go in with both arms and bring Urban to the Plains. He would give Saban, Kirby and those fanbases a heart attack when announced for the job; that is, if he didn't give himself a heart attack first. 

    Ugh, no. Bruce gave kids a barbecue. Freeze bangs hookers he calls on the company phone, and DMs assault victims suing his employer. They are not the same. Not even close

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  2. 2 minutes ago, JDUBB4AU said:

    Everyone makes mistakes. Coaches make mistakes. Don’t bury them because they fell short. Freeze would do well at AU. 

    I have no problems with mistakes. And I don’t really care about the hookers, other than the poor judgement. But DMing the sex assault victim is beyond making a mistake. 

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