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Just now on College Football Live, Erin Andrews said "Remember when we went to the Auburn Clemson game and how loud it was?  That was nothing compared to the Wisconson game this saturday."  I can't imagine that she really thinks that.  I think this is just to hype up their game but it still is a disrespect to say that about AU.

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Could be a compliment; she's been to many other games as well this season, and so far to her, the two loudest atmosphere's are AU and the one she just now compares to.

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Honestly, we were pretty subdued in the first half of the Clemson game... but the second half WAS loud.

In my opinion we were much louder from start to finish against South Carolina. I may be wrong but I don't think Erin was there.  Jen Baker was our eye candy for South Carolina.

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Could be a compliment; she's been to many other games as well this season, and so far to her, the two loudest atmosphere's are AU and the one she just now compares to.

But in her comparison, Jordan Hare doesn't touch Camp Randall.  I've never been to Wisconsin so I'm not the one to judge, but that would have to be one loud stadium!  Not that big of a deal though.  Just thought it was interesting that she said that.

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I was at a Wisconsin-Iowa game at Randall about 3 years ago.  Tailgating was fun and the fans were loud... not being bias, but it doesn't have anything on JHS on a Saturday night.  War Eagle

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My first college football game was at Camp Randall when I was a very young teenager.  I remember thinking the college kids were crazy (and most likely drunk but I was young and naive so I didn't think of that), but I don't remember it being particularly loud.  It's not near as big as JH either. 

I was there for another game later in life, after I'd graduated from AU.  Still don't remember it being super loud.  Even though the no. 1 ranked team in the country is going to be there, and the Badgers will be loudly supporting their team, there's no way it could be as loud as Jordan Hare.

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Guys, i think everyone's taking that quote the wrong way...keep in mind that the game she's speaking of hasn't taken place yet.  She's saying that the AU vs Clemson game wasn't near as big a game...she's saying that since the Wisconsin vs OSU game is a bigger game, that she expects it to be as loud or louder...i don't see that happening.  It has been widely reported by many unbiased sources that Jordan Hare is the loudest of then all by a pretty good margin.

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Yep.  Didn't take it that way at all.  But her statement makes more since when you look at it that way so that's probably what she was trying to say.  Thanks for clearing that up mux!

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What do you expect from a Gator Alum.  Auburn has broken her heart a lot in the last 20 years.

:beatmullet: :beatmullet: :beatmullet: :beatmullet: :beatmullet: :beatmullet: :beatmullet: :beatmullet:

If she doesn't like what I said I guess she will just have to SPANK me.  :'( :'( :'( :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:

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