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What are they hiding and why?

Tiger Al

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"It's obvious that the White House wants to run out the clock here," he said in an interview in Washington. "It's Halloween, and we're still in negotiations with some assistant White House counsel about getting these documents — it's disgusting."

He said that the White House and President Bush's re-election campaign had reason to fear what the commission was uncovering in its investigation of intelligence and law enforcement failures before Sept. 11. "As each day goes by, we learn that this government knew a whole lot more about these terrorists before Sept. 11 than it has ever admitted."

Interviews with several other members of the commission show that Mr. Kean's concerns are widely shared on the panel, and that the concern is bipartisan.

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Nobody can point the finger just at the Bush administration. Heck, Bush was not even in office for a year yet. Clinton had alot more time to deal with these guys then Bush did. Government itself kept crippling the CIA with cutbacks, so it comes back on both parties, not just one.

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Here's another article about this. Why would the White House not cooperate with this comission? This was one of the most tragic days in our history so why wouldn't they want us to know everything there is to know about it? I suggest contacting all of your elected representatives and tell them to light a fire under somebody's ass about this. I am.

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Here's what Bush is hiding. The Saudi's (his personal friends and oil buddies) were in the thick of 9-11. Is it any coincidence that 15 of the 19 hijackers were Saudi citizens? Not a solitary hijacker was an Iraqi!! Is it a coincidence that 24 members of the Bin Laden family were in this country on the morning of 9/11/01? The first President George Bush was actually meeting with a member of the Bin Laden family in Texas on the morning of 9-11!! Why did our government allow these Saudi citizens to fly from every corner of the country in their family jet into Boston and out of the country the day after 9-11 when there was a moratorium on domestic flights? Why was the FBI not allowed to interrogate any of them before they departed for Saudi Arabia? Why did the Bush family refuse to cut financial ties with the Bin Ladens until the negative press forced their hands? Why did the Bin Laden family pump millions into W.'s presidential campaign? Why were warnings of a possible terrorist attack using airplanes as missles ignored by our administration in the weeks leading up to 9-11-01? Why has our government stopped focusing on bringing Osama Bin Laden to justice and instead made Saddam Hussein the Boogie man for 9-11? The answers are out there but the president is sitting on the answers and refusing to share with the people who need to know to help protect us from future attacks.

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Excellent first post, Donutboy. Welcome aboard and War Eagle to ya!!!

You've asked some intriguing questions. One other question that I would also ask is why did it take over an hour after the first WTC building was hit before fighter jets from Langley AFB were allowed in the air?

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Here's what Bush is hiding. The Saudi's (his personal friends and oil buddies) were in the thick of 9-11. Is it any coincidence that 15 of the 19 hijackers were Saudi citizens? Not a solitary hijacker was an Iraqi!!

Umm.. I believe this is common knowledge. I don't think he is hiding this because ANYBODY who follows the news knows this. I don't think Presidend Bush ever said "Hey the Iraqi's were the highjackers".

Is it a coincidence that 24 members of the Bin Laden family were in this country on the morning of 9/11/01? The first President George Bush was actually meeting with a member of the Bin Laden family in Texas on the morning of 9-11!! Why did our government allow these Saudi citizens to fly from every corner of the country in their family jet into Boston and out of the country the day after 9-11 when there was a moratorium on domestic flights? Why was the FBI not allowed to interrogate any of them before they departed for Saudi Arabia?

Yep coincidence. The Bin Laden family has been in the US for years. Many in his family have denounce Osama from the family. Do you think you should be punished for sins of your brother? Also I believe flights were stopped for commercial flights, not private jets. Could be wrong here. If their were restrictions on private, then I have no idea. Do you have a source for this info?

Why did the Bush family refuse to cut financial ties with the Bin Ladens until the negative press forced their hands? Why did the Bin Laden family pump millions into W.'s presidential campaign?

I'm sure Bin Laden didn't give ANY money to the Gore campaign. Again who in the Bin Laden family gave Bush money. Was it Osama or the disapproving siblings?

Why were warnings of a possible terrorist attack using airplanes as missles ignored by our administration in the weeks leading up to 9-11-01?

Weeks, hell years. This information was available for a long time even before the the Bush administration. We knew that Osama was up to no good but our intellegence was full of holes. Masive cuts and restrictions have tremendously hindered our intellegence capabilities.

Why has our government stopped focusing on bringing Osama Bin Laden to justice and instead made Saddam Hussein the Boogie man for 9-11?

Do you really think our gov. is only capable of doing one thing at a time? Have you not heard of the missions that are still taking place in Afgan.? Thats like saying the war kept bush from focusing on the economy. The gov. is capable of doing what other people do at their work... Multitask.

Nice First Post. Post often.

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Excellent first post, Donutboy. Welcome aboard and War Eagle to ya!!!

You've asked some intriguing questions. One other question that I would also ask is why did it take over an hour after the first WTC building was hit before fighter jets from Langley AFB were allowed in the air?

First of all after the first plane hit, we assumed (including me) that this was an accident. 15 min later the second plane hit. Alright, now we know something is up. It takes at least 15 min for a plane to get into the air. Thats 30 min. Add dicision time and other possible variables and maybe the plane got up their 15 min later than he should have.

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The government may have known more than they have told us, but how much of that was brought on by Clinton's cutbacks in the intelligence arena and did that cause us not to be able to do anything about it.

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The government may have known more than they have told us, but how much of that was brought on by Clinton's cutbacks in the intelligence arena and did that cause us not to be able to do anything about it.

I don't think that was the case. I read in a book (I'll try to provide a link later) that CIA budget was tripled under Clinton. The NSA had about 15 or 16 people assigned to monitoring terrorist threats and that number was reduced to 1 shortly after Bush arrived. Interestingly, Paul Bremer (the guy in charge of Iraqi rebuilding) said that he thought the Clinton administration was overly paranoid about bin Laden.

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If President Clinton was Paranoid about Bin Laden then why didn't he apprehend him the 2 times Syria offed him to the US.

Syria never offered him to us. He was offered by a Pakistani with no ties to the Pakistan government. When Clinton conferred with the Pakistan government, they said this person was not acting on their behalf and that they had no knowledge on anyone in their government having Bin Laden in their possession. Interestingly, after Clinton refused to give this individual monies for someone that he obviously didn't have or for a government that he falsely claimed to represent, he sold his story to the "always reliable" Fox News Service. They pushed the story even though they could not verify it themselves. Do you know what that Pakistani does today? he's a foreign correspondent for Fox News Service!!! Isn't that interesting???

On another tangent, one of the reasons the FBI was unable to investigate the reports of illegal aliens wanting to learn to fly planes but not take off or land them was our Republican Congress had over 200 of them busy investigating Whitewater, Paula Jones, Vince Foster, Monica Lewinsky and about a dozen other items in their personal witch hunt against Bill Clinton. Of course, things like that NEED investigating whereas whether we went to war under false pretenses or which top White House officials released the identity of a CIA agent aren't important!!

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And we all know that Clintax hated the Saudis. so much so tha gas was $5 a gallon because of it. Yep, good ole Bush orchestated the whole thing jsut to make his buddies rich. Hey haven't you idiots played that card already and had it trumped by the American people? You remember YOUR fellow demoncrat, Cynthia Mckinney, don't ya?

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