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al.com polls


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Has anyone here noticed how the daily polls on the Auburn Football page at al.com always seem to have very strange outcomes? I can remember polls this summer like "Which Auburn rookie will have the best NFL debut?" and the landslide winner was Jay Ratliff. Another poll question was "Who will prove to be Auburn's go to back this year?" and I think the winner was Tristan Davis with like 90% of the vote. They had one question this summer about how many wins Auburn would have this year and I think the most popular answer was 3 or less. Of late they have fallen into the normal parameters, but I was wondering if anyone noticed it this summer.

I used to post there in their forums years ago but I became aware that their moderators were vengeful Bammers. They would go into the Auburn forums and delete any negative post about Alabama, even things as benign as “Bama didn't look too good against North Texas last night.” On the other hand the Bama forums were loaded with smack about Auburn, some of it vile. Then whenever you sent an e-mail to the moderator complaining about the unfair treatment your login quit working.

Glad I found WEN.

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The questions on al.com are ALWAYS "slanted" towards the third best Div. I "team" in the state. Reminds me of '93 when tiny tot was asked on the AU call-in radio show:" If we score with 5 seconds remaining in the Iron Bowl to go ahead of (uat) by 100 points, will you call a running play or a pass play on the two point attempt?" :D

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Yea I noticed it this Summer as well. I remember a vote for best running back in AU history and I think Stacy Danley won over Bo and others. As for their formums, years ago I would use them but not anymore. There was never any real discussion on the boards. It was all just :au: fans and :ua: fans fighting. I know there are bammers that post on this site which leads to some heated discussions but everyone here seems a lot more mature than the al.com posters.

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Guest Tigrinum Major
Al.com, ESPN, etc. All of their forums have one thing in common: Too many people, no community, no real mods.

Ok...3 things...  :D


You can add scout and rival boards to that list also, in my opinion.

There is a sense of community, but it is typically a small group that overwhelms the masses.

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