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My Trip To Baton Rouge

Guest Tigrinum Major

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Guest Tigrinum Major

My journey started early yesterday morning, at about 4:00 AM. After making excellent time to Montgomery, I stopped to pick up tickets and had a fender bender. No major damage, but the other guy wanted to get a police report, so I had to wait about an hour to get that all taken care of. No big deal, but it put me behind. I got to Evergreen and met up with two other guys that traveled down there with me.

Once we got to Baton Rouge, we parked next to the RV lot and met up with geauxscott and ate some excellent jambalaya and white beans. Outstanding. There were other Auburn folks there and we hung out for about an hour, or one round of purple and gold jello shots. Again, outstanding. Geauxscott had about two or three girls hanging all over him, which was quite amusing also.

Well, we wanted to see Mike the Tiger’s cage and also find somewhere to watch the Bama game before Tiger Walk, so we walked across campus and stopped for a short time at the tiger cage. Wow, that is a great place for a tiger to roam around. We then went to a place called Slinky’s, where we drank Purple Haze and watched the first half of the Bama game and the Texas-Texas Tech game. Small place, but everyone was friendly and they sold shirts that had on the back “Three Things You Will Never Hear A Bama Fan Say 1. I’ll take Shakespeare for a thousand, Alex. 2. She’s too young to be wearing a dang bikini. 3. I’ll take the small bag of pork rinds.†I bought one.

We then went to Tiger Walk and missed it, as we were late. But we did get invited to about three or four tailgates and stopped and talked with one guy for a long time. He was quite clear that he hated Auburn, but he was trying to do something about changing the reputation of the LSU fans. He practically chased us down and made us stand there and talked until we were finished with our drinks, so that he could refill our glasses. That was always a common theme. The fans I encountered yesterday could not have been nicer. I got my share of Tiger Bait and witty comments, but nothing that was outrageous.

Happened to run into Marcus McNeil’s and Calvin Booker’s parents walking around campus. Nice people. I told Marcus’ dad that I hoped Big Mac made a billion dollars in the NFL, but I was glad when he decided to come back. He said he hoped he made a billion dollars also. Great folks. It is easy to see why Marcus is such a nice guy.

I then met up with Jenny, who is in reality just like she is on the forums. Witty, outspoken, and Auburn to the core. We talked for about 15 minutes and walked into the stadium together. Met her husband and his friend, who extended an invite to spend the night at his house if we did not want to drive back. Again, nothing but class from the LSU fans.

The game. Well, I can’t say anything that hasn’t already been said. Sheer joy and elation gave way to that punched in the gut feeling at the end. I was proud of the team and every player, even the ones that made mistakes. Cox was steady and did what he needed to do to win the game. No mistakes, with the only possible negative being the grounding call. No biggie, either way, he lost yardage and the down. I am excited about the next two years.

LSU’s crowd was amazing, but wasn’t a factor in the outcome of the game. Those folks are loud.

After the game, no big incidents outside of a cup of whiskey thrown from the upper part of the end zone that almost hit one of my friends. All the LSU fans that said anything left it at “Great game.†I responded with “Beat Bama.†(Yeah, I know that won’t help us, but I can’t go against my raising.) Some students and younger people got a little rowdy, but no one got in my face or got out of control. Saw lots of Auburn fans with that same look that I had on their faces and we exchanged War Eagles.

We drove back to South Alabama last night and I traveled back to Birmingham this morning. Long trip, but even with the loss, well worth it.

Thanks to all the LSU fans that kept me fed and in beer yesterday. See you in Auburn next October.

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thanks for sharing, tm. sounds like it was a great trip even w/ the outcome.

i've tailgated at one bama/lsu game w/ no bad stories to tell too. but that was 13+ years ago...

hope to see you in oneonta THURSDAY NIGHT for the football game. we need to arrange a meeting place....


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yeah glad you were able to stop by get some food after your long drive down. What was funny was while TM was trying to locate us I guess he ran into one of my AU friends that was roaming the RV lot. So when he finally found us he came walking up with my buddy Ryan and he said "oh, this is the A-hole you were looking for?" it was pretty funny.

Oh and about the girls, thats not normal!!! LOL!! but this one chick would not leave me alone all day, I remember talking to TM and his buddies while they were eating and she would not leave me alone the entire time.....and another funny thing was (and this is no joke) I was wearing that AXE deoderant for the first time that you see on the commercials where all the girls can't resist the guy. Me and my buddies were joking about that.........so I guess it works!!! :lol::lol:

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So yea... Baton Rouge was fun and I don't know if I caught it on a bad year, but the fans weren't nearly as bad as everyone made it out to seem. They were welcoming for the most part. Yea, a bunch of "Tiger Bait" but quite a few of them did it just for fun and would smile about it. Very few were actually hardcore and mean about it.

In the stadium - no fans threw anything at us (not me anyways)

After the game - the vast majority of the fans were very nice in victory and were like "Hey Auburn! Great game" and in a very genuine way, not sarcastic.

BTW, I stopped at some frat tailgate and the guy made the best tenderloin I've ever had. Good cooks, great atmosphere

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My journey started early yesterday morning, at about 4:00 AM.  After making excellent time to Montgomery, I stopped to pick up tickets and had a fender bender.  No major damage, but the other guy wanted to get a police report, so I had to wait about an hour to get that all taken care of.  No big deal, but it put me behind.  I got to Evergreen and met up with two other guys that traveled down there with me. 

Once we got to Baton Rouge, we parked next to the RV lot and met up with geauxscott and ate some excellent jambalaya and white beans.  Outstanding.  There were other Auburn folks there and we hung out for about an hour, or one round of purple and gold jello shots.  Again, outstanding.  Geauxscott had about two or three girls hanging all over him, which was quite amusing also. 

Well, we wanted to see Mike the Tiger’s cage and also find somewhere to watch the Bama game before Tiger Walk, so we walked across campus and stopped for a short time at the tiger cage.  Wow, that is a great place for a tiger to roam around.  We then went to a place called Slinky’s, where we drank Purple Haze and watched the first half of the Bama game and the Texas-Texas Tech game.  Small place, but everyone was friendly and they sold shirts that had on the back “Three Things You Will Never Hear A Bama Fan Say  1. I’ll take Shakespeare for a thousand, Alex.  2.  She’s too young to be wearing a dang bikini.  3.  I’ll take the small bag of pork rinds.”  I bought one.

We then went to Tiger Walk and missed it, as we were late.  But we did get invited to about three or four tailgates and stopped and talked with one guy for a long time.  He was quite clear that he hated Auburn, but he was trying to do something about changing the reputation of the LSU fans.  He practically chased us down and made us stand there and talked until we were finished with our drinks, so that he could refill our glasses.  That was always a common theme.  The fans I encountered yesterday could not have been nicer.  I got my share of Tiger Bait and witty comments, but nothing that was outrageous.

Happened to run into Marcus McNeil’s and Calvin Booker’s parents walking around campus.  Nice people.  I told Marcus’ dad that I hoped Big Mac made a billion dollars in the NFL, but I was glad when he decided to come back.  He said he hoped he made a billion dollars also.  Great folks.  It is easy to see why Marcus is such a nice guy.

I then met up with Jenny, who is in reality just like she is on the forums.  Witty, outspoken, and Auburn to the core.  We talked for about 15 minutes and walked into the stadium together.  Met her husband and his friend, who extended an invite to spend the night at his house if we did not want to drive back.  Again, nothing but class from the LSU fans. 

The game.  Well, I can’t say anything that hasn’t already been said.  Sheer joy and elation gave way to that punched in the gut feeling at the end.  I was proud of the team and every player, even the ones that made mistakes.  Cox was steady and did what he needed to do to win the game.  No mistakes, with the only possible negative being the grounding call.  No biggie, either way, he lost yardage and the down.  I am excited about the next two years.

LSU’s crowd was amazing, but wasn’t a factor in the outcome of the game.  Those folks are loud.         

After the game, no big incidents outside of a cup of whiskey thrown from the upper part of the end zone that almost hit one of my friends.  All the LSU fans that said anything left it at “Great game.”  I responded with “Beat Bama.”  (Yeah, I know that won’t help us, but I can’t go against my raising.)  Some students and younger people got a little rowdy, but no one got in my face or got out of control.  Saw lots of Auburn fans with that same look that I had on their faces and we exchanged War Eagles. 

We drove back to South Alabama last night and I traveled back to Birmingham this morning.  Long trip, but even with the loss, well worth it. 

Thanks to all the LSU fans that kept me fed and in beer yesterday.  See you in Auburn next October.


Regardless of what you guys may think, LSU fans really aren't Satan incarnate. We do like to party and have a good time and we love SEC football. And whether we admit it or not, we love SEC football and pull for and respect other SEC schools when they are not playing LSU. If you guys would have gotten a shot at USC last year, I would have been the first in line with my Auburn shirt and hat and would have perfected my "WarEagle" to watch you guys kick the **** out of those a**holes. This was a great game and the reason I love SEC football so much. Good luck to you guys the rest of the season!

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TM looks like we might have just missed each other. me and the wife went to slinky's also for a 24oz Bud Light tall boy for the walk to the tail gate.

We looked for you at the TD.com tailgate but sounds like your dance card was full. We had chicken and sausage jambalaya and abita amber in the keg.

I would like to say to all Auburn fans that most LSU people i talked to went out of their way to be nice to every Auburn fan they saw. Tiger Bait calls were followed by offers of food and drinks. So an effort is being made to right past wrongs.

I won't say good game because it really wasn't a good game. It was a sloppy, gutwrenching and an interesting game, sorry someone had to lose.

good luck with the rest of the season.


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Wow, I guess I'm not needed around here anymore. :)

Honestly, this thread has made my day. I'm very happy that reports are coming back positive. You guys may wonder why I somewhat obsessively defend LSU fans on this board but it's because I know we have so many good fans and it's very dishearting when the bad ones get all the attention. Anyway, I'm glad to hear you guys were treated with respect for the most part. You guys should be proud of your team and your fan support was second to none.

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Wow, I guess I'm not needed around here anymore. :)

Honestly, this thread has made my day.  I'm very happy that reports are coming back positive.  You guys may wonder why I somewhat obsessively defend LSU fans on this board but it's because I know we have so many good fans and it's very dishearting when the bad ones get all the attention.  Anyway, I'm glad to hear you guys were treated with respect for the most part.  You guys should be proud of your team and your fan support was second to none.


Nice post TM.

SEC FAN, you were never needed here, you came here on your own accord. You were never present on the past 2 threads that actually noted content from books and newspapers, yet were definitely present when you had the chance to yell," BS, its made up."

It seems like alot of fans had a great time over there, and thats all that really matters. As for getting your panties in a wad constantly saying the accusations arent true, well thats just bogus. So I guess since you think you arent needed here anymore you will actually talk football now or leave? Doubt it. Hopefully one or the other will be true.

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Wow, I guess I'm not needed around here anymore. :)

Honestly, this thread has made my day.  I'm very happy that reports are coming back positive.  You guys may wonder why I somewhat obsessively defend LSU fans on this board but it's because I know we have so many good fans and it's very dishearting when the bad ones get all the attention.  Anyway, I'm glad to hear you guys were treated with respect for the most part.  You guys should be proud of your team and your fan support was second to none.


Nice post TM.

SEC FAN, you were never needed here, you came here on your own accord. You were never present on the past 2 threads that actually noted content from books and newspapers, yet were definitely present when you had the chance to yell," BS, its made up."

It seems like alot of fans had a great time over there, and thats all that really matters. As for getting your panties in a wad constantly saying the accusations arent true, well thats just bogus. So I guess since you think you arent needed here anymore you will actually talk football now or leave? Doubt it. Hopefully one or the other will be true.


My statement about not being needed here was just a joke. Lighten up a little. :)

Countless times I stated the stories from the newspapers were true so I'm not sure where you're coming from there.

I'm more of a listener than a talker unless I feel the need to defend. I frequent this forum because I enjoy reading the entertaining and informative post here. I will continue to visit this forum as long as the moderators allow whether you like it or not. Have a good day.

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Tig Major is a funny drunk. :big: (And ladies, FWIW, he is also a cutie and a total gentleman. His wife is a lucky woman.) He is also just like he is on the forums - talkative, expressive and quite smart, even when a wee bit intoxicated. That T-shirt he bought is HYSTERICAL!!

I also met my long lost twin sister - this LSU girl had on a t-shirt that had the little boy flipping a bird on it with the caption "HEY BAMA! UP YOURS!". I started talking to her, and she said I hate bammer about as much as I hate Steve Spurrier." I got goosebumps!!! She even said she still hates Florida since he USED to be there... that she saw a t-shirt somewhere that said "I always knew Spurrier was a cock." Man, she was reading my mind!!!

I also had nothing but a positive time in terms of walking around and stuff - but then again, I have never had a bad experience. I am sure that holding hands with an LSU fan helps, but other than a few "Why are you guys together?" questions, to which I answer "He married up." , no comments at all. :au:

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Guest Tigrinum Major
(And ladies, FWIW, he is also a cutie and a total gentleman.  His wife is a lucky woman.)  He is also just like he is on the forums - talkative, expressive and quite smart, even when a wee bit intoxicated. 



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(And ladies, FWIW, he is also a cutie and a total gentleman.  His wife is a lucky woman.)  He is also just like he is on the forums - talkative, expressive and quite smart, even when a wee bit intoxicated. 




Hey TM what happened dude?

We looked for your crew, had some wine, women, jambalaya and songs waiting on you guys.

sorry about the game. Helluva way to lose. next year, your place.


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Guest Tigrinum Major
(And ladies, FWIW, he is also a cutie and a total gentleman.  His wife is a lucky woman.)  He is also just like he is on the forums - talkative, expressive and quite smart, even when a wee bit intoxicated. 




Hey TM what happened dude?

We looked for your crew, had some wine, women, jambalaya and songs waiting on you guys.

sorry about the game. Helluva way to lose. next year, your place.



We got into town a little late, supa. Plus, we wanted to watch the Bama game, so we ended up at Slinky's. I tried to call you once or twice, but my cell coverage was spotty and I wasn't exactly sure where y'all were. Plus, we kept getting waylaid by overzealous LSU fans that insisted we drink with them.

Thanks for the invite. I will be sure to make it next time to the TD spot.

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we were around Pleasant Hall from Slinky's. We went to The Varsity to watch the end of the Ut/UA game. There were some Auburn fans there watching the game with ONE Alabama fan there. When the kick was good the Auburn fans started BOOING the celebrating UA fan. It was awesome. All of the LSU fans were cheering for Alabama except for the handful of AU people in the house.

We didn't have any cell phone reception at the tailgate. Sorry you missed out.

your place next year ;)

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Glad to see that everyone was treated well. Several AU fans stopped by our site and I know they were treated very well and were provided food and beer (Abita). Many of them decided to go the keg stand route and, while I haven't done that simce my younger days, I was impressed. A lot stayed and tailgated with us for quite some time and we enjoyed everyone who stopped by. Only one guy got offended by tigerbait but, as is the case with fans everywhere, some just don't get it. For any of our fans who were out of line - I apologize - they are not representative of who we are.

The game was typical of these two teams - not pretty and very close. Good luck until we meet again.

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worst roadie of my life, but it had nothing to do with the fans. i love lsu fans (probably my favorite in the conference outside of auburn and msu b/c i was raised in starkville) which always gets a great reaction from other people, and the lsu fans didn't disappoint. although i was never offered free food which was a first. oh well. you can't win 'em all. only fan based negative as some drunk that was yelling about how big his piece was... i wasn't in the mood for that, but he was just a dumb jack frat kid.

funniest taunt of the day: walking past a group of frat rats it looks like they're about to do start shouting all kinds of crap. instead, the guy jumps out and yells "our kicker is waaaaaay better than your's. that's all." funny.

i haven't had a place to relay this, but you guys did take down the prize for worst traffic control i've ever seen. you topped one exit fayetteville and no major roads starkville on this one. i was literally not allowed to leave my parking lot for over an hour. the cop barred us from turning right to get to the river road, and cars turned off their engines after turning left. that was a joke. compounded by my roomie puking from food poisoning and a losing effort. then i forgot how late it was and didn't get gas in baton rouge. we stopped a number of places.. all closed, ran out of gas in gulfport and slept in the car till a flying j opened. got back to auburn at 9ish in the morning. just a train wreck of a road trip, but i still love lsu fans.

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