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Does Auburn ever seek revenge?


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Only a fool seeks revenge. A wise man seeks redemption through honest hard nosed work; and that is the only way to come out a winner at days end.

Doc 2013

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To the OP I would ask one question- Why would we even need or want a revenge narrative written about us? I don't see how that helps us one iota in beating Moo State come Saturday.

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To the OP I would ask one question- Why would we even need or want a revenge narrative written about us? I don't see how that helps us one iota in beating Moo State come Saturday.


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"The BEST revenge is living right"- Patrick F. Dye :wareagle:

(Or barring that, living well. ;) )

I will leave it to you to correct Coach Dye.................

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To the OP I would ask one question- Why would we even need or want a revenge narrative written about us? I don't see how that helps us one iota in beating Moo State come Saturday.

That's a good question and I agree with you. I just find it interesting that Alabama supposedly wanted revenge on us in 2011 because we came back and beat them. They supposedly want revenge on TAMU this year. Lots of times when an upset happens, supposedly the next year the favorite is seeking revenge on the team that finally beat them. I've never seen a revenge narrative written about Auburn in at least the last 20 years, and it just struck me as odd . . . not necessarily good or bad, just odd.

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Some can call it karma, but I will quote Romans 12:19.

"Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord."

We only need to take care of our part and let the rest take care of itself!

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To the OP I would ask one question- Why would we even need or want a revenge narrative written about us? I don't see how that helps us one iota in beating Moo State come Saturday.

That's a good question and I agree with you. I just find it interesting that Alabama supposedly wanted revenge on us in 2011 because we came back and beat them. They supposedly want revenge on TAMU this year. Lots of times when an upset happens, supposedly the next year the favorite is seeking revenge on the team that finally beat them. I've never seen a revenge narrative written about Auburn in at least the last 20 years, and it just struck me as odd . . . not necessarily good or bad, just odd.

I hear ya, and when it comes to the mainstream press and their opinion of us, odd is a good word. After that, most of the other words I'd use for the press wouldn't be fit for printing in a fine, family site like this. Ha! :)
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Some of my favorite Auburn wins have been where we sought revenge, we do it quite well. LSU at Auburn the year after the Earthquake game kept us out of the national title game...by 1 point...with a minute to go. Bama at Auburn in '89 (where do I begin with all the ways THAT was revenge). An exception was our kick off classic loss to Miami in '84 after they jumped us for the '83 national title (course they won that game by their kicker tripping Bo and we sent like a dozen guys to the pros from the '83 team).

We also seem to let other teams have their revenge on us though. Ole Miss first game against Tubberville after he pine boxed to Auburn comes to mind. The lifelong AU fan Ga Tech QB annoyed we didn't recruit him played the game of his career against us a few years back. The Vols are still seeking revenge after losingto Auburn TWICE in 2004, then having their revenge game not exactly work out for them.

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The year following an Auburn win, many times the media will create a revenge narrative. Heck, even last week, the Red Wolves wanted revenge on Gus for leaving them after a year. The media is going with a line that Alabama wants revenge since Texas A&M beat them last year. I can't even remember a revenge narrative for Auburn. If any game we wanted revenge, it would be this one. That cruddy game in Starkville really set the tone for the horrid season. Heck, I would think Auburn wants revenge for the whole season.

So my question is, why doesn't the media ever write a revenge narrative for us? Are we too nice? Do they expect so little of us?

I hope they never do and I also hope they expect nothing from us...always!

FYI, the second half of that compound sentence is how things like getting robbed in '04 happen.

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