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Prof accused of plagiarism

Nova Scotia school sends CU a report on Churchill essayBy Laura Frank

Rocky Mountain NewsUniversity of Colorado officials investigating embattled professor Ward Churchill received documents this week purporting to show that he plagiarized another professor's work. Officials at Dalhousie University in Nova Scotia sent CU an internal 1997 report detailing allegations about an article Churchill wrote.

"The article . . . is, in the opinion of our legal counsel, plagiarism," Dalhousie spokesman Charles Crosby said in summarizing the report's findings.

Churchill did not return calls to his home or office Thursday seeking comment.

Dalhousie began an investigation after professor Fay G. Cohen complained that Churchill used her research and writing in an essay without her permission and without giving her credit. Although the investigation substantiated her allegations, Cohen didn't pursue the matter because she felt threatened by Churchill, Crosby said.

Crosby said Cohen told Dalhousie officials in 1997 that Churchill had called her in the middle of the night and said, "I'll get you for this."

Cohen still declines to talk publicly about her experience with Churchill, but she agreed the Dalhousie report could be shared with CU officials, Crosby said, because "whatever concerns she may have about her safety are outweighed by the importance she attaches to this information getting out there."

Crosby declined a request for a copy of the report but said it does not contain information about the alleged threat from Churchill.

It is not clear if CU officials are aware of the alleged threat. A CU spokeswoman said officials there would not comment on any matter related to an ongoing review of Churchill's work.

A three-person panel is reviewing that to determine if he meets the standards of professional integrity set by CU.

The CU Board of Regents ordered the review after the public outcry over an essay Churchill wrote comparing victims of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks to notorious Nazi bureaucrat Adolf Eichmann. Since then, Churchill has come under fire for some of his other writings and speeches, his scholarship, his claim of American Indian ancestry, and even his artwork.

The review panel, led by Interim Chancellor Phil DiStefano, originally was expected to issue its report this week but said it likely won't be released before Monday and perhaps later.

In 1991, Churchill edited a book of essays published in Copenhagen, Denmark, which included a piece by Cohen on Indian treaty fishing rights in the Northwest and Wisconsin. When publishers wanted to reprint the essay in the United States, Cohen declined to allow her essay to appear, Crosby said.

So, Churchill penned an essay on the same topic under the name of the Institute for Natural Progress, a research organization he founded with Winona LaDuke. In the contributors section of the book, Churchill said he took the lead role in preparing the essay.

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Well a little plagiarism has not hurt Joe Biden, Democratic Sr Senator (DE), has it. He has stayed in the Senate. :big:

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When it comes to plagirism, I take the "let he that is without sin, cast the first stone" philisophy. I can be truthful and say there were quite a few of my reports, essays, etc. that were not really my work back in high school and college. Hey, I tried to do my own work at first, but once you get that first big fat "0" because you apparently suck at writing reports, you do what you can do keep your grade good. :bigblush: However, I guess since I was not a professor, senator, or journalist, the transgression was not on the same level as those guys. :D

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Actually, plagarism DID hurt Sen. Biden. At the time the plagarism was revealed, he was hopeful of securing his party's nomination for the presidency. After the revelation, he quickly faded into the limelight. Ted Kennedy is still in the Senate althought he is certainly guilty of negligent homicide, if not murder, so plagarism had as much effect on Biden's career as Kennedy's transgression did.

I don't believe plagarism should be tolerated in any form, but it is especially abhorrent when it comes from someone within the educational establishment. What punishment would prof. Churchill's students face if they had been caught plagarizing another's work? He should be given 10 times whatever a student would be given.

It is becoming apparent that this guy is a real nutcase and needs to have his livelyhood and media access severely restricted. If the leftist liberal loonies want to embrace him and allow him to continue his rants in spite of his loss of credibility, they tie their own credibility, or what is left of it, to the anchor that Churchill is becoming.

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IF he does get canned, the ACLU will come to this numb nut's rescue :poke:


This is why I'm leaving the loser well enough alone. He's clearly seeking attention and wants to be a martyr for liberalism because that's the only way he can grab headlines.

I figure anyone who can get an advanced degree and become a professor is smart enough to know what will happen when you go calling 9-11 victims "little Eichmans". He did it on purpose, for the attention.

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IF he does get canned, the ACLU will come to this numb nut's rescue :poke:


This is why I'm leaving the loser well enough alone. He's clearly seeking attention and wants to be a martyr for liberalism because that's the only way he can grab headlines.

I figure anyone who can get an advanced degree and become a professor is smart enough to know what will happen when you go calling 9-11 victims "little Eichmans". He did it on purpose, for the attention.


I think it was George Wallace who said " Bad publicity is better than no publicity"

This guy will write a book, make tv and radio appearances and still get compenstated for spewing his nonsense. Yet, he runs his country in the ground with his hateful words to this country, but he doesn't mind profiting.

The ACLU will take up for him. The NEW YORK TIMES and LA TIMES will have editorials with support on behalf of Churchill and like you said make him look like a martyr for liberals

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The President of Colorado University Quits...

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

By Bill O'Reilly

The president of Colorado University quits over the Churchill and football controversies. That is the subject of this evening's "Talking Points Memo.

Elizabeth Hoffman (search) announced today she will step down because C.U. is in chaos, with donations down and the school's image in tatters. It was clear to me that President Hoffman simply could not handle the controversies. Here's what I said last Wednesday:


O'REILLY: I'm going to go further. I think Governor Owens should replace the leadership at the University of Colorado. Am I wrong?

She's got to go. I'm telling you. She has got — she is what? The president of the university, right, Hoffman? She's got to go, Dan. Look, she doesn't talk to you. She doesn't talk to me. She doesn't talk to Dave and "The Denver Post (search)," all right?


Now before her resignation announcement, President Hoffman did talk, blaming the Ward Churchill (search) disaster on me and others in the media who she says are pushing a new McCarthyism. —You may remember Senator Joseph McCarthy (search) was a communist witch-hunter in the '50s.

That, of course, is ridiculous. The problems I have with Churchill center on his cruelty towards the 9/11 families, not his insane ideology, which few take seriously.

The problem with President Hoffman and many other college leaders is that they don't live in the real world. Hoffman's not a bad person. She's smart. She's done some good things at C.U. But she's clueless about how radicals like Churchill are perceived by most Americans.

The folks intensely dislike Churchill. They feel he's irresponsible, that he's abusing his position of authority by spewing foolish propaganda and hateful opinions about his own country.

Hoffman is totally intimidated by Churchill. She should have called him into the office and told him to button it, that his offensive rantings for money were making C.U. look bad.

On the football front, President Hoffman was simply overwhelmed. The program was out of control, with sex recruit allegations and slush funds. She simply had no idea how to fix the situation.

The sad truth is that the University of Colorado (search) has been severely damaged on Hoffman's watch. She was smart to resign, showed a lot of class, much more than Ward Churchill would ever show. He'll take the entire University of Colorado down with him.

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A report in "The Denver Post" today says the University of Colorado may pay Churchill to leave the college, which would set off an outcry if taxpayer money is involved. A decision is expected earlier next week. Legal experts say Churchill can't simply be fired for his traitorous statements. He's protected by tenure and the First Amendment. He can, however, be dismissed for "falling below minimum standards of professional integrity."

Now it seems a strong case could be made that Churchill's scholarship is based on nothing more than insane rantings, and that his copying of another person's paintings and selling them is well beyond any academic standard.

But "Factor" sources close to the investigation believe that high-ranking officials at C.U. have a lot to lose if Churchill begins speaking out against the university. Apparently there are many closets inhabited by skeletons in Boulder, Colorado. So the thinking is C.U. will buy them off.

This is a landmark case in the U.S.A.: There's no question Churchill's a traitor. — A man who feels violent acts against America are justified.

But as the ACLU (search) has made very clear, his right to express that vile opinion is protected. And Churchill will file a massive lawsuit if he's dismissed for speech.

"Talking Points" has said all along that Churchill should not be fired simply for speech, no matter how insane. That would set a dangerous precedent and would give the radical professor martyr status. But clearly the man has brought disrepute to the university and his value as an educator has greatly diminished.

In the end, Churchill's going to lose, but not as much as the University of Colorado, which deserves to break bats for promoting a guy like this. There are 52,000 students at the university. —Many of them, embarrassed and angry.

Now America is a divided country at the wrong time in history. Islamic fascists are trying to kill us. There's no question about that. And they have some sympathy on campuses, Churchill, and in the media. And that's the main reason this Churchill story is worth your attention and our effort.

The final act in this awful display is just days away.

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