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AEAugirl last won the day on January 20

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About AEAugirl

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    Madison, AL
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  1. Oh my goodness Fifty I just saw this! I hope you are recovering well and have someone spoiling you!
  2. Largest margin of defeat in Bud Walton’s history!
  3. For teams that played in games the 29th or later, they get 5 days from the date of the game. For example Auburn players have until 1/4.
  4. Rusty Mansell has been saying that Harris is having second thoughts and may want to return to UGA. Any updates on that? I haven’t seen anything in regards to him being in Miami with the team but UGA hasn’t released their depth chart for the bowl game.
  5. His last visit before signing day will be Auburn 🤗
  6. Interesting name being mentioned as one to watch…. I do agree, I think Kelly was looking for a program easier to recruit to than ND but he’s an odd fit in Baton Rouge.
  7. February 9th, the day Williams has said he will sign, is a Friday.
  8. I don’t know how anyone can listen to Freeze, Davis, and Etheridge talking to him and not cry. Freeze telling him to start each day with gratitude and to keep a gratitude journal….Davis talking about losing him mom and his struggles…..that’s pretty powerful stuff. Reminding him to stay humble and grounded. So excited for this kid and the opportunities he has ahead of him. Also, Freeze rolling up in the mom van 😂😂😂
  9. He massively overpaid for Devin Leary if that is what you mean.
  10. Yep, and I think Auburn REALLY wants to get Rob Bironas’s kid London in next years class
  11. 9 a.m.: DL L.J. McCray 9 a.m.: QB Walker White 9 a.m.: DB A’Mon Lane-Ganus 9:30 a.m.: DB Kaleb Harris 10 a.m.: WR Perry Thompson 10 a.m.: WR Cam Coleman 11 a.m.: LB Jamonta Waller 12 p.m.: DB K.J. Bolden 12:40 p.m.: DL Amaris Williams 1 p.m.: LB Demarcus Riddick 1 p.m.: DL T.J. Lindsey 2:30 p.m.: DeAndre Carter TBD: OL Favour Edwin All CST
  12. Think Dimitry Nicolas could be getting processed. He has put off his signing until February.
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