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Rowdy Gaines reaction


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My wife has brought in a new rescue/foster dog to add to our large pack of dogs for the holiday. Damn dog is a crazy mixed shepherd that can get really noisy. So our neighbor stops in yesterday to drop off a Christmas gift. We say we hope the new dog does not disturb her. She laughs and says she has only heard noise from our house twice. Once my boys were leaving after a visit and made a bit of a ruckus in the driveway. Envision a Marine saying see you later to a Special Forces Army guy.

Second time was the UGA game. The neighbor and her son were watching TV and thought they heard something outside. Turned down their TV volume and realized it was me screaming at the TV. They thought I had the TV's out on the patio in front of a fire, but NO.......I was in the house raising hell. They heard me through two sets of walls and my neighbors do not live close. Very proud of the noise level but glad its not on tape.

Can only guess the neighbor was not home for the bama game if that did not make the top two noise levels from this house.

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Why are folks recording how they watch a game?

I was wondering the same thing! Is recording yourself watching a game a recent phenomenon?! Some of these I'm calling bull on. I think some are recording themselves watching a recording of the game and going all "nuts" to try and get their 15 seconds of fame.

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