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Eventually, Al-Qaida will strike the United States again, and it will be easily done. Republican politicians benefited immensely from the terror attacks, so they have left America’s borders wide open to the trespass of anyone who wants to smuggle weapons of mass destruction into the country. Over the last three years, Bush has given more taxpayer dollars to Halliburton than he has spent safeguarding nuclear power plants and other asset rich targets for terrorism. Even after all the Hessian-style blather about “homeland security”, the United States remains pitifully vulnerable to attack.

Most Americans have no idea how dependent they are on foreign good will; if China and Japan were to stop buying United States Treasury bonds, the federal government would immediately default on its obligations, creating economic chaos. This is a major reason why Al-Qaida has increasingly made Asia its base of operations, seeking to lure the clueless Bush into another ham handed military misadventure that hits the Chinese and Japanese close to where they live.




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