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Pre-Game video


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My neighbor from last year, His father is High up in the music program(by high up i mean the very top), ive been talking to him trying to figure out what is going on, and how we can change it.


I will do anything I can.

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I told the lady who answered @ the athletic dept that I cringed @ the thought of hearing "YEA ALABAMMER" played by our band. It is a disservice to wthose who drive 4hrs or more or fly in for that matter to the game.

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The band director must have the letter just on copy and paste for quick response, I got the same letter verbatim as galen and TM, still no response from Dr. Richardson however.

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How about flyers around campus before all the home games for the rest of the season asking, "Do you want to hear the Auburn Band playing Alabama's fight song. If not contact (pres richardson's email) and express your concerns."

This is brainstorming and they might get a bigger idea that the AU faithful are not going to put up with this. I think right now there might just be a couple of people complaining but if we get a couple of thousand that will make a difference. Please expand on the idea if you like it, I am not an extreamly creative person.

I was in the band for two years and I would have quit if they had made me play their fight song. I didn't enjoy it that much anyway. Which part of the problem here is that the uppers at Auburn Band have kind of big heads so I don't think contacting them will do much good either. I think the only way this will change is influencing the president.

I think the younger crowd at AU don't have the dislike for Alabama that the older ones do. I'm not that old but both my parents went to Auburn back in the late 60s and they told me about how things used to be. This is a slap in the face to them I believe.

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Guest Tigrinum Major
The band director must have the letter just on copy and paste for quick response, I got the same letter verbatim as galen and TM, still no response from Dr. Richardson however.


Don't expect any response from the president's office. It isn't forthcoming.

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How about flyers around campus before all the home games for the rest of the season asking, "Do you want to hear the Auburn Band playing Alabama's fight song.  If not contact (pres richardson's email) and express your concerns."

This is brainstorming and they might get a bigger idea that the AU faithful are not going to put up with this.  I think right now there might just be a couple of people complaining but if we get a couple of thousand that will make a difference.  Please expand on the idea if you like it, I am not an extreamly creative person. 

I was in the band for two years and I would have quit if they had made me play their fight song.  I didn't enjoy it that much anyway.  Which part of the problem here is that the uppers at Auburn Band have kind of big heads so I don't think contacting them will do much good either.  I think the only way this will change is influencing the president.

I think the younger crowd at AU don't have the dislike for Alabama that the older ones do.  I'm not that old but both my parents went to Auburn back in the late 60s and they told me about how things used to be.  This is a slap in the face to them I believe.


This sounds like a great idea, anyone going to the game this week and have a reem of printing paper? :au:

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The band director must have the letter just on copy and paste for quick response, I got the same letter verbatim as galen and TM, still no response from Dr. Richardson however.


Don't expect any response from the president's office. It isn't forthcoming.


Why do you say that?

I'm offended that an egghead band director would substitute his whacked ideas about good sportsmanship for the express desires of the fan base that supports the band and makes their performance possible.

As much as I hate to say it, I will probably be booing the band during that part of the pregame. If they continue to do this, my daughter won't be joining the band as she planned when she starts at AU. She's performing with them this Saturday as part of a high school honor band.

For what it's worth, I'll make a half page flyer and run off 1000 copies. That will give me 2000 to hand out. I don't think they grasp just how unhappy the Auburn fans are.

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Guest Tigrinum Major
The band director must have the letter just on copy and paste for quick response, I got the same letter verbatim as galen and TM, still no response from Dr. Richardson however.


Don't expect any response from the president's office. It isn't forthcoming.


Why do you say that?


Because I never got one and they probably have more pressing issues than replying to people complaining about the pregame show. Unless they just get unindated with emails, the president's office will not make a comment. Maybe that time has come.

I am sending emails from numerous eamil addresses that hopefully will be part of a flood. Copy the president's office when you send the email, just don't expect a response.

Here is my latest, probably not nasty enough for ranger's tastes, but I am just an engineer officer, not a snake eater like he is:

Dr. Good:

I wrote to you a week or so ago, expressing my dislike of the new practice of playing the opponent's fight song during pregame festivities.  I appreciate you response, but I am writing to again voice my growing displeasure with the practice.  At first, it was mainly in opposition to the practice that would lead to our band playing "Yea, Alabama" at the last home game.  Now, it has grown to a dislike for the practice as a whole.  In my opinion, it is a downer to the atmosphere and tends to "take the wind out of the sails" of the Auburn crowd.  I realize that you are proud of your band members expressing this sportsmanship act that has been a tradition of bands such as Nebraska, Tennessee and Michigan.  However, we are not and do not strive to be, any of those schools. 

The Auburn University Marching Band needs no other introduction with nicknames and such.  Why do we feel the need to copy the tradition of any other school in this regard?  If we are interested in displaying sportsmanship and class, there must be some other way to do this besides this practice of playing the fight song of the opponent.  Auburn has long been described as the friendliest campus in the nation.  Surely we can show the opponents some hospitality in some other original way that will be uniquely Auburn, not a copy of some other school.  Maybe have the opponent's band play the "National Anthem" or allow them some time on the field before the game. 

I can appreciate the sentiment, but I must again voice my growing disdain of this practice. 



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The band director must have the letter just on copy and paste for quick response, I got the same letter verbatim as galen and TM, still no response from Dr. Richardson however.


Don't expect any response from the president's office. It isn't forthcoming.


Why do you say that?

I'm offended that an egghead band director would substitute his whacked ideas about good sportsmanship for the express desires of the fan base that supports the band and makes their performance possible.

As much as I hate to say it, I will probably be booing the band during that part of the pregame. If they continue to do this, my daughter won't be joining the band as she planned when she starts at AU. She's performing with them this Saturday as part of a high school honor band.

For what it's worth, I'll make a half page flyer and run off 1000 copies. That will give me 2000 to hand out. I don't think they grasp just how unhappy the Auburn fans are.


The flyers are a good idea we need to get the word out about this so thousands of fans can express how they feel and maybe we can make some progress.

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I had an issue that I complained to the Presidents office about after the tech game, and the Presidents assistant responded to me via email within a couple of hours. Her name is Beth Weed, email address is weedbet@Auburn.edu. When emailing her I would be sure and state that your efforts with the communist band director have not worked. I am planning on emailing her about this. Geez now political correctness has infected the football field. We cant let this happen. :au:

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I talked to some friends of mine who are Alabama fans. They are equally appalled at the idea of our band playing THEIR song as Auburn fans are. At last week's game, I noticed members of the MSU band laughing at our band when we did it.

It's not a good idea. As one Bama fan told me:

"This may be the dumbest thing Auburn's ever done."

When you have Auburn and Alabama fans in total agreement, you know it MUST be bad.

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Ok so the flyers thing, i will be going to Homecoming next week, If anyone can make a flyer that expresses our idea and will email it to me(pm me and ill give you my email address), then i can distribute them around campus next Saturday! And help would be nice :D

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The band director must have the letter just on copy and paste for quick response, I got the same letter verbatim as galen and TM, still no response from Dr. Richardson however.


Don't expect any response from the president's office. It isn't forthcoming.


Why do you say that?


Because I never got one and they probably have more pressing issues than replying to people complaining about the pregame show. Unless they just get unindated with emails, the president's office will not make a comment. Maybe that time has come.

I am sending emails from numerous eamil addresses that hopefully will be part of a flood. Copy the president's office when you send the email, just don't expect a response.

Here is my latest, probably not nasty enough for ranger's tastes, but I am just an engineer officer, not a snake eater like he is:

Dr. Good:

I wrote to you a week or so ago, expressing my dislike of the new practice of playing the opponent's fight song during pregame festivities.  I appreciate you response, but I am writing to again voice my growing displeasure with the practice.  At first, it was mainly in opposition to the practice that would lead to our band playing "Yea, Alabama" at the last home game.  Now, it has grown to a dislike for the practice as a whole.  In my opinion, it is a downer to the atmosphere and tends to "take the wind out of the sails" of the Auburn crowd.  I realize that you are proud of your band members expressing this sportsmanship act that has been a tradition of bands such as Nebraska, Tennessee and Michigan.  However, we are not and do not strive to be, any of those schools. 

The Auburn University Marching Band needs no other introduction with nicknames and such.  Why do we feel the need to copy the tradition of any other school in this regard?  If we are interested in displaying sportsmanship and class, there must be some other way to do this besides this practice of playing the fight song of the opponent.  Auburn has long been described as the friendliest campus in the nation.  Surely we can show the opponents some hospitality in some other original way that will be uniquely Auburn, not a copy of some other school.  Maybe have the opponent's band play the "National Anthem" or allow them some time on the field before the game. 

I can appreciate the sentiment, but I must again voice my growing disdain of this practice. 




Yep, too nice. Typical officer. Let the enlisted man take care of it for you. I will give them another week to get squared away. If not, then this ole' Ranger is going to make "soup sandwiches" out of 'em! :angry::lol:

Is there a way we can e-mail them this thread? If we e-mailed the link to the thread, I figure he would not take the time to click the link and check the thread. But if we put it on the body of the e-mail it would be right there for him to at least start reading it before he swallowed his flute.

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I say if you do the flyer thing do it at the SC game, more people will be there. If no change is announced by the UM game do it again.

Also do you think it would have impact to contact the Alumni Association over this?

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This email is now going around:

The Auburn band has started the practice of “welcoming†visiting fans by playing their fight song prior to the game. This means that on November 19, 2005, the Auburn band will strike up “Yea Alabama†unless they are stopped.

Whether you’re an Alabama fan or an Auburn fan, nothing good can come from your rival playing your song. I’ve talked to numerous Auburn fans and have yet to find a single one who supports the band’s decision. I’ve talked to a number of Alabama fans as well and none of them are pleased at the prospect of the Auburn band playing THEIR song. Join me in putting an end to this madness.

email the Auburn band director and the president of the university to express your displeasure. Maybe if enough people write, they’ll come to their senses.




It's making the rounds with Auburn and Alabama fans. I actually got it from an Alabama fan (who got it from an Auburn fan). It's going to fraternities and sororites at both schools.

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Are you ready to hear this in November?

Do you want the Auburn Marching Band to play Alabama’s fight song on OUR field? If not send an email to Dr. Richardson at President@auburn.edu and copy it to the band director Dr. Good at goodric@auburn.edu. They believe this isn’t a big deal. Voice your opinion and prove them wrong.

War Eagle

I created a flyer. Like I said before I'm not creative. Under "Are you ready" I have a clip art band player with AU on their body and coming out of the horn is Yea Alabama.

What do yall think, I'll email it to whoever.

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Are you ready to hear this in November?


Do you want the Auburn Marching Band to play Alabama’s fight song on OUR field?  If not send an email to Dr. Richardson at President@auburn.edu and copy it to the band director Dr. Good at goodric@auburn.edu.  They believe this isn’t a big deal.  Voice your opinion and prove them wrong.

War Eagle

I created a flyer.  Like I said before I'm not creative.  Under "Are you ready" I have a clip art band player with AU on their body and coming out of the horn is Yea Alabama.

What do yall think, I'll email it to whoever.


That sounds good to me, i think im gonna wait till the South Carolina game to distribute them, so that we can get more people!

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Guest Tigrinum Major

Stolen from an ITAT post:

A couple years ago the president of UA personally saw to it that a male Bama cheerleader that said War Eagle on TV, despite being prodded by the ESPN camera, was kicked off the cheering squad. This is an example of how Bama feels about sharing the traditions of their opponents. Why AU feels the need to sleep with an enemy that has no love or respect for its ooponents is beyond acceptance.

I have to say that I agree.

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I really don't care much one way or the other on the band's playing...

But after a 13-0 season I expected a kick-a** type jumbotron promo this year...

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Dunaway and Brown on wjox690 talking about this situation right now. they have already pissed me off. Sportsmanship? PLEASE! Has nothing to do with it. Sportsmanship will take place anyway. DUH! :au::blink:

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Honestly I have no problems with being classy and a good sport...but the biggest gripe I have about this entire situation is the fact that it kills the excitement....and then to make sure all the excitement is gone they show the lame pre kickoff video....so by the time we actually kickoff it's way too quiet for my taste. I still haven't received a response from the athletic department about the video, and I don't expect to. I guess no one really wants to listen to the people who fill the seats and cheer for the team...it seems they are only listening to those who attend the games and act like they are at a golf match....oh well......... <_<

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Ok Guys, since i still have an Auburn email account i spammed the message to everyone in my Address book(a lot of people) and told them to send it to everyone they know! Hopefully the students and Alums get involved we can do something :cheer::au:

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