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Posts posted by Texan4Auburn

  1. On 2/7/2018 at 6:38 AM, AUIH1 said:

    My diet has had more fiber due to cancer treatment.  Any more advice?


    Ya. Relax, focus on you and find some enjoyment somewhere.

    Sorry that you have cancer and I hope everything goes well for you. I have lost family members due to cancer,  absolutely destroyed me watching how it annihilated my grandfather,  but throwing that out there at someone in a petty online football recruiting debate is low. I've seen you take plenty of shots at people here, don't play victim and guilt someone with that when they fire back. Nobody deserves that.

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  2. It was a great record....Lot's of bootlegs floating around of that one. If they ever re-release it, it would blow up, again. Saw them in concert in Nashville not long ago. They were joking around between songs and Lindsey played a dozen bars of Frozen Love or so, Stevie sang, "You may not be as strong as me".....the crowd exploded.....

    She said, "You know, we should do that one day"......No s---....Probably more well known today, than then.

    The record only sold well in Austin, Texas and Alabama.....Never understand it. On youtube, you can find some of their early work in California, before even Buckingham Nicks.

    I think Stevie actually just recently got the masters of it back or something. Can't remember the article. There was discussion of doing like a special edition with it's release.

    I caught them at both the Atlanta shows.

  3. Until you commit to Finnish Folk Metal.....I question your sincerity..... ;)/>

    Folk metal and Viking metal are definitely two sub genres I haven't dabbled much in. I'll have to get back to you on that.

    Lol, I heard a guy talking about Pirate Metal and was like nooo so looked it up and its real. "We are are here to drink your beer and steal your rum at the point of a gun...Drink Drink Drink Drink!

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