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Thought(s) for the day


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"The behavior of candidates for political office often reflects what they are seeing in their private polls. That being so, I suspect that the Kerry-Edwards private polls look pretty grim, unlike the public polls which purport to show them running neck-and-neck with the Bush-Cheney ticket." --Michael Reagan

"Recruits to Muslim terror are made by Muslims who preach evil in God's name and by terrorist victories, not by America fighting back." --Dennis Prager

"I do wish Kerry would explain sometime why it is OK for his faith to shape his stands on social welfare programs and the environment when he vows never to let his stands on abortion and embryonic stem cells be shaped by that same faith." --Jeff Jacoby

"I did have a chance to assess John Kerry once more and now the only thing I could conclude: This is not a good man. Of course, I am speaking as a mom, and a pretty indignant mom. This is not a good man. What a cheap and tawdry political trick." --Lynn Cheney on the politicization of her daughter, Mary.

"Some of us may disagree with [President Bush], even strongly, but we're never in doubt about where he's coming from, and where he's absolutely determined to go. ... There are a lot more serious problems than getting your words twisted. Like not supporting the troops in the field at the moment of decision, whether or not you agree with the war they're fighting at the time." --Paul Greenberg

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