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Posts posted by homersapien

  1. 46 minutes ago, creed said:

    Command, instruct, steer, lead. It’s what people of leadership do. I couldn’t imagine our president just recommending things he wants to accomplish. 

    OK.  :rolleyes:

    I would hope that a leader would only "command" things that really merit it, instead of dictating how a city can illuminate its infrastructure for a holiday.

    But you do you.

    (Remember - don't say "gay". ;D)

  2. 13 minutes ago, Cardin Drake said:

    Well, let's make it secure and then implement it. I don't know how though. Signature verification is a joke and even that isn't enforced.  Today's process is insecure and everyone knows it.  Don't complain when people don't trust elections when they aren't trustworthy by design. 

    That's patently false, as evidenced by the lawsuits and appeals.

  3. 2 minutes ago, creed said:

    I don’t see or understand your point of view. The DOT is a state organization with DeSantis as it COO so to speak.

    Sorry. I think I explained it as best I can.

    It's one thing to suggest or recommend another to command.

  4. 9 minutes ago, creed said:

    Correct, and the Florida DOT is not a democracy. 

    Correct.  And they shouldn't be dictating to cities how to decorate their infrastructure.

    I agree it's a minor issue, but it's nonetheless unnecessarily authoritarian.  Do they provide the lighting to the city?

  5. 11 minutes ago, Gowebb11 said:

    A disturbingly accurate depiction. 

    That was hilarious!

    I'd like to see one ridiculing America for not officially switching everything to the metric system, which is one of my major peeves* with our country.


    *(Keeping with the irony - I experience the most frustrations with ounces/pints/quarts/gallons when opening my pool, which uses a biguanide, multi-component sanitation system instead of simply chlorine.)

    For a more serious example, an aircraft ran out of fuel because maintenance used the wrong conversion factor for gallons and liters. 

    And of course, there's the Hubble space telescope incident

    Last I checked the only country that hasn't officially switched to Metric is Ghana.

    It's a major global embarrassment, IMO.


  6. 8 minutes ago, creed said:

    I look at it more from a coaching perspective. For example you want all your players wearing a the same uniform all the to their socks. Also, not sure why people are making a big deal about it. Especially non citizens of Florida. 

    A football team is hardly a democracy.

    The "problem" I personally have with it, is that it comes across as DeSanctimonius targeting people who aren't in line with his own personal thinking, plus it's simply authoritarian - if the legislature wants to pass a law requiring it, then he should ask them to do it.

    (I will admit, I haven't read the original decree - nor do I intend to - I am just going by the language in the OP.  He didn't request it he decreed/required it.)

    It's like mandating everyone stand with their hand over their heart for the national anthem.  Real patriotism should not rely on such an order.  Leave that to N. Korea.

    • Like 1
  7. 10 minutes ago, auburnatl1 said:

    That was over 40 years ago. I think with single parents with kids, people working and doing last min traveling - the process should be easier and more available with current tech. Voting in person and waiting in line favors those with who control their schedule, retired, or don’t have much else to do. I know I’ve had to do a last min trip and missed being able to vote.

    I see your point about mail but in todays business and life environment I think there should be some fresh thinking about it.

    Not to mention Trump voted that way.

    I wonder if someone "harvested" his ballot by taking it to the mail box.

  8. 28 minutes ago, Cardin Drake said:

    And yet, nothing in your post explaining how the process is secure. That's because even Jimmy Carter was telling 3rd world South American countries that they had to get rid of mail-in balloting to have secure elections.  Lefties like Homer are fine with awful practices like ballot harvesting solely because it helps the left win. This is how democracies actually die. 

    Please define "ballot harvesting".


    • Like 1
  9. 9 minutes ago, creed said:

    I really don’t understand your point of view on displaying a consistent way of showing patriotism. Maybe it’s because you don’t like Desantis but that’s no reason to dislike the approach. 

    I don't think that was his point.  At all.

  10. 1 hour ago, AUFAN78 said:

    Well, there is. Otherwise, there would be no conversation on this trivial matter. 

    Red, White, and Blue should unite us all, yet there is a contingency in this country offended by it. It's sad.  


    You don't see why patriotism shouldn't encompass dictatorial decrees?  You don't see the irony?


  11. Well, I am on Medicare with a supplemental policy from Aetna.

    My wife and I have have primary care doctors but have seen various specialists as well.  We pay for out-of-pocket charges with our Healthcare Savings Accounts.

    It's not quite as bad as portrayed, but compared to other countries - like Canada - it's still complicated.  I have often said to my wife how do "regular people" do this? (By "regular" people, I mean folks without college degrees, computers and internet access.)

    • Like 1
  12. Kari Lake fan, uh?  I am not surprised.


    An ally of fellow election denier Donald Trump, Lake never conceded to Hobbs and has continually claimed the election was stolen, despite her claims failing to convince judges in December 2022 and May 2023 trials, as well as multiple appeals in between the two. 

    Olsen on Thursday focused on claims that Maricopa County didn’t conduct required logic and accuracy testing for its tabulators and ballot-on-demand printers ahead of the 2022 election, leading to issues with those tabulators reading ballots on Election Day. Maricopa County has continually denied Lake’s allegations that it failed to perform logic and accuracy tests required by law. 


  13. 1 hour ago, AUFAN78 said:

    Never trust polls. 

    At some point, the issues facing this country drive voting choices. Economy/inflation, border, foreign affairs, and abortion are all front and center. 

    And today is the day to think about the consequences of foreign "affairs".

    Rick Atkinson — the nation’s finest military historian, living or dead — has written of the 291,557 American lives lost in World War II combat: “Each death is as unique as a snowflake or a fingerprint. The most critical lesson for every American is to understand, viscerally, that this vast host died one by one by one; to understand in your bones that they died for you.” Remember this, and also the mostly young military men and women who this day, as every day, are in peril on the sea, and under it, and elsewhere.


    And here is one of the reader comments in response to Will's essay:
    I was in France in 2018 on the 100th anniversary of the Armistice. On 11 November at 11:00 (when the Armistice took effect in 1918), I was standing in the rain at one of the large US WW I cemeteries in a crowd of hundreds of people, most of whom were French, including bus loads of school children. They could have been at any number of French cemeteries, but they were at this one, to remember the Americans boys who fought to help free their nation long before any of them were born. I had tears as well as rain on my cheeks.
    - Frank**
    And another:
    Our beautiful young people gave all at Omaha
    for division
    for lies
    for hate
    for rogue klepto-corrupto murder-maim-torture-state putin
    for know-nothing cultism?
    Not one.
    • Like 2
  14. 1 hour ago, auburnatl1 said:

    I personally feel once the entire country starts focusing on the election and starts actually listening to what he’s saying - people will be reminded and he’ll crash in the polls. Could be wrong

    Agree.  Early polls are worthless. Maybe all polls.

    (I could be wrong also.)

  15. 1 hour ago, auburnatl1 said:

    Take 2 maga neighbors in opp or 2 progressive neighbors in mountain brook. Same race, religion, culture, economic class, personality. 

    And one went to AU and one went to Bama…  Colleges.

    We’re a complicated species to unite and will go tribal on literally any damn thing.  A president HAS to be a uniter in a disparate country like ours, and yet it’s the last criteria we now look for.


  16. 2 hours ago, AUFAN78 said:

    Trustworthiness in elections went out the window with mail-in voting, unsecured drop boxes, ballot harvesting, exempting signature verification, etc.

    We should have a goal that 0% of our citizens question elections in the future. We won't.


    Nonesense.  See my response to Cardin Above.

  17. 3 hours ago, Cardin Drake said:

    Why should anybody trust our elections when some states send mail-in ballots out in mass?  Anybody can get a ballot and send it in.  There are no safeguards.  Can you explain how this process is trustworthy?

    Over 60 court cases upheld the election results.


    Please don't accept Trump MAGA lies.  Please.  For your own sake as well as the country's.

  18. Don't want to step on your point, but that's very misleading.

    First - and foremost - a popular press "prediction" is not a scientific prediction.

    In one case, (ozone) we pretty much responded and solved the problem (I think). Ice Age - never a problem to start with. Problem now is AGW (a real scientific prediction). Acid rain - you covered that with your link. Ice caps - it's happening.

    The "higher taxes" would need to be demonstrated with research. But I highly doubt it.


    • Facepalm 1
  19. 12 hours ago, auburnatl1 said:

    I’ll double hell you. The climate debate is about that we now dont trust…. nerds either.  They too are up to something - and it ain’t good.

    Though it’s easy to pick on maga conspiracy types because many fit that personality profile - the broader problem is societal trust in general. In virtually anything. From churches, to banks, to schools. We’ve become a jaded bunch.



    Everything depends on trust - business, our financial system, capitalism, our economy, our democracy.  You can always expect a small percentage of the population that don't trust our institutions, but when that number starts to get significant, our society begins to unravel.

    Hate to say it, but we almost need a major war (a definite outside threat) to reverse it. I'm not sure a relatively slow progressing existential threat (AGW) will do it.  And we know pointless wars (Viet Nam, Iraq, Afghanistan...) are actually counter-productive.


    • Like 1
  20. On 5/24/2024 at 3:30 PM, CoffeeTiger said:

    One of the biggest dangers to the future of the Republic is that an increasingly large number of people don't believe they have any real say or influence on who leads the country or what problems get consideration by our elected officials. 

    Having an Electoral college system where most peoples presidential vote....literally...doesn't matter...certainly doesn't help that perception.

    Hell, something like 35% of the populace don't believe elections are conducted fairly!

    Our democracy is melting away right in front of us.

    • Like 2
  21. 4 hours ago, auburnatl1 said:

    .....Again, I disagree with much of it but I get it. IMO the challenge is that maga seemingly just wants to scream and blame symptoms - but I have no idea what to they want to do to actually solve root cause problems.  Just bitch about transgender and the like. That solves nothing really in their day to day lives. They have to have a counter economic ideology to inequity besides complaining. Otherwise there’s no debate. And no movement.

    And no government.  They don't really have defined policies evidenced by their lack of a platform.


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