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New UAT rumor about violations


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Seen that, will wait for another source.

Me too, once Charles @ Yahoo is reporting, then I'll pay attention.

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Friday the $#!+ should hit the fan. No way Alabama can have the success they have had in the toughest conference without some wrong doing. Rumors are it's at least as bad as the SMU problem.

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Friday the $#!+ should hit the fan. No way Alabama can have the success they have had in the toughest conference without some wrong doing. Rumors are it's at least as bad as the SMU problem.

Thanks...I'm thinking nothing will come of it but we shall see.

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Supposedly, on Friday there will be a revelation that UA has a laundry list of violations that make the SMU violations look minor. I don't believe it. There is no way that this wouldn't be all over every sporting news outlet right now, even to just say it is a rumor.

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Friday the $#!+ should hit the fan. No way Alabama can have the success they have had in the toughest conference without some wrong doing. Rumors are it's at least as bad as the SMU problem.

Thanks...I'm thinking nothing will come of it but we shall see.

Looks to me like the "site" is one of those places anyone can post anything about anything, Mike. As nice as it would be,I never saw WHO was investigating,and the name of the guy that wrote it. Of course,he may remember Logan Young and is just being very careful... :-\

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The article:

Alabama football program appears to be headed for a storm.

If it sounds too good to be true, it usually is. Three National Championships in four years, an assembly line of NFL talent, domination in perhaps the toughest conference in the history of college football. And all without a blemish. In an era where we see even perrenial powerhouses Ohio State and USC succumb to the perils of NCAA Violations and sanctions, Nick Saban has built a powerhouse among the best in the history of the game without falling to these perils… or has he?

In a report expected to be released in full on Friday, a list of recruiting violations said to rival those of the SMU football program of the 1980s… the only team in the history of college athletics to receive the death penalty…. from which they still have not recovered fully… is expected.

Only excerpts have leaked thus far, but it’s enough to indicate that troubled waters lie ahead in Tuscaloosa. No statement has been made by the University or head coach Nick Saban to date; expectations are that they will wait until after the press conference.

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Written like a newspaper article. If it is not true, the guy is good.

UAT is one of the NCAA's cash cow programs. Somebody like Yahoo Sports would probably have to push the NCAA's nose into a mess at UAT to force an investigation.

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Do not believe. Saban has too many friends at the NCAA for them to investigate any thing Bama. The old saying "Where's there is smoke, there is fire" does not apply at Alabama. They always revert the heat to somebody else. They have a hell of a LAW SCHOOL!!!

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Probably more wishful thinking by people who can't get Bama out their thoughts.

How many times have we seen these rumors? I've lost count.

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Well, here's to hoping the s*** hits the fan Fri. I despise how they get away with murder. They need to be put in their place.

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That link has as much credibility as the national enquirer hell probably less. Hey guys if Alabama is going to get nailed lets see someone name the exact allegations and put a name to the article. Till then this is hot air.

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Well, here's to hoping the s*** hits the fan Fri. I despise how they get away with murder. They need to be put in their place.

Oh Please Be True!!!!!! What a meltdown that will b, and I will b glad to provide the gasoline
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Believe it when I see it. If they can blatantly have players driving around in brand new GMC Yukons with 22" rims and nothing is said, and have players with custom painted Chargers with their mom who couldn't afford much more than to put a little food on the table, driving a brand new Cadillac with a bama personalized tag on the back after he signed with them, this will produce nothing. Teflon U.

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While it would make for one whale of a fun day, until it finally hits the fan and there is an NCAA investigation or good old Yahoo Charles post the article of the century, going to have to wait on that one.

It is in the top 20 of my life's wish list however.

The two prettiest words ever used to describe turd football. Death penalty.

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If there was a true mathematical way to get a negative probability for something, this is it. There's a better chance of uat getting a retractive MNC declared Friday than there is of this happening.

I'm starting to agree with you AU64 on this stuff. It's time to quit grasping at straws.

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Do I believe Alabama is doing illegal recruiting at or above the level SMU was? YES

Does the NCAA know? If they have half of a brain than most likely

Will anything ever happen? No, it's the turds plus they have Dick Satan that equals bulletproof. They would have to litterally find an investigator for the NCAA have him stand in a recruits drive way as they pull up in a new escalade with the trunk stocked with cash, and then witness Nick himself hand the recruit a diamond encrusted key to said escalade.

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Do I believe Alabama is doing illegal recruiting at or above the level SMU was? YES

Does the NCAA know? If they have half of a brain than most likely

Will anything ever happen? No, it's the turds plus they have Dick Satan that equals bulletproof. They would have to litterally find an investigator for the NCAA have him stand in a recruits drive way as they pull up in a new escalade with the trunk stocked with cash, and then witness Nick himself hand the recruit a diamond encrusted key to said escalade.

Even that would not cause anything to happen!

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