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BBC blames British voters

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The BBC seems to be placing the blame (indirectly) for yesterdays attacks on the British voters themselves.


Britain therefore remains in the front line, and the option of withdrawing from Iraq and minimising the risk of further attacks is not presently open to British voters.

They have taken their decision and must accept the consequences.

If only we had knuckled under like the Spaniards.........

Even the Israelis are withdrawing from Gaza - not because they want to, but because they feel they have to.


There are those who argue that it does not matter what Western governments do these days, that they are all under threat and some will come under attack

However, that discounts the level of political thinking which is evident among al-Qaeda groups. They certainly have their political strategy and judge governments accordingly.

So murder and sawing off heads of innocents is now considered "political thinking"? I thought (and still do, BTW) the US media were low-lifes, but they are nothing compared to the jackasses at the BBC.

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Okay---I heard earlier this week that Blair had just set up a timetable for withdrawal of British troops from Iraq. Can someone explain why al qaeda supporters would respond to that by blowing things up in Britain? Would that be likely to persuade Blair and the English people that withdrawal is the way to go?

That would be akin to Hamas responding to an Israeli proposal to withdraw from the whole West Bank with another terrorist attack. The thing most likely to take peace offers off the table again. Makes no sense at all. Except--oh wait! Hamas actually did do that! Thereby causing the dovish Barak government to be replaced with Sharon and the hardliners.

Possible explanations:

1. It isn't al qaeda, but the IRA, or G-8 protestors, or some country that didn't get the Olympic bid.

2. If it's al qaeda, they're even crazier than we thought. They would rather have perpetual war, even when more of their guys will get killed, than peace. Only screwballs who wanted war for the sake of war itself would derail a British plan to withdraw from Iraq.

3. Maybe they're even crazier than that--they're completely random, and blow things up without any regard at all for possible consequences.

Anyone got any better ideas? What the **** were they thinking?

And these other people who act like England brought it on itself by being in Iraq--do they have an explanation for why this happened right after a timeline for withdrawal was announced? Or are they just morons?

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Okay---I heard earlier this week that Blair had just set up a timetable for withdrawal of British troops from Iraq.  Can someone explain why al qaeda supporters would respond to that by blowing things up in Britain?  Would that be likely to persuade Blair and the English people that withdrawal is the way to go?

That would be akin to Hamas responding to an Israeli proposal to withdraw from the whole West Bank with another terrorist attack. The thing most likely to take peace offers off the table again. Makes no sense at all.  Except--oh wait! Hamas actually did do that! Thereby causing the dovish Barak government to be replaced with Sharon and the hardliners.

Possible explanations:

1. It isn't al qaeda, but the IRA, or G-8 protestors, or some country that didn't get the Olympic bid.

2. If it's al qaeda, they're even crazier than we thought. They would rather have perpetual war, even when more of their guys will get killed, than peace.  Only screwballs who wanted war for the sake of war itself would derail a British plan to withdraw from Iraq.

3. Maybe they're even crazier than that--they're completely random, and blow things up without any regard at all for possible consequences.

Anyone got any better ideas?  What the **** were they thinking?

And these other people who act like England brought it on itself by being in Iraq--do they have an explanation for why this happened right after a timeline for withdrawal was announced? Or are they just morons?


There is no other motive than islam against infidel. It is taught in the koran that muslims and Christians should not and can not coexist. There are several sharias that teach this, and it is the extremist sect of the muslims that take these sharia literally.

These terrorists are a lot of things, but they are not stupid or moronic. The extremists, especially the leadership, are very well educated (generally western schools) and they know us very well. One of our weaknesses is we underestimate them by thinking they are a bunch of poorly educated cavemen. The ones that strap on the dynamite jackets are usually the poor teens from the slums, but the really dangerous ones (plan the big operations and overall activites) are not poor dummies by any means.

Your explanation #1 above, to me, doesn't make sense. The IRA as a general rule, target British soldiers and the British government. This isn't the work of the IRA. The hippies that spend their filthy, worthless lives protesting everything tump cars over and burn them at their most extreme. Other than that, they serve as tear gas targets. This isn't a G8 hippy protest at all. The other countries in contention for the 2012 Olympics (France, USA, Russia, and Indonesia) wouldn't hold that big a grudge over something as insignificant as the Olympics. We wouldn't do it (Hillary and Schumer seem to be the only New Yorkers truly disappointed over this), France lacks the backbone to stand for anything, this isn't something Russia or Indonesia would do either.

That leaves option 2 and 3. They make the most sense to me.

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That bit about retaliation for the Olympics was a joke. I associate the two only because of the morbid closeness of the events--yesterday's paper was printed before the blasts, and when I picked it up looking for news of the blasts, i found instead a huge front page pic of jubliant, happy young Brits wearing Union Jack facepaint and celebrating the Olympic bid. It was kinda jarring. I did hear that about five groups, including al qaeda but also including the IRA and others, all made statements claiming responsibility.

(speaking of morons, what kind of pinatahead claims to have done an act of terrorism they didn't even do? Do the ones who didn't do it think they'll just win the hearts and minds of everyone if they make it look like they blow stuff up too? Yeah, I didn't agree with those guys before, but since they blew up that omnibus I now see that they must be the good guys! Erin go Bleargh!)

So, if the terrorists are not dummies, what were they thinking? There's Tony Blair announcing plans for troop withdrawal--the Iraq insurgency is getting what it wants from the UK. So if I was one of them, I'd be like, let's leave the British alone and target somepleace else, show them that Islamic militants reward those who back out of Iraq. Instead, they target London for a terrorist attack right on the heels of Blair's peace announcement. Thereby inspiring the Brits and their government to get furious and probably keep the troops there longer than they otherwise would have. If that ain't the work of morons, I guess almighty Allah just doesn't see fit to share the deep wisdom of his great master plan with the likes of me.

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Possible explanations:

1. It isn't al qaeda, but the IRA, or G-8 protestors, or some country that didn't get the Olympic bid.


The IRA was smart enough that immediately after 9/11 they announced there would be no more bombings and they would pursue peace through legislative and diplomatic means. There have been many cease fires by the IRA, but it seems they didn't want a terrorist label on them after 9/11.

As for the G-8 protestors, don't they seem to be a little unorganized for this type of terrorist operation?

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2. If it's al qaeda, they're even crazier than we thought. They would rather have perpetual war, even when more of their guys will get killed, than peace. Only screwballs who wanted war for the sake of war itself would derail a British plan to withdraw from Iraq.

Maybe they are mad because the Brits are not supplying them with a "Target Rich Environment" in their homelands anymore.

Face it. These crazies think war with the rest of mankind is inevitable. IF you are stupid enough to think removing Israel from the area wil get us anything different, you are nuts, The bombing might go away for a few days in Israel if every Jew left. Then they would fight amongst themselves over who controlled it.

Thats a thought. Trick them into fighting among themselves.

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Face it. These crazies think war with the rest of mankind is inevitable. IF you are stupid enough to think removing Israel from the area wil get us anything different, you are nuts, The bombing might go away for a few days in Israel if every Jew left. Then they would fight amongst themselves over who controlled it.


Kinda gives you a sense of respect for the turks, who managed to keep everything from the Tigris to the Mediterranean in order for several centuries.

As I understand it, most of the Middle Eastern countries' borders as we know them weren't even created until after WWI, arbitrarily, by Europeans. And Israel after WWII.

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Now, one week after the attacks on London, it is being reported by our very own Associated Press that the attacks are OUR fault.

London Bombers Were Angered by War in Iraq

By SCHEHEREZADE FARAMARZI, Associated Press Writer

LEEDS, England - Shahzad Tanweer, the 22-year-old son of a Pakistani-born affluent businessman, turned to Islam, the religion of his birth, a few years ago. The transformation was gradual, but then his relentless reading of the Quran and daily prayers became almost an obsession, his friends told The Associated Press. He became withdrawn and increasingly angry over the war in Iraq, according to those who knew him best.

The U.S.-led war was what likely drove him to blow himself up on a subway train last week, said his friends.

"He was a Muslim and he had to fight for Islam. This is called jihad," or holy war, said Asif Iqbal, 20, who said he was Tanweer's childhood friend.

Another friend, Adnan Samir, 21, nodded in agreement.

"They're crying over 50 people while 100 people are dying every day in Iraq and Palestine," said Iqbal. "If they are indeed the ones who did it, it's because they believed it was right. They're in Heaven.

"Have you ever been inspired in life?" he asked.

Tanweer and three other bombers detonated their backpacks on a bus and three subway trains in London on July 7, killing at least 53 people, themselves included, and injuring more than 700.


Here, we're introduced to the human side of the terrorist.

Everyone interviewed in his neighborhood — those who knew him well like Iqbal and Samir, who were schoolmates, or those who saw him in passing — described Tanweer as pleasant and kind.

"He was a nice lad. I don't know how many times he served me fish and chips," said Peter Douchworth, 58, a Beeston resident for over 30 years. "He went out of his way to help."

Tanweer sometimes worked at his father's fish and chips shop, but an employee there said he hadn't worked there for a while.

The family's white house — which has been cordoned off by police since Monday — stands in stark contrast to the surrounding gritty red-brick Victorian row houses. Two fancy cars are parked in the parking lot at the back.

A devoted athlete, Tanweer studied sports science at Leeds Metropolitan University and planned to get involved in sports professionally. He showed up twice a week for pickup soccer games, said a teammate who gave his name only as Saj.

He had a younger brother and two sisters and always lived in the working-class multiethnic Beeston area of the city of Leeds in northern England.



The article goes on and on about the good citizens these murderers were, and again (towards the end of the piece) pins the blame for turning these fine upstanding young muslim men into killers onto the United States.

Now, to see the writing style of this "journalist", do a google search on "Scheherezade Faramarzi" and thumb through some of her other news articles. The anti-American slant is apalling. She was the one that broke the "story" of the American helicopter attack on the 3am wedding party out near the Syrian border about a year ago. If you recall; satcom radios, weapons and a buttload of cash were found at this "wedding party", yet no correction or retraction of this falsehood was ever made.

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Oh, that isn't even the worst of it. I hear that certain third-world leaders are claiming that Americans planted the bombs in the first place. Some nonsense about how we wanted to make sure the Brits stayed in Iraq, or distract the public from Bush's troubles at home, and while we're making **** up, probably we're still mad at King George III.

Yeah, sure, guys, let's go mount an attack on our closest ally of all. Whatever.

I'm getting real tired of the international double standards here. Other countries just bend over backwards to look the other way and give terrorist countries the benefit of the doubt no matter how clear the proof is about their attacks. But when it comes to America, they'll just go equally far out of their way to find an excuse to blame us, actual evidence being unnecessary. Their thanks for the debt forgiveness, I guess.

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Oh, that isn't even the worst of it.  I hear that certain third-world leaders are claiming that Americans planted the bombs in the first place.  Some nonsense about how we wanted to make sure the Brits stayed in Iraq, or distract the public from Bush's troubles at home, and while we're making **** up, probably we're still mad at King George III.

Yeah, sure, guys, let's go mount an attack on our closest ally of all. Whatever.

I'm getting real tired of the international double standards here.  Other countries just bend over backwards to look the other way and give terrorist countries the benefit of the doubt no matter how clear the proof is about their attacks. But when it comes to America, they'll just go equally far out of their way to find an excuse to blame us, actual evidence being unnecessary.  Their thanks for the debt forgiveness, I guess.


You know Piglet, I was just thinking this morning on the drive to work about when the first reference to the Bush/Blair bomb planting conspiracy would surface. I would have given odds that it would have been CBS, AP, or the BBC that made the accusation first though; not a third world leader.

Thanks for the info, I haven't seen it so far in any of my sources....but it will give a good chuckle on the way out to the golf course.

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