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mustache eagle

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  1. Really does seem like a very dumb short sighted move. Of the 4 schools, Auburn seems the no brainer. As stated in a post above, Riley may be on the hot seat and Colorado/Indiana just seems idiotic from a football perspective. If social media cred/income - ala Livvy Dunne - is your goal then Colorado with prime might be a smart choice. I just don’t see him there for many more years. im not objective at all, but auburn sure seems the logical choice for a plethora of reasons.
  2. One of the reasons I think Klinnsman was one of the best USMNT coaches. His tactics may have been questionable but he forced the player pool dynamic to get our players to play overseas and not mls. Our entire pool plays in Europe. He forced our young pros to become better players because they play for “real” pro clubs. Maybe one day mls will have the same results. I’m all for people making a buck, but parents wanting little Johnny to be the next all American is the real problem. The kids that become great players - you can’t hold them back. There needs to be a way for them to organically grow. I always compare it to pickup basketball. Soccer needs the American version of that. i had a kid that was a multi year ODP player. That was a great soccer environment. I’m not a fan of the club soccer scene. Most parents don’t really understand It’s a business and your kid is the commodity. If you understand that, it makes decisions easier. These clubs present themselves like they are rec leagues from us old peoples’ youth. It is not. Big business. The CEO’s of Birmingham united and vestavia hills soccer clubs were making $200k and $190k back 5-7 years ago. Bham soccer club paid a girl straight from playing at North Carolina $60k to coach a couple youth squads and do some minor admin work so they could market her presence at the club. its business. Your kid is secondary. Teaching kids how to play is down the list. There are exceptions to this and we were very lucky to have a few of them coaching my kids.
  3. The federation that hired ggg is the real problem. Who fires those guys? Who decided/decides US soccer is the entity to represent the USA? Who can force changes and n the brass there? They are the incompetent homers that have ultimately screwed the last several years up. Ggg should never have made it to the 22 World Cup as the coach.
  4. We could win that game by 10 and I still think he should be fired. I wanted him fired before the World Cup. I think he did good things early getting the guys to play for each other but that positive dissipated quickly
  5. I was just sent a video clip of professional air hockey. Now that’s a man’s sport!
  6. GGG should never have been rehired. I don’t even blame GGG. He was offered the job and said yes. This is a failure of the admin of US soccer. These young players - who deserve crap tons of blame themselves for the way they play/train - went to bat publicly for GGG. Ultimately US soccer should be cleansed of the homers making awful decisions. my vote is GGG should be fired the hour we are out of this tournament and we should look heavily at a CONMEBOL coach. Someone who’s tactics can compete with Europe but understands what it takes to beat primarily central but also South American teams. I’m not sure European coaches understand what it takes to play in Costa Rica or the Aztecs, etc… but we can’t hire another US has been.
  7. No way the coaching staff was giving their all to the players in the finals series with Tenn. no way. The players got screwed by the entire coaching staff
  8. A summer pre tournament practice game against the existing team in Auburn would create a bit of interest
  9. Remember last year we had 5-ish weeks in a row where we got a big commit. It felt planned maybe the same this summer?
  10. Last year we stacked several weeks in a row with a top commit wouldn’t surprise me if we had a media friendly run of commitments at an opportune timeframe
  11. Wasn’t Dansby a WR recruit out of high school or athlete? Then turned LB? just an aside …
  12. I’m no nba guy how often do well thought of college players who become nba role players then turn into nba stars? is that a common or uncommon path?
  13. Good for him if players want to give him a piece of their future earnings then that might be an investment worth considering but endless contributions with no financial benefit is not wise
  14. This thread … good grief …
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