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Jameis Winston has 'embarrassed' Hueytown


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Sounds like JW has burned his bridges back to his hometown.

The first few comments by readers are interesting, and then FSU fans must have googled the story and descended on the web site with their view of reality.


HUEYTOWN, Ala. -- There is anger in Hueytown.

On Saturday morning, under a heavy gray sky, they came to H.F. Gilmore-Melvin Stadium on Allison-Bonnett Memorial Drive and sat in the concrete bleachers. This weathered bandbox is where Jameis Winston dazzled as a high school player--where Nick Saban and so many other college coaches came to seduce the Hueytown High quarterback. Now, on this field where Winston once made magic, eight- and nine-year-old kids are playing soccer.

The action is holding the eyes of Pam Miller, 43, whose brother-in-law coached Winston in baseball in Hueytown. "I am furious with Jameis," says Miller, her gaze locked on her son. "I came here and saw him play in high school and he was a special talent. But in high school they allowed him to do whatever he wanted. You could see then that there were problems. So no one here, sadly, is shocked by anything he's done.

"His parents haven't held him accountable, his coaches haven't and the police in Tallahassee haven't. I feel bad for him. I pray for him. Because so many people who are supposed to be leaders are failing Jameis."

Sitting close to Miller is Gary Jennings, 59, whose son, Bo, played cornerback for the Cincinnati Bengals from 2001 to '02 and is now the head coach of the Hueytown Heat youth soccer team, which is dominating on the field. "Jameis doesn't have any respect for women and it's like he constantly needs attention," he says, while watching his grandson dribble the ball. "He's embarrassed Hueytown. If I were his father, I would have had a serious, serious talk with him a long time ago. I'll still root for him, but I fear for him."

In high school, by all accounts, Winston was happy, carefree and constantly beaming -- like he was sitting in front of a giant piece of birthday cake. He lit up every room; you could feel the force field of his innocent joy the moment he entered your zip code.

But on the football field he was unusually serious for a teenager. Matt Scott, Hueytown's coach during Winston's playing days, has told the story of meeting with Winston and other players in the summer of 2009 shortly after he had been hired. It was slated to be a low-key, pitch-and-catch session, but when a senior dropped one of the throws from Winston, then a sophomore, he got in the player's face, yanking his shirt and yelling that he needed to make those plays. Act like a senior, Winston said. Take responsibility for your actions, he implored. Winston's teammates loved it.

Between the lines, Winston has always appeared so mature. He was a seven-year-old Pop Warner quarterback when he called his first audible. Sports consumed his life, so much so Antonor and Loretta Winston worried that their son rarely studied. When they asked little Jameis where his schoolbooks were, he replied that he learned everything he needed in the classroom. He was right. The proof? His stellar grades.

Little Jameis was a fireball of energy. When Antonor left the house for his 3 a.m. shift doing maintenance and repair work for the city of Bessemer, his five-year-old son would be awake and seated in front of the television, his eyes wide, watching cartoons. It was as if he didn't have time for sleep, even then; life's full bouquet was to be inhaled and experienced and indulged in -- not slept through.

It all paid off, of course: As a redshirt freshman last season, Winston won the Heisman Trophy and led Florida State to its first national title since 1999. But when Winston walks off the field, he's a young man who, in his words, believes "the worst day is a rainy day with no laughs... I try to make everybody smile." The statement underscores Winston's life philosophy.

Those who still admire him in Hueytown--there are a few, but not many--believe his missteps are a result of naiveté, of growing up in the country and blindly trusting strangers. Those who are repulsed by his actions see a young man who has never had to suffer serious consequences for his boorish behavior.

His most serious problem began in January 2013 when a female student at Florida State accused Winston of sexual battery. Winston claimed the sex was consensual. Last Dec. 5 Willie Meggs, the state attorney for Florida's second judicial circuit, called a press conference. Occasionally laughing at inappropriate times--this was a case study in how not to conduct yourself at a press conference--Meggs said he would not pursue charges against Winston. But Winston's reputation was undeniably tarnished; he may now be the most reviled college football player in America, and the Seminoles perhaps the most despised team in the sport.

"I know I gotta get more mature," Winston said last December after the ACC championship game. "I gotta get better at everything I do... We gotta keep going higher, and higher, and get better ever single day."

Winston's words were pitch perfect; they also were hollow. This summer, he stole crab legs from a Tallahassee Publix. He apologized, and said he knows he must do better. Yet he still couldn't help himself. Two weeks ago he yelled a profane meme from atop a table on the Florida State campus, an action that caused him to be suspended for last Saturday's Clemson game. But then, incredibly, there he was before the game, jogging out onto the field in his uniform. Seminole coach Jimbo Fisher, his face frozen in a look of utter disbelief, told his quarterback to go back to the locker room and remove his pads. Minutes later, there was the joyous Winston standing at his coach's side, his incandescent smile shining in the night, looking like he was having the time of his life. To say Fisher has been tone deaf in the handling of his quarterback would be to traffic in understatement.

Some 300 miles away from Florida State campus, there is sadness in Hueytown. A banner celebrating Winston's Heisman trophy has been taken down at H.F. Gilmore-Melvin Stadium.

"He's an embarrassment to Hueytown," says Pam Miller, still watching her son play soccer on the same grass where Winston once flourished. "But the bigger issue is that this young man is ripping apart his future with his own hands. It's like a runaway train. You know it's going to wreck, but all you can do is watch. It's terrible and it's tragic."

Miller spoke as if she knows what's coming next.

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What do these people want him to do, act more mature? I don't care for Winston either but after reading this article i'm more sympathetic for him.

Every problem that he has had is due to his own actions..period...so why feel sympathy? Do you feel sorry for other criminals? He has had around 5 incidents while he has been at FSU. 2 stealing incidents, 2 incidents with bb/pellet guns (one on campus which is a gun free zone but he was just hunting squirrels!) One shooting at a BK hitting drive through windows and cars, and the rape allegation..oh and the latest incidents...so either he is clueless or just doesn't think about doing the right thing... here is a quick question...for those that feel sympathy for him, do you feel the same way about the D lineman from UGA that choked his girlfriend? (only one mistake) if not why not...the d lineman hasn't been prosecuted but will have a problem getting a second chance to play maybe...but until he is found guilty he is innocent...just curious as to what people think... I currently live in Tally and folks are about 50/50 on him...
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What do these people want him to do, act more mature? I don't care for Winston either but after reading this article i'm more sympathetic for him.

Every problem that he has had is due to his own actions..period...so why feel sympathy? Do you feel sorry for other criminals? He has had around 5 incidents while he has been at FSU. 2 stealing incidents, 2 incidents with bb/pellet guns (one on campus which is a gun free zone but he was just hunting squirrels!) One shooting at a BK hitting drive through windows and cars, and the rape allegation..oh and the latest incidents...so either he is clueless or just doesn't think about doing the right thing... here is a quick question...for those that feel sympathy for him, do you feel the same way about the D lineman from UGA that choked his girlfriend? (only one mistake) if not why not...the d lineman hasn't been prosecuted but will have a problem getting a second chance to play maybe...but until he is found guilty he is innocent...just curious as to what people think... I currently live in Tally and folks are about 50/50 on him...

I have no sympathy for JW, like the lady said he's a trainwreck waiting to happen and that's sad for a kid so young and talented.
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It's unfortunate that his life has led to this point where he just has no perspective on things, so I feel sorry for him in that regard. That being said, one's actions, to me, are most important when judging somebody -- even though I've never met him -- and his actions are pure idiotic.

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wonder how many of these model citizens of Hueytown are updyke bammers? That cult has embarrassed this entire state and

created a stereotype that has destroyed the quality of life for everyone that isn't part of their sickness

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wonder how many of these model citizens of Hueytown are updyke bammers? That cult has embarrassed this entire state and

created a stereotype that has destroyed the quality of life for everyone that isn't part of their sickness

You hit it Tigerone. This is about him not going to UAT. Hueytown people being embarresed by him. That's funny.

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"He's an embarrassment to Hueytown," says Pam Miller...

Because after all, only the most pristine of souls dwell in the suburban mecca of greatness known as Hueytown.

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He's an embarrassment to college football. It doesn't really matter where he grew up IMHO but I guess Hueytown was hoping for bragging rights and got the Crableg instead.

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The guy is an embarrassment to the human race...

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I have friends that are FSU fans, and they don't care for him much as a person, but as long as he keeps winning football games, they are fine with him being their QB. This is a feeling shared by the FSU coaches and administration, unfortunately. Jameis is Jimbo's meal-ticket, and he needs him to win ball games. This was apparent with 1/2 game suspension Fisher handed down. As for Jameis coming out in full uniform for that game, that was Winston's slap in the face to his coach, to which Fisher ignored the insubordination, further creating the "above the law" attitude in his QB. Also, the fact that Jimbo held a presser on Monday morning after this game to make sure everyone knew Jameis was FSU's starting QB again speaks volumes.

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I have friends that are FSU fans, and they don't care for him much as a person, but as long as he keeps winning football games, they are fine with him being their QB. This is a feeling shared by the FSU coaches and administration, unfortunately. Jameis is Jimbo's meal-ticket, and he needs him to win ball games. This was apparent with 1/2 game suspension Fisher handed down. As for Jameis coming out in full uniform for that game, that was Winston's slap in the face to his coach, to which Fisher ignored the insubordination, further creating the "above the law" attitude in his QB. Also, the fact that Jimbo held a presser on Monday morning after this game to make sure everyone knew Jameis was FSU's starting QB again speaks volumes.

You hitch your wagon to someone like that, eventually he'll take you down with him. FSU, and Jimbo in particular, will rue the day they came in contact with JW.
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I have friends that are FSU fans, and they don't care for him much as a person, but as long as he keeps winning football games, they are fine with him being their QB. This is a feeling shared by the FSU coaches and administration, unfortunately. Jameis is Jimbo's meal-ticket, and he needs him to win ball games. This was apparent with 1/2 game suspension Fisher handed down. As for Jameis coming out in full uniform for that game, that was Winston's slap in the face to his coach, to which Fisher ignored the insubordination, further creating the "above the law" attitude in his QB. Also, the fact that Jimbo held a presser on Monday morning after this game to make sure everyone knew Jameis was FSU's starting QB again speaks volumes.

I think Jimbo & JW orchestrated the JW coming out in uniform and staying on the sidelines the entire game. Jimbo tried to "act" like he wasn't pleased and made him take off his pads, then during the game JW was at Fishers's side and the camera's were on him all night. Jimbo knows what it feels like to win it all and he doesn't want to come down off that mountaintop just yet, so he'll mollycoddle JW as long as it takes.
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I have friends that are FSU fans, and they don't care for him much as a person, but as long as he keeps winning football games, they are fine with him being their QB. This is a feeling shared by the FSU coaches and administration, unfortunately. Jameis is Jimbo's meal-ticket, and he needs him to win ball games. This was apparent with 1/2 game suspension Fisher handed down. As for Jameis coming out in full uniform for that game, that was Winston's slap in the face to his coach, to which Fisher ignored the insubordination, further creating the "above the law" attitude in his QB. Also, the fact that Jimbo held a presser on Monday morning after this game to make sure everyone knew Jameis was FSU's starting QB again speaks volumes.

I think Jimbo & JW orchestrated the JW coming out in uniform and staying on the sidelines the entire game. Jimbo tried to "act" like he wasn't pleased and made him take off his pads, then during the game JW was at Fishers's side and the camera's were on him all night. Jimbo knows what it feels like to win it all and he doesn't want to come down off that mountaintop just yet, so he'll mollycoddle JW as long as it takes.

If a head coach of the #1 team in the country doesn't know what his suspended Heisman-winning QB is doing at all times on a nationally televised game, then shame on Jimbo. I agree, Fisher planned this all along. Probably to make up for his weak-ass 1/2 game suspension that was challenged and over-ruled by the university president. Fisher's "tirade" against Jameis on the sidelines, making him go take his pads off, makes him look like a disciplinarian. Meanwhile, Jameis was probably chowing down some crab legs in the locker room.

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I have friends that are FSU fans, and they don't care for him much as a person, but as long as he keeps winning football games, they are fine with him being their QB. This is a feeling shared by the FSU coaches and administration, unfortunately. Jameis is Jimbo's meal-ticket, and he needs him to win ball games. This was apparent with 1/2 game suspension Fisher handed down. As for Jameis coming out in full uniform for that game, that was Winston's slap in the face to his coach, to which Fisher ignored the insubordination, further creating the "above the law" attitude in his QB. Also, the fact that Jimbo held a presser on Monday morning after this game to make sure everyone knew Jameis was FSU's starting QB again speaks volumes.

I think Jimbo & JW orchestrated the JW coming out in uniform and staying on the sidelines the entire game. Jimbo tried to "act" like he wasn't pleased and made him take off his pads, then during the game JW was at Fishers's side and the camera's were on him all night. Jimbo knows what it feels like to win it all and he doesn't want to come down off that mountaintop just yet, so he'll mollycoddle JW as long as it takes.

If a head coach of the #1 team in the country doesn't know what his suspended Heisman-winning QB is doing at all times on a nationally televised game, then shame on Jimbo. I agree, Fisher planned this all along. Probably to make up for his weak-ass 1/2 game suspension that was challenged and over-ruled by the university president. Fisher's "tirade" against Jameis on the sidelines, making him go take his pads off, makes him look like a disciplinarian. Meanwhile, Jameis was probably chowing down some crab legs in the locker room.

If Jimbo wanted to exercise discipline with JW, he would have sent to the locker room never to be seen again for the entire game. Instead, JW takes off the pads and is allowed to walk the sidelines with his thick gold chain around his neck with the TV camera's zero'd in on him the whole game. Jimbo knew exactly what he was doing and like everything else that has transpired with JW, he didn't give a rip .
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I have friends that are FSU fans, and they don't care for him much as a person, but as long as he keeps winning football games, they are fine with him being their QB. This is a feeling shared by the FSU coaches and administration, unfortunately. Jameis is Jimbo's meal-ticket, and he needs him to win ball games. This was apparent with 1/2 game suspension Fisher handed down. As for Jameis coming out in full uniform for that game, that was Winston's slap in the face to his coach, to which Fisher ignored the insubordination, further creating the "above the law" attitude in his QB. Also, the fact that Jimbo held a presser on Monday morning after this game to make sure everyone knew Jameis was FSU's starting QB again speaks volumes.

I think Jimbo & JW orchestrated the JW coming out in uniform and staying on the sidelines the entire game. Jimbo tried to "act" like he wasn't pleased and made him take off his pads, then during the game JW was at Fishers's side and the camera's were on him all night. Jimbo knows what it feels like to win it all and he doesn't want to come down off that mountaintop just yet, so he'll mollycoddle JW as long as it takes.

If a head coach of the #1 team in the country doesn't know what his suspended Heisman-winning QB is doing at all times on a nationally televised game, then shame on Jimbo. I agree, Fisher planned this all along. Probably to make up for his weak-ass 1/2 game suspension that was challenged and over-ruled by the university president. Fisher's "tirade" against Jameis on the sidelines, making him go take his pads off, makes him look like a disciplinarian. Meanwhile, Jameis was probably chowing down some crab legs in the locker room.

If Jimbo wanted to exercise discipline with JW, he would have sent to the locker room never to be seen again for the entire game. Instead, JW takes off the pads and is allowed to walk the sidelines with his thick gold chain around his neck with the TV camera's zero'd in on him the whole game. Jimbo knew exactly what he was doing and like everything else that has transpired with JW, he didn't give a rip .

He will regret every minute of this when the Title IX investigation comes in and FSU is on the losing end of that. Lie down with snakes. Don't be surprised when they bite you.
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I have friends that are FSU fans, and they don't care for him much as a person, but as long as he keeps winning football games, they are fine with him being their QB. This is a feeling shared by the FSU coaches and administration, unfortunately. Jameis is Jimbo's meal-ticket, and he needs him to win ball games. This was apparent with 1/2 game suspension Fisher handed down. As for Jameis coming out in full uniform for that game, that was Winston's slap in the face to his coach, to which Fisher ignored the insubordination, further creating the "above the law" attitude in his QB. Also, the fact that Jimbo held a presser on Monday morning after this game to make sure everyone knew Jameis was FSU's starting QB again speaks volumes.

I think Jimbo & JW orchestrated the JW coming out in uniform and staying on the sidelines the entire game. Jimbo tried to "act" like he wasn't pleased and made him take off his pads, then during the game JW was at Fishers's side and the camera's were on him all night. Jimbo knows what it feels like to win it all and he doesn't want to come down off that mountaintop just yet, so he'll mollycoddle JW as long as it takes.

If a head coach of the #1 team in the country doesn't know what his suspended Heisman-winning QB is doing at all times on a nationally televised game, then shame on Jimbo. I agree, Fisher planned this all along. Probably to make up for his weak-ass 1/2 game suspension that was challenged and over-ruled by the university president. Fisher's "tirade" against Jameis on the sidelines, making him go take his pads off, makes him look like a disciplinarian. Meanwhile, Jameis was probably chowing down some crab legs in the locker room.

If Jimbo wanted to exercise discipline with JW, he would have sent to the locker room never to be seen again for the entire game. Instead, JW takes off the pads and is allowed to walk the sidelines with his thick gold chain around his neck with the TV camera's zero'd in on him the whole game. Jimbo knew exactly what he was doing and like everything else that has transpired with JW, he didn't give a rip .

He will regret every minute of this when the Title IX investigation comes in and FSU is on the losing end of that. Lie down with snakes. Don't be surprised when they bite you.

I am beginning to believe Felony State, their football mill, and their fans are much worse than UAT's and USCw's put together.

A full house cleaning is needed in Tallahassee, but I doubt it will happen.

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There is soccer in Hueytown. WTF???? The end is near.

They decided to try a sport without timeouts for real athletes. What next, crew?

I've mentioned this on other threads here but living in Tallahassee I run into hundreds of FSU alums and ALL want JW gone. Their most commonly articulated reason is that nobody has had less remorse after having more folks make more excuses for them than JW. That, and the embarrassment he's caused to the "university" more than offsets the Heisman attention.

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