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Incase you are curious about bama's bad luck


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and zook didnt outcoach richt last year

Well yes, he did. Unless you are blind you would have seen how horrible Richt's play-calling was on several occasions. Not to mention Richt abaonding the run in the first half ONLY to use it in the 2nd half when we started to succeed on moving the ball.

He has been out-coached by Zook the last two years. No question about it. Doesn't make Zook a better coach.

Unless I am just reading what your saying wrong, I don't understand the comparison.

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The implication was that Alabama cant win games with shula...ie hes a bad coach.

And I turned around and stated that many (non bama fans) think Shula outcoached someone saturday who many hold in high regard when it comes to coaching ability.

I think thats a fair retort.

For you to come back and say...well Zook outcoached Richt...would you want him?...is not really a fair comparision.

I could have gotten into how much crap shula has had to deal with...but i opted for the quick comparision. i guess i should have done otherwise.

for the few instances where you can show a poor coach outcoaching a good one, there are MANY MANY MANY more situations where good coaches outcoach good ones.

so i think, until proven otherwise, my comparision holds for the latter of the two.

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The implication was that Alabama cant win games with shula...ie hes a bad coach.

And I turned around and stated that many (non bama fans) think Shula outcoached someone saturday who many hold in high regard when it comes to coaching ability.

I think thats a fair retort.

For you to come back and say...well Zook outcoached Richt...would you want him?...is not really a fair comparision.

How? It shows that out-coaching someone (who is obviously better) in one game does not make the inferior one better.

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And tonight we bring you a great matchup between Alabama and Georgia, brought to you on your local Auburn board!

UGA: Our Coach Sucks!

UA: No he doesn't, just like ours doesn't!

UGA: Na-uh! I saw the game!

UA: Uh-huh!!! You can't compare!


Sorry, all of that reminded me of the fight between Jesus and the Devil on SouthPark.

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"Players are taught how to take a hit, and protecting your knees are part of that if you are a skilled player...guess Bama forgot to talk about htat and practice it."

That is the stupidest statement ever. Teaching players to protect their knees?....The guy got hit while looking at the ball on a screen play. He cant be worried about his knees. Thats like saying a lineman shouldnt let a player roll up on him from behind. Injuries are going to happen, you cant teach your players to be worried about that. If they are worried about getting hurt, then they would never play up to their abilities. They do teach how to tackle with your head up so you wont hurt your neck or anything. But knee's? How do you teach a player to protect his knees? A running back could get hit in the knees at anytime. BTW I think Kines is a heck of a coach. He has limited depth and his defense is rated close to the top in the nation.


Have to agree with you there. Absolutely rediculous statement. Must not have seen the game.

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Then how could anyone say Shula is a sorry coach?

I heard a bunch of media types saying how Fulmer got outcoached yesterday.

Not to mention we have 21 fewer scholarshipped players...well maybe 18...i think they got some guys in prison right now. on top of all our other personell issues.


Fulmer wasn't outcoached.


Who was on the short end of that stick?

It was obvious that UT's game plan was to win by one. Why else would a team run THREE straight times like there was only 2:00 left when there was actually around 8:00 left? Because he knew he could win with defense.

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It has little to do with Shula...people wanting to slam Shula considering the situation he has inherited...is laughable and ignorant in my opinion.


I slammed Shula based on his lack of experience and not too stellar NFL assistant coach history. At Tampa Bay his offenses were boring and ineffective. TB fires MS--->next year win the Super Bowl. :blink: IMO, TB should have played in 2-3 Super Bowls had it not been for MS's offensive offense... :rolleyes: Nice to see the Shula name can still land you a job...

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It has little to do with Shula...people wanting to slam Shula considering the situation he has inherited...is laughable and ignorant in my opinion.


So is your opinion. :big:

Hey, if you are not going to allow mine, why should I allow yours? :D

Keep pluggin' away bg ! ! !

Hang in there!

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Amen. But, HOW LONG will that "name" KEEP him a job? :)

What is the over-under on that one? :P

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