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NoALtiger last won the day on December 23 2016

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    Beautiful North Alabama!!
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  1. I mean, isn’t that an obvious photoshop pic? And not a very good one at that.
  2. Need a 4th guard badly imo.
  3. I think it will still be what it is, a scrimmage, either way. We’ve got 14 practices, I doubt Hugh would be putting in an actual gameplan and all. As someone else said, first time a player who is gonna be counted on for meaningful snaps goes down during a completely meaningless scrimmage the fanbase will come unglued. Bring in a small fcs or HCBU, pay’’em a little $$, let their players experience a stadium like JHS. Let our guys bang on someone not wearing a AU uniform and call it a day. It can be win-win for all.
  4. I don’t think AU traveling is what Freeze had in mind. It’s still just a glorified scrimmage at best and many years it even isn’t that good. I’d lean more towards the UT-Chattanooga, Jax State, or a HBCU route. Anything to make it a little more interesting for fans while making it pretty hassle free for AU. Would have to be win/win for all parties involved.
  5. I mean Travore was an unproven kid. Achor is the opposite. You see what he did to Kansas in the tournament game?
  6. He was first team All-Sec, there’s a good chance he’s at his ceiling as is. At a minimum he’s got a shot and now it’s up to him to make it or not. I don’t think I’d have disagreed with any decision he made on this one.
  7. I honestly don’t care either way really, just pointing out Aden situation (or any player) switching to Bammer is not the same as Bo or Tre or anyone else transferring.
  8. Yes as will anyone who switches to our most hated rival. Would you expect anything less? You don’t think if Bo had switched to Bammer it wouldn’t have been moved to the Rivals thread and be wouldn’t have been absolutely shredded on this board? Nowhere near the same situation. Notice the Tre Donaldson thread was not moved. Perfect example. Transfer to Michigan not the same as to Updyke U.
  9. I’d trust the opinion of professionals whose livelihood is dependent on being experts in this particular field over fan site message boards but that’s just me.
  10. Love it love it love it. It’s an absolute shame he wasn’t drafted as an AU Tiger.
  11. It’s tells me we aren’t done upgrading the position.
  12. Big upgrade over what we had. Bruce is no dummy.
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