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Sweet Victory


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No one thought we would win. The game day analysts all said Bama would win; they were just that much better. We Auburn fans knew our team had heart and was playing lights out this year. We believed. People said we beat UGA because we were just lucky never mind that we owned them for three quarters and had two big calls against us including a questionable Murray TD. This victory today may be our greatest and sweetest victory yet. How proud I am of the way our campus and fans represent our school. How proud I am of our coaches and players. Game day was awesome, Game time was awesome. And the storming of the field was incredible. I am so full of love and pride for our team, our school and our fans!

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This is the sweetest victory yet. I think it's Karma....destiny....amazing self confidence without arrogance...and a touch of God's blessings to boot. It's just unbelievable....and yet it's not.

Auburn has been put through so much lately. This is well deserved, and it has been earned the right way. I love this team. They may be the most special team yet among many special groups of young Auburn men. They have the biggest heart in football, and it's better than any 5* studded team could ever comprehend.

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I do not post to much (as you can see), but I have tears in my eyes as I post this. I thought Bramblett's call of the Ga game was awesome but tonight was the best. I deal with Bama fans every day (they are not Updykes, so I can deal with them) and I thought all week we could win, but about 30 minutes before game time I started to worry. I had my AU friends coming over for wings and BBQ for the game. We watched and rooted for the Tigers and cursed the CBS announcers as they rooted for the Tide. I believed, but like most of the AU family, I did have my doubts as the game progressed. I apologize to all the AU family for doubting, but all I want to say is thank you Tigers for beating the Tide! This was even better than the year I was on my knees and Nix pulled off the pass to Sanders in the Florida game. Thank You again Tigers for battling through the season and pulling out the victories!

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