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Posts posted by homersapien

  1. 1 hour ago, AU9377 said:

    The Supreme Court's actions today make it even more likely that the charges Hunter Biden was convicted of will be wiped from existence.

    Hunter should appeal.  SCOTUS would eventually overrule the law prohibiting felons from owning guns as unconstitutional. 

  2. 1 hour ago, ArgoEagle said:

    So I'm afraid you need to take a break from this forum man.  You are going to have a stroke if you keep living your whole life on here.

    First of all, what I said was tongue in cheek.  It was a reference to Mike Gundy (which I looked up on the internet by the way), yelling this out at the media years ago when they attacked one of his players. If you will look I referred to Salty as a young kid, which I know he's not.

    By the way you are in the Sub-Forum titled (Political Smack Talk).  That means people are free to give opinions, make some light hearted jokes, etc. You don't have to hire a lawyer & give indisputable proof of every statement you make on here.

    There's another Sub-Forum called Politically Speaking where people only talk about (serious) issues & back up what they say with links, quotes, memes, etc.  You should hang out there more; I believe it would be better for your health brother.  Speaking of that, I am sorry to hear about your wife's health issues & will pray for both of yall's well being.

    I read a few of your replies in which you called me an idiot, and a fool.   You also called Salty a liar, and gave him a big FU.

    You have accused several of us Christians of not showing brotherly love, but you are spewing out a lot of hate yourself.

    Hypocritical at best.


    I call you an idiot;  you identify people destined to burn in hell simply for who they love, and I'm the one who needs self-awareness.  :-\

    And don't give that "love the sinner hate the sin" BS.

    That's a weak rationalization to mask the inherent evil of such a religious belief.

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  3. 2 hours ago, aubaseball said:

     If you really don’t believe that the Biden family was raking in millions of dollars from foreign governments, who is in denial again?   And the big guy had nothing to do with it, yeah right 

    Apparently, this is what they equate with actual - you know - evidence.

    But then, we already knew that. ;D

  4. 5 minutes ago, SaltyTiger said:

    It was shameful and just digging a little. Doing a little travel the past week  and time on my hands. Mrs Salty dogged me pretty hard this afternoon time spent on this forum.

    yeah right, like I don't haven any problems, including an infirm and possibly demented wife.  FU

  5. 4 hours ago, cbo said:

    Blows my mind. Why have we started moving backwards on this? Why are so many obsessed? A town near me literally banned pride events. Because people were worried about ... drag queens or something. 

    Typically, when I don't care for an event I do this crazy thing where I just don't go. Works every time.


    • Like 1
  6. 5 hours ago, auburnatl1 said:

    Back to the pride marches, they do kinda remind me a bit of the Jan 6 guys. Just more colorful, better dressed, less armed, and no gallows. Each group simply expressing pride, unity, and national awareness in different ways.



    I hafta to admit, the Pride Parade does look like a lot more fun!  ;D

    • Like 1
  7. 5 hours ago, PUB78 said:

    Lay off what? Ignore wrong by turning our heads? Not going to happen.

    I didn't think so.  Ya'll have no patience whatsoever.  

    Or perhaps it's a subliminal appreciation for the fact time is not on your side. ;D

  8. 1 minute ago, SaltyTiger said:

    Thought you said it. Being mistaken is not lying. Sorry if I made a mistake.

     Shame on you. Don't be so casual with the charge. 

    Some advice: Have the proof. Get it prior to to the accusation.

  9. 5 hours ago, auburnatl1 said:

    Back to the pride marches, they do kinda remind me a bit of the Jan 6 guys. Just more colorful, better dressed, less armed, and no gallows. Each group simply expressing pride, unity, and national awareness in different ways.



    Well, that's certainly the way Christo-Fascists perceive see it.

  10. 5 hours ago, SaltyTiger said:

    Think Brother Homer said he has attended a few pride marches. Maybe he can share pics.


    Never said that - not that I would be adverse to doing so.

    Salty, you are sinking. Reverting to lies. :no:

  11. 5 hours ago, ArgoEagle said:

    That was my post about the potato chips going up tremendously since Biden took over.  Yes, I blame him. Yes, I would like to see the price of a bag of potato chips go back down to being reasonable; I don't see that happening as long as Biden is in office.  I do believe that there is a chance Trump could get the price back down the way he had it, and I can enjoy eating potato chips again without having to mortgage my house to pay for it.

    I'm a grown man; I'm 40.  Come straight at me, not a young kid like Salty.

    You are a 40-year old idiot.

    No honor in that.

  12. 46 minutes ago, SaltyTiger said:

    Don’t what you are asking or trying to say. Argo had mentioned the ridiculous price of potato chips. I was discussing it with Nat’l.

    Intended or not, your post clearly implied Biden was responsible for the current inflation.  I highlighted that part.

    Now you are prevaricating, which is typical of you.

  13. “Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.”
    ― Barry Goldwater
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  14. 25 minutes ago, jj3jordan said:


    I will admit to not being a homosexual.

    The statement is proof of nothing.

    Completely unnatural. Hard to believe you don’t see the unnaturalness of it.

    It takes away from the role each parent has with raising a child. Two men or two women do not provide the same level of parenting as a traditional couple. What does a gay couple do when their child turns out to be straight? That would have to be crushing to them. You think they don’t try to influence their child to stick with the plan? 

    Thank goodness a small minority is partaking in this birth ending choice.

    They choose the relationship and suppress sexual attraction to the opposite sex should that happen. I don’t know what sexual attractions someone else may have. Apparently you have experience.

    You and Argo have clearly laid out the religious-based prejudice against homosexuals espoused by (some) religious  sects.  In the (unlikely) case you are open-minded enough to consider what science says on the matter, here are two articles that provide brief examples:


    What is the current scientific thinking on the cause of homosexuality?


    https://theconversation.com/homosexuality-may-have-e volved-for-social-not-sexual-reasons-128123

    Homosexuality may have evolved for social, not sexual reasons


    I suggest you read them. I don't expect you to take them seriously, since I suspect you both deny science as the work of the devil (or some such).

    At least it will expose you to your opponents perspective. (As if you cared.) 

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