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Posts posted by GunsmithAU

  1. 53 minutes ago, Randman5000 said:

    Calzada isn't a backup and you seemed fine with a true freshman before. Ashford is an athlete that can spin it

    Canada is a backup. He only played because the started was injured. And I'm not sure why you think I'd be ok with a true freshman. No one should ever be ok with a true freshman heading into spring practice. 

  2. 1 minute ago, Aucater said:

    Yep the landscape has changed. Apparently you have to keep a case of Chapstick on the ready to deal with a bunch of self aggrandized 18 year old's to be a relevant program. I'm with him, I was totally tired of seeing folks that eff'd up being patted on the arse and consoled when they "messed" up. Get folks that want to work and pay the price and you will see results. 

    You'll never see results when you're struggling to get quality players on campus and instead rely on "coachin em up". Recruiting is the lifeblood if college football. Alabama, UGA, tOSU, OK, all the big programs win by not only having good coaches, but by more importantly having the best athletes on the field. 

    • Like 3
  3. 11 minutes ago, HarsinVOL said:

    Auburn hires a law firm where one of our BOT members is a partner. That law firm is, realistically, hired to find a way to fire Harsin with cause. The BOT then enacts a new policy relating to Auburn employees that will give them cause to fire Harsin without a buyout. 

    Corruption at its finest, stupidity in less-than-rare display.

    The clause is part of Harsin's contract. This is also just an update to an already establish policy Auburn had. 

  4. 1 minute ago, WarEagleT said:

    Red Foxx, Dave Chappelle, George Carlin, Richard Pryor, all funny as hell and dirty as hell.  Just stop hurting this family in public-  if you repost or applaud and defend who sent it- you're as low as they are. Wouldn't be funny a bit if it was you or your family. 

    Thanks for being the funny police and the final arbiter on comedy. 


    • Dislike 1
  5. 26 minutes ago, WarEagleT said:

    First rule of holes- when you're in one quit digging. If it was in bad taste don't defend it. 


    Ardently disagree. Jokes of all kind can be funny. Whether dark, disagreeable, stereotypes, etc. Nothing is off limits in comedy. Hell many of the biggest comics today come from the domain of sexist, racist, bad taste humor. 

    • Facepalm 1
  6. 1 minute ago, WarEagleT said:

    I don't take anything hard. Pointing out that if you have a daughter, and she's suddenly all over the internet being referred to as doing her married boss, and it was untrue- then you'd feel very differently. People reposting a twitter joke and those reposting and defending it are one and the same. Be like- I just heard that your mom made you with a guy that she wasn't married to. Saw it on twitter.

    One can find a joke funny without needing to agreeable or in good taste. 

  7. 16 minutes ago, WarEagleT said:

    If it was your family- wife, daughter, personal assistant falsely accused- would you want someone posting what you just did because you thought it was funny? But wait you didn't really compose it- you just borrowed it from Twitter, so it's ok.

    It's a joke, not a .... Don't take it so hard

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