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Posts posted by homersapien

  1. Just now, SaltyTiger said:

    Reaching aren’t you?

    Funny, I would say the same about you, only substituting "limiting/attenuating" for reaching.

    We both know who is pushing armed revolt and who isn't.

    • Haha 1
  2. 6 minutes ago, aubaseball said:

    You’re right.   They all lied.  

    No, they gave an educated opinion, instead of "swearing" to it - which would naturally require evidential certainty.

    Who in hell would swear to that given all they knew about it's provenance?

    You're just another conspiracist desperately trying to support your conspiracy.

  3. 1 hour ago, SaltyTiger said:

    What right leaning posters or people of faith on this board have talked about itt? Other than Brother Argo?

    Does it have to be from this forum or just from the same cultish tribe?

    • Like 1
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  4. Just now, arein0 said:

    That's actually a good thought exercise that my wife and I talked about one night. Would we even be able to recognize that he was the second coming? Most people will say they will, but I really doubt it. I think anyone that is close-minded would have no chance of even recognizing and probably would go as far as crucify him.

    Good. You actually recognized my point.

    • Like 1
  5. 3 hours ago, auburnatl1 said:

    I’ll be shot equally by both sides for this (you and Homer finally get to agree on something) - but imo the best possible outcome is a  Biden win with the gop having a slim majority in Congress. Gridlock giving both parties time to pause, think, adjust, and reload. The current buffet is too old and divisive - it’s unacceptable.

    I don't believe we've had 3 + years of "crazy". 

    (Considering how Trump handled the epidemic, just the opposite.)

    • Like 1
  6. 7 hours ago, auburnatl1 said:

    I agree extreme liberalism is cultural chaos. And there are Marxist overtones. 

    So that’s the extreme left. Then how would you classify Maga? Doesn’t require a lot of thinking does it?  Just as friggin creepy.

    Politically speaking, the important thing is not so much identifying extremism on both sides of the curve, it's recognizing how much area is covered by them on their respective side.  

  7. 3 hours ago, CoffeeTiger said:


    What if having Democrats/liberals in power actually IS Gods will. 

    Christians pray about elections all the time and say things like "We pray that Gods will be done" a million times, yet when the person you personally don't like wins the election then suddenly you think about overthrowing the government and civil wars? 

    How about just Trusting in Gods divine power, and that he's allowing the right people to lead the government? Even if its Democrats...even if it's Biden? 


    Are you really praying for Gods will to be done and for God to put the right people into power....or are you only praying that God will let the politicians you personally like to win. 

    or are you claiming to know for a fact which politicians and political parties that God would or wouldn't like? 



    If Jesus came back, they'd crucify him again. 

    • Like 1
  8. 2 hours ago, jj3jordan said:

    Just what you have told us. You don’t believe in God. Or the truth in the Bible. Jesus? Who knows but the two previous proclamations answer the question. So yes we do. 

    Oh I believe in Jesus and his message.  (Well, most of it.  At least the parts that haven't been twisted - or emphasized - to serve a personal agenda).

    I think he is perhaps one of - if not the most - influential philosophers in human history. At least the ones we know of.

  9. 3 minutes ago, ArgoEagle said:

    I give you a laughy face on that one.

    But seriously, I invite you to go back since I made my 1st post & look at how many different admitted liberals have attacked my Christianity & faith in Jesus. I just got home from Bible Study & it was awesome to soak in God's Word & get away from all the chaos & idiocy of this forum.

    🙌🙌🙌 Praise God

    Who exactly has "attacked your Christianity"?  Be specific. Name names and provide the evidence.

    You just proved Arein0's point. :rolleyes:

  10. 6 hours ago, ArgoEagle said:

    yes, but  That last line I highlighted scares me.  If the Dems win, then I fear there will never be another (fair)election.  Therefore I believe when they get total control of the government, they will squeeze the life out of our citizens, and will make us totally dependent on the government.  Call it what you will (Marxism, Communism, Socialism, Totalitarianism, Tyranny,  whatever, doesn't matter).   This election is the last gasp the American People have to salvage our country from these power hungry, left wing idiots running it.   We have a President that cannot make decisions on his own, and we have a Vice President that can only spit out word vomit, or salad or whatever you call it, that has no relevance whatsoever to whatever question is asked of her on whatever Liberal TV show or news conference she happens to be appearing on.   Then the icing on the cake is when she laughs like a hyena for 5 full minutes to top off her ridiculously moronic statements without ever getting to the issue at hand.   And if all else fails, just Lie baby Lie!

    I fear that the only way we are going to get them out is an overthrow of the government, or possibly another Civil War.

    Let's do a whole bunch of praying until the election.

    Man, that's batshit crazy.  Taliban crazy.

    • Like 2
  11. 15 hours ago, Didba said:

    Really? He pretty clearly broke the law on the gun charges. It was slam dunk from an objective point as long as the prosecution didn’t ass it up 

    They don't believe in our justice system.  They say it all the time.

    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, auburnatl1 said:

    Wow. Was that copied and pasted from a maga website? It’s literally their word for word playbook.

    Anyway, when Trumps issues are just … “flaws”, you know it’s gonna be a fun read.

    I like the part where Trump is going to reintroduce his policies and reverse inflation.  ;)

  13. 2 hours ago, ArgoEagle said:

    This is spot on.  The liberals have brought these NON-POLITICAL Issues into politics slowly but surely, until they turned them into a (major) issue in deciding who votes for what candidate.  It's not by accident.  It's all part of The Master Plan for Democrats to take over our Government Permanently. Not for 4 years or 8 years, but permanently to where there will never be a Republican President in office again.  They call us Conservatives names like Racist, Bigot, Homophobe, Xenaphobe when we don't agree with their moral issues, and policies.

    It was brought into the forefront and put in our faces when Obama was elected in 2008, was interrupted by Trump in 2016, which totally blew their minds bc they thought Hillary was a shoe in for President but SURPRISE!  The American People said we don't want your weak, lame Anti-American policies so we gonna elect a Non-Politician.   They run their campaign solely on people's emotions and the same old tired idealisms:  Trump hates black people, Trump hates Asians, Trump hates Hispanics, Trump hates LGBTQ, Trump is a dictator, Trump is mean, with Absolutely No Policies that will fix the fact that since Biden took over in 2021 the average Middle Class Person & Families that consist of most of the work force is just barely scraping by, and when we get finished paying our ridiculously high grocery bills, utility bills, and getting gas for our vehicles so we can make it to work, we have very little money left for any luxuries at all.

    I don't need memes, or links, or sources to tell me that when Biden took over in 2021, I was paying less than $2.00 per gallon for gas in my town, and now it's over $3.00 per gallon, a large bag of potato chips was a little over $2 and now is over $4 per bag, my power bill & water & gas bills have doubled.  A 2 liter coke was $.99 & now it's about $2.50 on average.

    These are the issues people are dealing with everyday.  These are the issues that punch people in the gut EVERY DAY!

    I want it to go back to the way it was when Trump was in office, which included:





    These are real political issues that we used to have & they were awesome!

    I wish that Trump would tone it down some & no he's not the most morally based person, but as long as Jesus Christ is not running for President, you're not going to find that person. So never on that point.

    So the choice is vote for Biden & continue to have all his failed policies & continue to watch our country be taken over by the Government, and by our enemies.

    Or vote for Tr ump; listen to him throw out a few insults, cuss some, and brag on himself some.  So what?   But will bring back the policies we had in place in 2020 before Biden's Group of Clowns turned the White House into a Circus Tent, and fix what Biden has broken!

    Good grief.

    Borrowing from one of your sermons?

    Great illustration for just how dangerous and un-American you folks are.  Makes me hope there will be a judgement day to see the surprise on your faces.

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  14. 13 hours ago, jj3jordan said:

    It is a tactic people use to somehow justify their behavior by throwing outrageous accusations about Jesus, God, the Bible. 

    What "outrageous accusations" have been "thrown out"? 

    The fact that theories exist that Jesus was gay?

    • Like 1
  15. 13 hours ago, jj3jordan said:

    There is no judging here. That will be done by God. Feeling judged is often guilt inspired by the Holy Spirit that all of us have innate to our being. It is not derived from another human being. It is from God. It can be ignored also when camouflaged by actions from Satan.


    And that would be:


  16. 16 hours ago, jj3jordan said:

    There is no theory that Jesus might be gay. That is pure evil inspired by Satan.

    This really reminds me of the radical Muslims reaction to the cartoon by Danish cartoonist Kurt Westergaard.

    You'd fit right in with them.

    • Like 1
  17. 12 hours ago, jj3jordan said:

    There is no judging here. That will be done by God. Feeling judged is often guilt inspired by the Holy Spirit that all of us have innate to our being. It is not derived from another human being. It is from God. It can be ignored also when camouflaged by actions from Satan.


    Ahhh, judgement by proxy.

    The ultimate passive aggression.

    • Like 1
  18. 14 hours ago, AU9377 said:

    Did you have to sit and contemplate who you were attracted to when your body matured to that age?  No.  You simply became aware of your attraction.  It works the same for people that are attracted to people of the same sex.  In other words, both were born with the inclination.

    Free will didn't influence your attraction to women and it has nothing to do with a gay person's attraction to same sex partners.  Some people spend their entire lives trying to be something they aren't because someone told them it was a choice.  If it really was a choice, there wouldn't be an ongoing struggle.  It really is that simple.


    If you convince them homosexuality occurs naturally, they'll assume Satan had something to do with it and feel obligated to stone or burn them at the stake.

    • Facepalm 1
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