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CU prof's essay sparks dispute

Ward Churchill says 9/11 victims were not innocent people

By John C. Ensslin, Rocky Mountain News

January 27, 2005

A University of Colorado professor has sparked controversy in New York over an essay he wrote that maintains that people killed in the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks were not innocent victims.

Students and faculty members at Hamilton College in Clinton, N.Y., have been protesting a speaking appearance on Feb. 3 by Ward L. Churchill, chairman of the CU Ethnic Studies Department.

They are upset over an essay Churchill wrote titled, "Some People Push Back: On the Justice of Roosting Chickens."

The essay takes its title from a remark that black activist Malcolm X made in the wake of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

Malcolm X created controversy when he said Kennedy's murder was a case of "chickens coming home to roost."

Churchill's essay argues that the Sept. 11 attacks were in retaliation for the Iraqi children killed in a 1991 U.S. bombing raid and by economic sanctions imposed on Iraq by the United Nations following the Persian Gulf War.

The essay contends the hijackers who crashed airplanes into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on Sept. 11 were "combat teams," not terrorists.

It states: "The most that can honestly be said of those involved on Sept. 11 is that they finally responded in kind to some of what this country has dispensed to their people as a matter of course."

The essay maintains that the people killed inside the Pentagon were "military targets."

"As for those in the World Trade Center," the essay said, "well, really, let's get a grip here, shall we? True enough, they were civilians of a sort. But innocent? Gimme a break."

The essay goes on to describe the victims as "little Eichmanns," referring to Adolph Eichmann, who executed Adolph Hitler's plan to exterminate Jews during World War II.

Churchill said he was not especially surprised at the controversy at Hamilton, but he also defended the opinions contained in his essay.

"When you kill 500,000 children in order to impose your will on other countries, then you shouldn't be surprised when somebody responds in kind," Churchill said.

"If it's not comfortable, that's the point. It's not comfortable for the people on the other side, either."

The attacks on Sept. 11, he said, were "a natural and inevitable consequence of what happens as a result of business as usual in the United States. Wake up."

A longtime activist with the American Indian Movement, Churchill was one of eight defendants acquitted last week in Denver County Court on charges of disrupting Denver's Columbus Day parade.

His pending speech at Hamilton has drawn criticism from professors and students, including Matt Coppo, a sophomore whose father died in the World Trade Center attacks.

"His views are completely hurtful to the families of 3,000 people," Coppo said.

A spokesman for Hamilton College released a statement noting that Hamilton is committed to "the free exchange of ideas. We expect that many of those who strongly disagree with Mr. Churchill's comments will attend his talk and make their views known."

Controversial statements

In his essay Some People Push Back: On the Justice of Roosting Chickens, CU professor Ward Churchill argues that:

• The Sept. 11 attacks were in retaliation for the Iraqi children who were killed in a 1991 bombing raid and for economic sanctions imposed on Iraq by the United Nations following the Persian Gulf War.

• Hijackers who crashed jets into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on Sept. 11 were "combat teams," not terrorists.

• The people killed inside the Pentagon were "military targets."

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Same ole insanity from the Right:

"I really believe that the Pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians, ... the ACLU, People For the American Way - all of them who have tried to secularize America - I point the finger in their face and say 'you helped this [terrorist attack] happen." Jerry Falwell, 700 Club, 2001-SEP-13.

So let's get this straight, the gays, feminists and the ACLU (the same one currently defending Rush Limbaugh's privacy) are to blame for 9/11.

Pat Robertson implied God let it happen:

"We have allowed rampant pornography on the Internet, and rampant secularism and the occult, etc. to be broadcast on television. We have permitted somewhere in the neighborhood of 35-40 million unborn babies to be slaughtered by our society."

"We have a court that has essentially stuck its finger in God's eye and said, 'We are going to legislate You out of the schools and take Your commandments from the courthouses in various states. We are not going to let little children read the commandments of God. We are not going to allow the Bible or prayer in our schools.' "

"We have insulted God at the highest level of our government. Then, we say, Why does this happen?' It is happening because God Almighty is lifting His protection from us. Once that protection is gone, we are vulnerable because we are a free society." 7

There you have it, according to Robertson God cut us loose for being a "free society."

The truth is there whack jobs on the left and right.

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I wonder what Mr Churchill ( God, I hate using that name for this clown - clearly he's no relation to Sir Winston ) would think if we advocated the rape and murder of his loved ones, and then went on to say that what ever happened to them was because they asked for and deserved what ever they got. It's sad, but I really think that when folks like this clown make such statements, it's a clear sign of mental collapse. There is nothing rational about what he's saying. He's obviously a sick individual.

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I wonder what  Mr Churchill ( God, I hate using that name for this clown - clearly he's no relation to Sir Winston ) would think if we advocated the rape and murder of  his loved ones, and then went on to say that what ever happened to them was because they asked for and deserved what ever they got. It's sad, but I really think that when folks like this clown make such statements, it's a clear sign of mental collapse. There is nothing rational about what he's saying. He's obviously a sick individual.


I've never heard of this guy, but I've heard some fairly out-of-touch stuff from Russell Means of AIM -- nothing approaching this.

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Ward Churchill is a native American, but I don't know why he's got an English name. Most Indians , particuarly the activist, keep their tribal names, not so in this case. American Indians have more of a reason to bitch about America than anyone - even blacks, but nothing this 'tenured' prof says is based in reality.

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Same ole insanity from the Right:
"I really believe that the Pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians, ... the ACLU, People For the American Way - all of them who have tried to secularize America - I point the finger in their face and say 'you helped this [terrorist attack] happen." Jerry Falwell, 700 Club, 2001-SEP-13.

So let's get this straight, the gays, feminists and the ACLU (the same one currently defending Rush Limbaugh's privacy) are to blame for 9/11.

Pat Robertson implied God let it happen:

"We have allowed rampant pornography on the Internet, and rampant secularism and the occult, etc. to be broadcast on television. We have permitted somewhere in the neighborhood of 35-40 million unborn babies to be slaughtered by our society."

"We have a court that has essentially stuck its finger in God's eye and said, 'We are going to legislate You out of the schools and take Your commandments from the courthouses in various states. We are not going to let little children read the commandments of God. We are not going to allow the Bible or prayer in our schools.' "

"We have insulted God at the highest level of our government. Then, we say, Why does this happen?' It is happening because God Almighty is lifting His protection from us. Once that protection is gone, we are vulnerable because we are a free society." 7

There you have it, according to Robertson God cut us loose for being a "free society."

The truth is there whack jobs on the left and right.


Churchill is paid by the government to teach. Yet, he is still employed. Churchill said it happened because we participate in CAPITALIST AMERICA.

And TT, you get your feelings hurt too quickly. The titile of this was REPYING TO MORE INSANITY TO THE LEFT.

Was this an attempt to classify this one incident to the Democratic party? NO

But it's amazing how quick you responded that so and so did this and so and so did that.

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Same ole insanity from the Right:
"I really believe that the Pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians, ... the ACLU, People For the American Way - all of them who have tried to secularize America - I point the finger in their face and say 'you helped this [terrorist attack] happen." Jerry Falwell, 700 Club, 2001-SEP-13.

So let's get this straight, the gays, feminists and the ACLU (the same one currently defending Rush Limbaugh's privacy) are to blame for 9/11.

Pat Robertson implied God let it happen:

"We have allowed rampant pornography on the Internet, and rampant secularism and the occult, etc. to be broadcast on television. We have permitted somewhere in the neighborhood of 35-40 million unborn babies to be slaughtered by our society."

"We have a court that has essentially stuck its finger in God's eye and said, 'We are going to legislate You out of the schools and take Your commandments from the courthouses in various states. We are not going to let little children read the commandments of God. We are not going to allow the Bible or prayer in our schools.' "

"We have insulted God at the highest level of our government. Then, we say, Why does this happen?' It is happening because God Almighty is lifting His protection from us. Once that protection is gone, we are vulnerable because we are a free society." 7

There you have it, according to Robertson God cut us loose for being a "free society."

The truth is there whack jobs on the left and right.


Churchill is paid by the government to teach. Yet, he is still employed. Churchill said it happened because we participate in CAPITALIST AMERICA.

And TT, you get your feelings hurt too quickly. The titile of this was REPYING TO MORE INSANITY TO THE LEFT.

Was this an attempt to classify this one incident to the Democratic party? NO

But it's amazing how quick you responded that so and so did this and so and so did that.


AU 85, your diapers must be full again.

I didn't attack David, or even disagree with his view that this was insanity. I didn't even argue that it was unfair to characterize the comments of this unknown bozo as representative of the "left." My point was, regardless of one's poliitcal leanings, it is absurd to suggest that we as a people somehow deserved this. That was a common thread between the quotes I cited and the ones he cited. We were attacked by barbaric people. The folks who died didn't deserve it. Period. Anyone who suggests otherwise, I categorize together, regardless of how I might guess they vote.

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OK Texas Tiger, I see where you're coming from, but this guy should be canned regardless , government doesn't hire people to spread hate, but I suppose he's going to hide behind the 1ST AMENDMENT

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Hamilton College cancelled his speaking arrangement.

O' Reilly IS 2 FOR 2, not that this is important, but his voice has helped bring light to these issues.

The other is the Villanova professor.

He should only be canned if he talks sort of like this in the classroom.

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Churchill is an attention-seeking dork, just like that guy who wants to remove "under God" from everything. I'll bet he's about to publish a book and hopes everyone will buy it if he makes himself controversial first.

Get him fired, and you make him a martyr. Better to ignore him and let him dissipate like a noxious fart.

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Churchill is an attention-seeking dork, just like that guy who wants to remove "under God" from everything.  I'll bet he's about to publish a book and hopes everyone will buy it if he makes himself controversial first.

Get him fired, and you make him a martyr.  Better to ignore him and let him dissipate like a noxious fart.


:blink: While I think we agree on what this clown is, I'd not have put it quite so eloquently. I find it funny that this guy claims to be 1/16th Native American, the folkes at A.I.M . have tossed this guy out of their club because he's offered up no proof what so ever of his tribal herritage. He's about as legit and sincere as Michael Moore. Maybe Ward and Michael can spend some quality time together, as it's clear they don't like the United States of America.

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:blink:   He's about as legit and sincere as Michael Moore.  Maybe Ward  and Michael can spend some quality time together, as it's clear they don't like the United States of America.


The ever present Michael Moore obsession on the Right. Moore doesn't like Bush. It is only the mind of Right Wing loons that: the United States of America=George W. Bush.

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:blink:   He's about as legit and sincere as Michael Moore.  Maybe Ward  and Michael can spend some quality time together, as it's clear they don't like the United States of America.


The ever present Michael Moore obsession on the Right. Moore doesn't like Bush. It is only the mind of Right Wing loons that: the United States of America=George W. Bush.


No, America does not = W, but that has nothing to do w/ the fact that Michael Moore hates America. Period. ( except for McDonalds, Pizza Hut, Dunkin Donuts.... :roflol: )

I think I should be given credit for comparing our phony lil NativeAmerican to Michael Moore. Both are self absrobed attention whores who base their entire celebrety status on lies, deception and hatred for America. And Rush didn't even tell me to think of this!

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I think I should be given credit for comparing our phony lil NativeAmerican to Michael Moore.  Both are self absrobed attention whores who base their entire celebrety status on lies, deception and hatred for America.  And Rush didn't even tell me to think of this!


No, Sean Hannity did. :P

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I think I should be given credit for comparing our phony lil NativeAmerican to Michael Moore.  Both are self absrobed attention whores who base their entire celebrety status on lies, deception and hatred for America.  And Rush didn't even tell me to think of this!


No, Sean Hannity did. :P


Now I see it. You have a crush on Sean! :roflol:

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