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Everything posted by bigbird

  1. bigbird


    Hey guys... Sorry I've been MIA so long, just overwhelmingly busy. Things here are going great and the family has adjusted well. James has had a few minor bleeding episodes, but nothing major to report. Madison is #1 in her class (I didn't know they kept up with things like that for 4th grade, but they do) Amanda is substituting while looking for a job and I'm doing my thing. A wild cat has now claimed us(thanks Amanda for feeding it) and the kids have named it Purcy because it purrs so much...uggh, I hate cats, and apparently Maggie does too. The football team is 6-0 and the secondary has had 7 INTS I hate that I can't be with y'all as much as I once was, but know that all of you are in my thoughts and prayers. -John
  2. bigbird


    So, I drove 4 hours for an interview on the 8th and then drove back the same day. I was called back on the following Tuesday, the 13th, and asked to come to their board meeting. So I drove 4 hours back for the board meeting that night, where I was recommended and offered the job. The next day Amanda and the kids drove over here and we proceeded to embark on a 2 1/2 day, 937 mile deep east Texas tour trying to find a house. My first day was that Friday, the 17th, and we finally found a place to rent as we were starting to go back to Temple. Sunday, the 19th, we drove another four hours with my dresser, some hanging clothes, a blowup mattress, and a sleeping bag. Monday, We got the kids enrolled and talked with the nurse about James(she is really cute...so much so, that even Amanda said, "Wow she's pretty...James noticed too ) We met their teachers, which they both really liked, which was such a relief for me an Amanda. The three of them then headed back to Temple Monday night. this week I've been camping out in the house since we had practice and inservices. Last night was "meet the teacher" night and my classroom, being that I've only had two or three days to work in it, was not in the best of conditions, as could be seen in the faces of a lot of the parents. Anyways, I'm leaving after work to drive back to Temple tonight, and then we are loading up a moving van Saturday morning, driving back 4 more hours Saturday evening, unloading on Sunday, and the kids and I start class on Monday. I know I've been absent from here and have neglected many of my friendships, and I 'm sorry for that, but its good to know that y'all are still here when I get a moment. I hope all of you are doing well. I truly miss most of you. Oh yeah, Biology, anatomy and Physiology, and coaching... girls volleyball...both track teams...and working with the secondary for football.
  3. bigbird


    sounds like y'all are where we were last year. 50+ straight days of 100+ and 27 straight of 105+ with no rain for 6 months.
  4. bigbird


    no kidding. Amanda's grandmother lives in coffeyville, KS and it was 114 on her thermometer outside of her house yesterday.
  5. bigbird


    I came here to vent, read this, and am all better. Thank you.
  6. bigbird


    thank you, so have y'all.
  7. bigbird


    thank you, been a rough stretch and just needed some time.
  8. bigbird


    Putting stuff in yellow to show sarcasm or a joke, is in itself, a joke. Thank you, Barney. I did that to make fun of those that don't get it. Which, to me, makes it even more funny
  9. bigbird


    James is limping around. We'll continue the infusions, but he should be 90-100% in anther day or two. Thank you all for your prayers and thoughts.
  10. bigbird


    Likewise, I'm continuing to keep y'all in my prayers.
  11. bigbird


    The pain has broken for the most part, but he is very tender and moving extremely gingerly.
  12. bigbird


    After 20 infusions in the last two days, James can now straighten his leg. He still can't put pressure on it and is still hurting, but it is moving in the right direction. That puts us just shy of 400,000 in two days...bet y'all wish you could spend that kind of money too, huh?
  13. bigbird


    he just woke up from an hour nap still hurting. He seems to be using his other leg better now, so thats a good sign. Otherwise more infusions and pain meds.
  14. bigbird


    please keep James in your prayers. He came home from camp in a wheelchair and woke up writhing and screaming in pain last night. Its a bleed in his groin and he is hurting badly...probably the worst I've seen with him. We have been giving him infusions every 3 hours since 6 last night and are giving lortab every 4, but its not really helping. Thank y'all and I'll update later. I have to run up to the hospital to get more meds.
  15. bigbird


    Praying for you, buddy. Let us know how we can help.
  16. bigbird


  17. bigbird


    They are both gone this whole week.
  18. bigbird


    James living large at 0:32 http://www.kcentv.com/global/video/flash/popupplayer.asp?ClipID1=7432892&h1=Bikers%20Help%20with%20Summer%20Camp%20Sendoff%20for%20Cancer%20Patients&vt1=v&at1=News&d1=114166&LaunchPageAdTag=News&activePane=info&rnd=97577413
  19. bigbird


    I love it when the angry replies come in. To me, its the best part.
  20. bigbird


    Tell the little bird congrats. :'( I hope you guys and especially him, have a wonderful day thanks. The little guy isn't staying little. I'm going to have to try harder to soak it all up.
  21. bigbird


    Kindergarten graduation day. :'( I'll post pic later. Hope all are doing well.
  22. bigbird


    colors thread=40 post Golf's birthday thread= 4 post This board never ceases to amaze. Way to go AU family :-\ not intended towards y'all, just wanted to vent.
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