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ATTN: Birmingham Area AUNation Members!

Guest Tigrinum Major

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I had a great time, just wish I could have made it sooner. It was great to meet everyone, and I am looking forward to the next one. There are two things I am always up for: having a beer and talking Auburn football!

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Guest Tigrinum Major

Thanks to all that braved 280 traffic and showed up. It was a modest success and we will be having another one after the first of the year, probably closer to February than New Year's. Maybe a recruiting party.

Location will probably be in Homewood next time, maybe Oak Hill or New York Pizza. Any and all suggestions will be considered.

MDM4AU, I expect you to make it next time or we will have Titan withhold all Christmas and birthday gifts. Numa, TigerMike, AUTrey, abrnfanatc and anyone else in the area should come out and join in the fun!

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I really wanted to be there, but a virus kept me away. Although I was last, that virus got every member of my family. Luckily, it was only the 24 hour variety.

I will definitely be at the next get-together. I've been wanting to put faces with the names -er - faces and names with the usernames.

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i had a good time ( even though i was th eonly girl) hehe.... It was good to see david Tigmajor and Ward again and meeting all the new faces.....even though my brother was sitting at my house waiting for me to arrive so he could spend the night at my house b/c his truck broke down....<sigh>

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I really wanted to get there and meet everybody I have been conversing with here, but alas...work got in the way. I had an emergency that I had to take care of last night. I tell ya, if I have to miss the next one, I might just quit! ;)

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Thanks to all that braved 280 traffic and showed up.  It was a modest success and we will be having another one after the first of the year, probably closer to February than New Year's.  Maybe a recruiting party. 

Location will probably be in Homewood next time, maybe Oak Hill or New York Pizza.  Any and all suggestions will be considered.

MDM4AU, I expect you to make it next time or we will have Titan withhold all Christmas and birthday gifts.  Numa, TigerMike, AUTrey, abrnfanatc and anyone else in the area should come out and join in the fun!


I actually have a valid excuse. My wife's car broke down (needs a new engine) and the warranty company was trying not to pay so I was hashing it out with them. I probably could have used a drink after dealing with those jackasses. Anyway, I hate that I missed. Sounds like a great time was had by all. I plan on being at the next one!

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Guest Tigrinum Major
I actually have a valid excuse.  My wife's car broke down (needs a new engine) and the warranty company was trying not to pay so I was hashing it out with them.  I probably could have used a drink after dealing with those jackasses. Anyway, I hate that I missed.  Sounds like a great time was had by all.  I plan on being at the next one!


I hate car trouble. I had issues with mine about a month ago and was ready to trade it in. Four minor repairs and $135 later, it runs like a top despite having 158,000 miles on it. I did replace the tranny at 100,000, but it looks like it will run forever now.

I was just giving you a hard time. Titan will still get you a Christmas present.

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