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  1. 1. Again, reading comprehension might help yall but I didn’t say a word about firing him. 2. Im extremely happy. Great wife, great kids, great job. Enjoy life. Had folks over today and ate great food and drinks despite the pitiful showing of the football team. My happiness is in no way tied to the success/failure of the sports teams I root for. But its a message board about…wait for it…football! So if I wanna express my opinion Im pretty sure thats the point! 3. Ive watched Auburn since 1984. And that entire time, with small windows of exception, had been one roller coaster ride after another. So history is on my side when I say Freeze will probably join the long line of mid-level hires that have one great season at Auburn and then flame out quickly. Forgive me for letting 30 plus years of history cloud my judgement.
  2. So predictable from our fans. Wash, rinse, repeat. Im sure you mean well but this refrain is played put at Auburn. We are in Miss St territory now.
  3. Not one place did I say a single word about firing him. Not one. Im accustomed to Auburn being Auburn at this point. Is what it is.
  4. Im not responding to any if the snark comments on my posts. I’ll let results speak for themselves now and going forward. I heard all the same stuff about Gus…”give him time” “just needs a QB” “just needs an OL” etc etc etc Yes today is “just” a bowl game. Was New Mexico State just a bowl game? Yeah we played bama close…so did Harsin his first year. How did that work out?
  5. Its Gus 2.0 and no one can convince me otherwise except Hugh by proving me wrong
  6. You’re just trying to rile some folks up now 😂
  7. I keep seeing people say they can’t believe folks are calling for freeze to be fired?? I haven’t seen one post calling for that. Maybe there are some but mostly its justified frustration over one of the worst losses in Auburn history. We had the game won over our hated rival. There is going to be frustration, especially since we’ve been hearing the “just wait” brigade for ten years now
  8. I admire those who can remain optimistic after what we just witnessed. And type out the same ol same ol “future is bright and “we’re headed in the right direction “ Ive been seeing and hearing for a decade now. What on earth makes you so optimistic about Hugh Freeze??? What exactly is on his resume that makes you think he’s the guy to take us to new heights? At best he will take us to some heights we’ve achieved fleetingly over the last 25 years but I don’t see why all the optimism. Tonight was no moral victory. It was a complete blown opportunity to knock off the evil empire. And Im sick to death of moral victories anyway
  9. I wasn’t on a board at all until these last few weeks but I know on facebook the last 5-6 years of Gus that AU fans were split on his performance a lot. I wonder if all those on here saying “give Freeze time “ and “Freeze will get it done when he has the players “ are the same ones who defended Gus until the bitter end with “he just needs a QB or he just needs a defense or just needs an OL”. And we continually got the sane thing every year after 2013…but hey, just wait til next year right?
  10. I feel the same, although maybe by spring it will pass. I had already begun to distance myself this year. Wasn’t watching today until second half when I saw it was close but deep down the whole time I knew. I just knew 😢
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