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Borges: Auburn still has good talent


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Borges raves on irons alot in the article, stating:

"He said that running back remains a very talented position with Tre Smith, Carl Stewart, Brad Lester, and South Carolina transfer Kenny Irons. Smith is listed at No. 1 right now, but he said Irons may be the most talented.

"(Irons) makes a big play about every fifth time he touches the ball. Kenny's gonna be a big factor for us."

Smith has some experience, Stewart is off a solid spring, and Borges said Lester is reminiscent of former Tigers speedster Lionel James."

On Cox:


"Very accurate passer; can be as accurate a passer if not moreso as Jason was," the coach said. "He needs some seasoning, get in the games, screw some things up so that he understands how to play on game day."

Its nice to see this will be a reloading year, not a rebuilding :big:

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I liked this part the best:

"When I came here, I realized very quickly that I was delivered to football heaven," he said. "I finally found, after 30 years, a place that loves football as much as I love it. Everywhere I've been, they love football, but they only love it during football season.

"Here, every season's football season."

Perfect fit then, right? That's a true Auburn man. WDE :au:

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